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Kaylub opened his eyes to find himself standing in a living room of an apartment, there was a note on the door.

Dear Kid,

I told you you'd have a place to stay, don't worry about paying rent, and within your pocket you'll find a card that changes our currency to any world's currency so no worries about having to get a job as you already have one. First paycheck is in a week, but I already set you up with a thousand dollars to start off with. It's what all first timers get, and all this information you would have been informed of after day one, but you have a much more important mission.

From, your boss/mentor/friend Detective Shonen

Kaylub couldn't help himself from giggling at his sensei's message. He checked his pocket and pulled out a card that simply had a black cloak on it.

"Clever." He checked his watch and saw that his clock was set for six months. He changed out of his uniform into a simple black top with jeans and some sneakers. Might as well go out for a bit of a jog to get my bearings. One flaw he found with the watch is that it doesn't tell the universe. There were three ways he could check the universe he was in. News, technology, or simply going outside. He chose the latter due to needing air after using the telewatch. He looked at his building making a mental reminder of where he lived and set off on a jog looking around at the skyscrapers, the lack of people, and then the loud boom. He stopped and looked towards where a smoke cloud was rising up. He followed the cloud up and noticed a building with a large A on it's side. Marvel.

He jogged away from the smoke cloud knowing that was where the people went and all the attention was on them. He continued his jog getting the layout of the place before he decided to head back.

"There he is, get him!" Kaylub turned to see a group of boys running down an alleyway. He walked towards the alleyway and saw a male with blue skin, yellow eyes, and a tail. He was cornered by the other males who were about to hit him.

"Insecurity, abuse from father, just tagging along, and finally a mutaphobic." All four boys turned around and blinked as Kaylub stood there.

"Who are you?"

"Detective Usinagi," Kaylub said as he pulled out his badge. "Now leave the poor boy alone before I contact the people you fear the most finding out about your bullying."

The boys looked to each other before busting out laughing.

"And who might the people we fear be?"

"Your mother, younger sister, older brother, and your coach." As each person was called each boys eyes widened. "So leave now." The boys quickly rushed out of the alleyway as Kaylub went towards the still cowering boy. "They're gone now, you should get back home with the other mutants," he said softly placing a soft hand onto his shoulder. He gave the other male a soft smile as yellow eyes met bright blue.

"H-how did you do zhat?" He asked his German accent rich.

"Simply psychology, I'm a detective after all." A smile was enough for the male to nod and get up.

"Zhank you." He then exits the alleyway as Kaylub follows heading back to his own place.

Once he arrived back at his place he used his key and then turned to see a man dressed in a red cloak wearing a blue monk-like attire with grey eyes baring down at a blank white card in his hand.

"Clever thing you got here," the strange man said turning to Kaylub holding up his card. "What are you and why are you here?"

"First off, it's rude to snoop in other people's things, and secondly what I'm doing here doesn't concern you." Kaylub walked forward and simply took his card back placing it in his pocket as he walked by the taller male.

"That doesn't answer my questions." A golden rope like substance wraps around Kaylub forcing him to stay put.

"To put it simply, I'm here to help," Kaylub said looking over his shoulder.

"Against what?"

"A threat you don't know exists."

"Try me."

"Shadows are a race of beings that live throughout multiple different worlds and they're peaceful beings that no one even knows they exist, except for my kind. We live outside time and space and formed a balance with the Shadows. There's a threat that plagues not only the shadows but the worlds as well and you don't know they exist because like their sane counterparts Ferals are good at blending in."


"Ferals are shadows that have lost their minds and are bent on death and destruction throughout the worlds. You don't notice because it seems like small things, but a small ripple can turn into a tsunami with time. That's why I'm here. I'm the light that can fight the Ferals, because I can sense them and easily detect them thus making it easier to track them down."

"How long will you be here?"

"Six months, but don't worry, I'm not intent on making my presence known."

"I'll be keeping an eye on you." He released Kaylub before making movement with his hands causing a golden ring to appear and he steps through it.

Well that was something. Doctor Stephen Strange, surgeon turned Sorcerer Supreme. Kaylub thinks as he stretches and rubs his neck as he felt a ping in his head.

Kaylub sits down on his bed in a meditative state and closes his eyes before opening them to find himself standing in the interrogation room with a suspect across from him. He looks behind him to see black glass and turns back to the suspect who blinks.

