Part 41: you're so adorable

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okay here we go


I smiled when i woke up to see mihawk on my lap and miko on his chest. 'if only i had a camera.' i gave a small laugh and went to get up but i was stopped when my lover turned on his side and wrapped his arms around my waist while he nestled into my stomach. Surprisingly enough, the little animal that was lying on him few seconds ago, didn't wake up.

"(y/n) don't you dare leave me yet." grumbled my fiance and i sighed before patting his head in reassurance then leaning onto the couch.

"So when are you planning on getting up?" i asked.

"When i feel...." he stopped mid-sentence and i looked at him perplexed until he said. "Is that lemon cake?"

"Wow, you are seriously hungry aren't you?"

"What do you expect, i haven't eaten in what feels like days now."

"Why is that?"

"Because i was too busy wondering what i would come home to see."

"And what did you expect."

"Certainly not this." he said as he began to sit up.

"Oh so you like it?" i hummed while he took up one of the little cakes.

"It reminds me of your mansion back on the island where you used to live, every room is a different theme and the dining room is the most elegant part of the house." i nodded as he spoke but when i saw a little drop of icing stick to the side if his mouth, i burst out laughing, causing miko to moan and hold a pillow over his head while salty looked at me, surprised.

"Did i say something amusing?"

"No, it's just..let me get it." i leaned forward and wiped the little drop of frosting away with my thumb and gave a soft smile.

"You are such a child." said the man with a smirk but i ignored it and gave him a small peck on the corner of his lips. His bright gold orbs brightened with childish mischief and he picked me up to bring me to our room. Once we arrived, he placed me on the bed and lifted my dress until he reached my thigh before he began to tickle me. I squirmed as his fingers brushed against my skin but i couldn't get free and started to laugh until my ribs hurt. He soon stopped and lay down next to me.

"And i'm the one who's childish." i huffed.

"Yes because you're immature much more often then i am."

"Yeah yeah, whatever, i get it." i placed my head on his chest and he pulled me closer to him. We lay like that in silence until the door was suddenly burst open. I calmly took twelve mini knives, from out the sheathes in my bra, and threw it at the culprit, in hopes of killing them, though instead, i was met with the sound of them thudding into the wall.

"Don't do that!" yelled a familiar voice. I sat up, only to see shanks standing there with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Strawberry!" i exclaimed as i jumped into his one-armed embrace. He laughed when he caught me and buried his head in my neck while saying.

"I missed you too." We were broken apart by my lover clearing his throat, obviously asking for attention.

"Yes?" said my brother and i, in unison. The handsome noirette widened his eyes at the sudden action but soon recovered

"It's evening and i'm tired."

"So?" repeated shanks and i. Instead of answering, dracule took me out of the red haired man's grasp and set me back on the bed before rounding the other side and cuddling next to me, occasionally placing a kiss on my neck.

"Go to bed, we'll deal with them in the morning."

"But it's only sunset!"

"And i've been sailing for a total of four days."

"Salty, i thought were done acting salty."

"I will always be salty as you put it."


"It's fine, the crew and i are tired as well so i was going to go to bed anyways." interrupted my sibling. The sound of soft foot steps against the floor and i felt a soft lips touch my cheek then the pirate captain left and mihawk growled.

"I hate it when he kisses you."

"Well he's my brother, so deal with it." i huffed before snuggling deeper into the hawkeyed man's broad chest.

"You are so adorable." And with that i fell asleep.

(mihawk p.o.v)

'Only for you.'

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