Part 18: love and betrayal

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dem feels are strong i promise


When i woke up i noticed an arm wrapped tight around me and looked up only to see Mihawk fast asleep.

"I swear, that's all you do eat, kill, and sleep. Sometimes i wonder what i see in you." The swordsman groaned and removed his arm from around my waist before putting it behind his head.

I chuckled and began to stroke his chest. When i began to get bored, i kissed his cheek and his eyes opened. When they landed on me, he removed his hand from behind his head and embraced me which caused me to stiffen.

"W-what are you doing."

"Can i not comfort my lover." my face hardened as i tried to push him off.

"I don't need your comfort hawk eye now get off. Before i hurt you."

"i heard you crying."

"That doesn't change the fact that i don't need comfort and i don't need you." the loving gaze in his eyes faded into a dull sadness.

"I'm sorry and by the way there's no good point in getting up considering the fact that you slept until the middle of the night." i looked outside the window only to see that it was indeed the middle of the night.

"Oh." i was about to nuzzle into the swordsman but instead of meeting his broad warm chest i met his back.

(mihawk p.o.v)

'Her independence is something that i'm going to have to get used to. Why did i have to choose woman like her.' I knew that she didn't mean it when she said that she didn't need me but i couldn't help but wonder if soon, she would become so independent to the point where she would leave me.

"I won't leave you." said (y/n) from the back of me as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"That's what you're worried about, right?" i slightly nodded.

"Well don't, i promise that i won't leave you, not now, not ever." she chuckled and wrapped one of her legs around mine.

"Mihawk, i'm going to be blunt. I have no idea what made me fall for you, i kinda just...did. Isn't that odd."

"I can relate." i turned to face her and she turned her head away from me.

"You are such an odd woman. You literally don't care about anything except for those whom you hold dearly and your innocence despite the fact that you lost it long ago." i could feel her glaring at me even though she was facing the other way.

"You get annoyed easily, you rarely take anything seriously and no matter what you say," i leaned down to her ear and whispered in a husky voice.

"You know that you enjoy killing people."

(y/n) p.o.v)

My eyes instantly ignited and before i knew what i was doing, i pounced on mihawk and smashed my lips onto his. He eagerly returned the hungry kiss and i could feel myself getting turned on, so i pulled away and began to kiss his neck.

"Why are you such a turn on for me?"i growled. He let out a breathy chuckle then pulled me up by my hair to continue our desperate tongue battle. He tore off my dress and i ripped open his shirt so that we were both left in nothing but our undergarments. His hands ran themselves up and down my waist as he memorised every curve and crevice of my body.

(next morning)

I woke up with mihawk spooning me and smiled before i remembered last night. 'Oh my gosh did we...' i tore the covers off of my body only to see.






















. (this is what happens when writer's block and boredom mix)









that i still had on my underwear. Sure i didn't have on any night clothes but i had on my underwear and truth be told, that's all that mattered. I turned around and smiled at the swordsman before going to get up, though he stopped me by holding me tighter and placing his head on my chest. I jumped at the sudden action and karate chopped his head. I knew he was awake by now since i could see him wince but he still refused to let me go.

"Don't hit me." he muttered before nuzzling deeper into my chest.

"Let me go." i grunted, when he held me closer.

"One thing that you should know about me is that i can be very stubborn whenever i am tired, so suggest you give up." i sighed.

"I am the queen of stubbornity, meaning that i am stubborn twenty-four seven. So i suggest that you give up."

"No." again i sighed before hugging mihawk tighter towards my chest, causing him to be unable to breath and shoot up. He glared and i laughed.

"I told you that.." i trailed off when i saw the noirette's bare chest. He shook his head in mock irritation before making his way to the bathroom, which gave me a nice view of his back, but stopped just when he reached the door.

"I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?" i was about to decline but he had already picked me up and taken me with him.

"Hey i don't want to bathe with you, no matter how much i like your bathroom.

"Well then you can have the shower and i'll take the bath." when he placed me down, i looked around only to see a luxurious shower that was somewhat fogged from the bottom until it reached about my neck so that the only thing anyone would be able to see was my head.

"Oh my gosh, have you ever used this thing before?! It's so big."