"Who are you supposed to be, the good cop?" The male with light red eyes asked as he had a bruised cheek and a nearly gone black-eye. He was twitching anytime Kaylub raised his hand experimentally.

"You suffer from abuse don't you? You're only involved with this group due to the fact that you get paid and it helps to save any penny you can get, but you still get abused as you haven't fully left your mother who beats you for looking to much like your father. You want to leave, but as she's your mother and you're not old enough to gain custody of your weaker younger sister who you care deeply about. I'm not here to hurt you or to lock you up, but if you help me I can get help for you." The young man was already crying as soon as Kaylub finished. He gave up the information he was holding in as Kaylub just gave him a soft smile before closing his eyes and opening them to find himself back in his room.

He pulled up his laptop and opened it up to see a password lock requiring his code. He rolled his eyes and touched the screen causing it to unlock. He saw that there were a few files he needed to review and cases he needed to wrap up for Detective Shonen. He typed quickly and finished as the moon rose.

He got up and threw on his uniform. His black cloak fell just above his black boots heel. He ran a hand through his hair before throwing on his hood. His eyes gained a light glow to them as he jumped off his balcony and onto the neighboring roof.

Spider-man was out on his nightly patrol when he notices a chase happening on the roof across from where he was perched. He was about to get involved when a light flew from the chaser and struck the runner causing them to just disappear, before he could react a light shaped like a dagger flew by his head. He turned to see the target to see nothing and when he turned back the person was gone. I have to tell the others.

Kaylub stretched as he changed out of his uniform and into a starry pajama shirt that fell below his knees. He had taken down five ferals before noticing Spiderman on the other roof. I'll have to be more careful. He thought before climbing into bed planning on taking a morning jog when he wakes.

He woke up the next morning and made a bowl of cereal before taking a pill, because unlike other worlds Cerians food is made of pure energy and doesn't have subsidence, and the pill dissolves the food to pure energy. He got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and tank top before exiting his apartment and started his jog.

"Good to see a fellow citizen getting that morning exercise." Kaylub looks to see a man with blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes smiling a pearly white smile at him. Kaylub blinks before nodding. "Mind if I join you? My usual jogging partner is currently busy." Kaylub shook his head as the two kept a pretty even pace together.

When the sun had risen, and the city became more alive, the two decided to have a water break at a Starbucks.

"So, what's your name?"

"Kaylub, and you are?" This shocked the blonde male who then nodded to himself.

"Names Steve." Guess he just wanted to be polite. Kaylub nods and takes a drink of his water.

"Well, Steve, it was nice meeting you." He stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait, I haven't had anyone keep up with me for a while, so if you wanna jog again." He handed Kaylub a slip of paper with a number on it. Kaylub gave a nod and left.

He was heading home before an explosion blocked his way and people screaming ran by him. He sighed and saw a crowd of people gather to watch as Hulk seemingly crashed through the building by him. There was something off with Hulk as the Avengers came through and tried to calm their teammate. Loki or Enchantress. Kaylub thought as he walked away from the scene as it didn't involve him.

His eyes had a flash of light in them as he looked towards an alleyway to see a feral cornering a potential host.

"Now what do you think you're doing?" Kaylub asked as his uniform was on and his eyes glowing. "Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the others to get yourself a vessel?" The feral turned towards him and rushed towards him only to instantly dissipate as a light dagger was were the feral's chest would have been. He looked to the unconscious person and sighed as he changed back and lifted the small girl up and carried her out of the alleyway and back to her mother who gratefully thanked Kaylub, who only gave a smile and 'it was nothing' before leaving.

Kaylub traveled back to his apartment and tossed away the paper. He wasn't planning on becoming friends with the Captain America. He knew the laws, no one was supposed to know what he was and if they did they had to forget.

"Luckily they can't tell the difference between human and alien by looks alone." Kaylub sat on his couch and opened his laptop seeing new reports needing to be filled out. He smiled softly to himself and got to work on them before deciding to head out once again, but this time to the library.

"Hi, I would like to check out these books," Kaylub said as he showed the librarian his large stack of eight books.

"Well, sweety we have a code here, if you check out a book you must return it within three weeks or else you'll be fined."

"Don't worry, I'll have them back to by the end of the week." She chuckled at Kaylub's words as she checked out the books for him. "Thank you."

Back at his apartment he cracked open the first book and started to read.

By the time it was dark, Kaylub had already finished two of his eight books. He changed into his uniform as his eyes glowed softly and he left once again, but this time he avoided his previous route and took out more ferals then his first night before returning home and going to bed.

His routine was simple. Jog in the morning, read, do the reports, respond to calls, go out and hunt ferals, go to sleep.

It was like this for two months until a golden ring appears in Kaylub's living room and out of it came Dr. Strange.

"What, no letter in advance? If I knew I would be having a guest I would have gotten dressed," Kaylub said from where he was still in his pajamas, which was an over-sized shirt, on the couch. He sat up and looked at Dr. Strange.

"I want a report."

"Sorry, you're not my boss."

"I meant a report on your progress and how soon you'll be leaving."

"Again you still aren't my boss."

"Now, I was being polite."

"What now?" A golden rope wraps around him and pulls him to Strange. Kaylub blinks from being close to the other male, he felt a heat rush to his cheeks.

"Report, now."

"Fine, I been taking down ferals at night, but I still got four more months till I can use Light Protection and leave. Happy?" He's released as Dr. Strange steps back.

"Thank you, I'll be back in a month. Remain out of trouble, will you." He then leaves as Kaylub plops back down onto the couch. He's not going to let me do my job without intervening will he? Kaylub sighed as he reached over and opened the fiction book he had put down when Strange entered.

Few weeks later, and Kaylub was unable to not be in trouble as Loki had noticed the non-human and decided to cause some chaos for the poor officer who was just trying to do his job.

"So, what is it you're doing?" Loki asked as he was hovering close to the light wielding officer who was currently blocking an attack from a feral who had a developed body and abilities. Kaylub ignored the god of mischief and focused on the problem he had at hand. "You know I'm not going to go away right?" Kaylub slit the throat of the feral causing them to poof into nothing.

"Yes, I realize that now I have a second magic wielding being who won't leave me alone to do my job. Except that with you I also have to worry about the Avengers tracking you down which leads them to me." Loki blinks at him before chuckling.

"You're quite the bright one aren't you?"

"You interdimensional travel a lot, yet you never met us before?" Loki freezes looking back at Kaylub.

"You're with the IPF?"

"You couldn't tell by the uniform?"

"I tend to avoid remembering the constant black cloaked officers who drag me back to this dimension. You seem rather young...a new graduate maybe?"

"Yes, just graduated and I would rather be able to do my job in peace."

"What is the IPF doing here-"

"It's just me."

"Okay, why are you here?"

"You remember that thing I was fighting?"


"That was a feral, a shadow being that can only be killed by pure light."

"So this whole glowing eyes and the light sword is you?" Kaylub nodded.

"So now will you leave me alone so I can do my job?" Loki shakes his head.

Loki had become an addition to Kaylub's daily life as he would change into civilian clothes and stick close to Kaylub.

Kaylub wasn't exactly pleased with Loki being around, but knowing the god was trying his best to keep his signature hidden for his sake, made him feel a bit better about having around.

On the supposed day of Stranges visit, Kaylub was on the couch his legs on Loki as the two were reading in their pajamas. It became a normal routine for the two.

Dr. Strange arrived through his portal as neither looked up from their books.

"Ferals are still under control though a few are getting stronger," Kaylub said as Strange looked from him to Loki and back.

"I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."

"I did, but you try telling him to leave me to my job." With that Loki was falling through a portal as Dr. Strange gave Kaylub an "are you serious" look.

Loki reappeared in a green puff glaring hard at the sorcerer.

"That trick isn't going to work on me twice. Anyway, I'm just keeping an extra eye on this IPF officer since I actually have experience with the force...unlike you." He gave Dr. Strange a smirk as said person just glared back at the other male.

"Boys, the tension in the room is suffocating. Look, Sorcerer Supreme, Loki hasn't used his magic effectively blending himself in among people just to keep an eye on me. I got three more months and I prefer to just continue to do my job without more people finding out about me." Both males look at Kaylub who was still sitting on the couch his book now on his lap.

The two gave each other one last glare before Dr. Strange left stating he'd be visiting again in a month.

Few weeks go by as each night the two go out, Loki watching Kaylub as he fought against the ferals before returning home. It was almost natural for the two to be together as one night the two were out Loki got blasted away.

Kaylub looked from his target to where Loki was against the edge of the roof to where the shot came from to see Iron Man with Spider-man by his side on the roof. He was about to move only to get webbed to the spot.