"Yes i have, now go bathe." he walked towards a large curtain covered area and soon i could hear water running. 'That must be the bath.' i shrugged, took off my underwear, folded them neatly and entered the shower.

The warm water felt nice as it beat against my skin and once i had finished cleaning myself, i leaned against the wall and allowed it to continue to relax my body. After about half an hour i wrapped myself in a towel and stepped out of the shower then made my way to the sink, only to see mihawk walking up behind me. I gave him an incredulous look.

"For a man, you take very long baths."

"And for a woman, you take very short showers." we both chuckled at our lame insults and began brush our teeth. Once i spit out the toothpaste and washed my face, i jumped onto the counter and handed mihawk a razor.

"Shave, your sideburns are seriously getting out of shape." after he had finished, i stroked his cheek and he stared at me before picking me up by my waist and allowing me to wrap my legs around him.

"But i don't wanna..." i started but he cut me off.

"Am i not allowed to lift you up just because i want to hold you?" i lightly blushed at comment and buried my head in his neck.

"Yes you are, but there's a price." the swordsman hummed as he began to leave the bathroom.

"You have to let me wear one of your black shirts."

"You would've taken it anyways."

"Yeah you have a point." after getting dressed, my lover and i made breakfast, ate it and made our way towards the living room while engaging in pleasant conversation, Miko by my side.

Sadly our moment was ruined when there was a loud bang at the door. I could tell that all three of us were surprised by the interruption because as soon as we broke eye contact, we began to run to the door. Just as we reached the door, it slammed open and in came the familiar captain Smoker. His face held authority but at the same time he seemed...sad.


"(y/n) (l/n) you are being arrested for the murder of Okamura Masahiko."

"Wait, who?! i never killed no, Okamura Masahiko you must be drunk." the officers at my back began to step forward but i snapped all of their necks in an instant.

"Don't you get it, I'm not going with you!"

"There's an entire fleet out there waiting for you (y/n). You can't possibly kill them all." i sprinted past him and ran to the cast of the island, only to see the water filled with battleships. I launched onto the first ship and killed everyone before doing the next two ships. At first i thought I was going mad, but when i saw mihawk on the shore holding Miko in his arms, i recognised that.... I wasn't going mad, i was trying to keep myself from being taken away from him. 'But if i don't go then what will our future hold?'

In my daze, i failed to notice someone coming up behind me and was stabbed in the arm. I ripped the man in half and jumped towards my lover.

"Mihawk, i'm ending everything between us. I never cared for you and all this time i've been using you for my own lustful desires." i grabbed smoker by the collar and slammed my lips onto his. When i had finally pulled away, i glared at the hawk eyed man with all of the hatred i could muster, though it wasn't enough to be convincing.

Mihawk had finally cleaned me of the hatred i could muster and now i barely even know what the word even meant. Suddenly an image of my rapper popped into my head and that very emotion was revived but now i was directing it to the noirette who i loved so much.

"I'm a sl*t, i know but i warned you, did i not?" i turned away as my eyes began to tear up. 'If i stay he's going to get in trouble. So i have to leave. Before things get worse.' Smoker recovered from his daze and took me to the only ship that was still operating. I could see the hurt and betrayal in the swordsman's eyes and i couldn't help feel his emotions mix with my own.

Once the boat was a good distance from the island, i dropped to my knees and began to pour my heart out for the first time in my life. It was so bad, that i couldn't even fix myself before smoker saw my disheveled figure.

"Why did you do that to him? Even i could tell that he loved you."

"I did it because we both know the real reason why you're taking me to the marine headquarters." he turned to face the other way.

"Sakazuki is finally taking me for his own."

"I'm sorry." i shook my head.

"Don't be, it's my fault. I promised to marry him and then when the time came, i ran away. What could you have done?" my tears hit the soft black fabric of mihawk's shirt and his scent wafted up my nose. I tried to stand up but my legs were too weak and Smoker caught me just before i hit the ground.

"I want him back." then i did the one thing i promised myself that i wouldn't, i called out to him, desperately screaming his name making sure that every syllable was filled with the love and affection i had for the swordsman but i knew he wouldn't come, even if he could hear me.

I had broken him to the point of no return and no matter what i said, he would never trust me again.

'I can't even trust a dead man to tell no tales.' how ironic.

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