"Well, look what we got here. Loki, who's your new friend?"

"Let him go, he has nothing to do with me!" Loki snapped as the two heroes land on the same roof.

Kaylub shots a dagger at his target sighing in relief as he watches them dissipate. Now if I didn't have to deal with this. He thought looking at the two heroes who were looking where he had just killed the feral.

"Why did you do that?!" Spider-man snapped as he got close to Kaylub seeing his glowing eyes under his hood.

"It wasn't actually alive, it was a feral, a being made of pure hate and destruction bent on destroying worlds. I'm actually a pacifist." Spider-man backed off as Kaylub knew he was successful in calming down the young man.

"Hey, kid, this was the guy you were talking about three months ago?" Spider-man nodded as Iron Man steps closer to Kaylub. "What's your name?"

"Light, and that's all you need to know."

"Why are you with Loki?"

"Actually, Loki is with me. He's been following me for a month now just watching me."

"You do realize he's a villain, he probably wants to take advantage of you." Spider-man brings up as Kaylub looks to Loki who looks down hurt.

"Nah, he's just watching. He's been hiding his magic and hasn't tried anything. I trust him." Green eyes look up in shock at glowing blue eyes.

"Well...he does have a point. Loki hasn't done anything for a while." Spider-man looks to Iron Man who sighs.

"Fine, but if he does use his magic we'll know and arrest both of you." The two then left as Loki freed Kaylub.

"Why did you say that?" Loki asked once the two were back at the apartment chilling in their pajamas on the couch with books out.

"Because it's true."

"You trust me?" Kaylub nodded as Loki smirked.

He moved to the point where he was over Kaylub who looked up from his book into emerald eyes.

"Do you still trust me?" His voice dipped as Kaylub looked at him blue peering into green.

"Yes," he said as Loki leaned down and pecked Kaylub's lips.

"Good to hear." He smirks returning to his spot as Kaylub blinks and returns to his book to hide the blush that had exploded across his cheeks.

Kaylub noticed, on their nights out, that Avengers were always somewhere seemingly watching the two. It was a bit annoying as the ferals seemed to see them a challenge causing Kaylub to intercept them before they reached the heroes. Which caused plenty of close calls on his part as he nearly hit the heroes. Though his weapon won't actually hurt them, it would feel draining to have a light weapon go through.

Two months has passed and Kaylub was on his final week before he could use Light Protection, and also move onto the next world.

"So this is your final week?" Loki asked as Kaylub looked at him from his watch and gave a nod. "What am I to do without my officer keeping an eye on me?" Loki joked as Kaylub rolled his eyes and opened his book while on the couch.

A portal opens and in steps Dr. Strange. Neither resident looked up from their position on the couch as Kaylub was reading with his back on Loki's chest as Loki was reading the same book over Kaylub's head.

"It's nearing the end of your stay here. Is there any specific thing I should look out for or-"

"When I use Light Protection, A light ring will project from me through the entire planet and will go through people. It won't hurt, people will think it's just the breeze taking their breath away." Kaylub placed his book down and looked at Dr. Strange. He nodded and then looked at Loki.

"What about you?"

"I'll go to Avengers tower when he leaves and stay there. I don't like it, but it's the least I can do for the male who trusts me," he said smiling down at Kaylub who had returned to his book.

"I'll be back on that day to see that all things go smoothly." The two nod as Strange leaves yet again.

On the last day, Loki took Kaylub to the cafe and ordered him a chocolate drink.

"You do know I don't need to eat correct?"

"Yeah, but we never did go out to eat since we started to stay together."

"So you wanted this to be like our final moment?" Loki nodded. Kaylub smiles and drinks the chocolate shake.

The two remained in the cafe having a beautiful view of the sunset, before dusk set in and Kaylub walked into the middle of central park his eyes glowing as his uniform was on. A golden ring appears as Dr. Strange arrives and the Avengers arrived as well.

"What going on?" Captain America asked as Kaylub filled his hands with pure light.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Loki said as he saw Kaylub's hood fall off as a energy wind picked up around him and his eyes turn pure white.

"It is our concern when you're involved brother!" Thor shouts as Loki spins on him.

"I'm not involved! Light here is trying to protect us and you think I'm involved!" He shouts as he huffs and looks back to Kaylub.

Kaylub touches the ground causing a sphere of light to wrap around him causing all those around him to close their eyes. The light expands from him going around the whole world.

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