Part 52: the sky keys

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(y/n) p.o.v)

The next morning, I woke up with my husband underneath me. I smiled and climbed out of bed making sure not to wake him up. Once I was in the bathroom, I took off my garter belt and stockings, as that was the only thing left on me, then entered the shower. Goodness was I tired but I still had to set up the boat and make sure that sebastian packed all of our luggage for the two week honeymoon. After I was done, I put on a dark blue strapless sundress and went to go cook breakfast though, when I reached the kitchen, which I miraculously found in the large dining hall, the food was already cooked and it looked absolutely delicious.

'probably sebastian.' I went to pick up the first plate but my hand was quickly caught by another.

"I haven't finished the dumplings yet, so don't touch." I jumped at the sudden voice but relaxed when I recognised who it was. I looked at mihawk with an odd glare before actually processing what he said.

" know how to cook?!" he tilted his head to the side as he gave me the 'are you serious' look .

"How would I still be alive, if i didn't?"

"Okay, you have a point, but does it taste good?"

"Go sit down and I'll give you your plate."

"Fine but before you do anything, go bathe, you stink." I watched as he turned off the stove and walked into the bedroom. When sebastian told me that he had built a small living area in the back of the dining hall, I expected a tiny room with an even smaller bathroom, not a gigantic master bedroom with a king sized mattress and a super huge bathroom, that had a square jacuzzi, a seven foot long shower, a large luxury bath and two sinks that were two feet apart.

To be honest, at this point, I was curious on what his idea of a normal sized room would be. My thoughts were interrupted, when I saw a platter of delicious food being set in front of me. My eyes took in every detail of the meal before me and every bit of it looked succulent, though I couldn't help but stare at the fluffy dumplings.

"Well, are you not going to eat?" purred my spouse as he lightly kissed my neck. I nodded and took up one of the soft balls of fried and seasoned dough, then took a large bite out of it. My taste buds exploded at the delicious flavor upon my tongue. Once I finished eating, I put the plate in the sink and wrapped my arms around dracule's waist in a tight hug.

"Thank you, that was so good."

"I'm glad you liked it mi paloma, now if you would let me go, I'm going to go put the luggage on the ship."

"You mean the blue one, right?"

"Yes, I mean the blue one." sighed the noirette.


(timeskip to getting on the boat)

I lay on one of the beach chairs sitting on the ship's upper deck, watching with interest, as my lover brought up the luggage that we'd be taking to the islands with us. I bit my lips when I saw his biceps flex as he picked up the last suitcase and set it down. He began to walk towards me with a seductive smirk adorning his face, bright gold eyes shining with steamy passion. A shiver went up my spine but I refused to look away and instead, returned his gaze. Once he reached me, I placed a hand on his abdomen, just to touch him.

"Yes salty, do you want something?" he nodded and leaned down to my ear then whispered the few words that nearly killed me that day.

"I want you." My back stiffened and I felt a surge of electricity run up and down my spine twice before it finally disappeared. He seemed to notice this and let out a deep chuckle that aroused me even more than he already had.

"Mi paloma, I'm tired and to tell you the truth, I don't think that I'll need something like from you for the next two days."

"Yeah because two days is totally enough for me to heal" I deadpanned. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"Of course not, I wouldn't kill you before the honeymoon even started, that would be a terrible waste." teased the swordsman before facing his back to me and taking hold of the wheel. As we made our way to the islands, I could see the man in front of me peek behind him and give me a knowing look. 'I can't tease him now since he's already aware but tomorrow, I'm am going to drive him mad.'

When the sun began to set, I kissed his cheek and shooed him off to bed while saying that I'd take over for the night. He gladly accepted and once I was sure he was asleep, I grabbed my large cross-shoulder purse and pulled out my favorite thing in the whole world, other than my knives.

"Miko, come on, wake up." the (cat/dog) tiredly opened his pretty brown eyes and looked up at me with a tired gaze.

"Did we arrive yet?"

"No but I need company."

"I thought you were going to reveal me when we got to the island, so that we could annoy the hell out of mihawk." he said as he started to wake up.

"Yeah, well change of plans." the black fluffball shook his fur then tilted his head in confusion.

"What did he do now?"

"He teased the crap out of me and then acted like nothing happened." I was now holding the ship wheel and miko was sitting on the back part of it.

"Don't you usually do that to him?"

"Yes but it's okay only when I do it."

(miko p.o.v)

As much as I loved her, (y/n) really was a hypocrite though if she wasn't, then I probably wouldn't love her as much as I do. It was not long until I caught sight of an odd line of clouds floating in the sky. For some reason, I had an eerie feeling towards it and decided to see if the (h/c) haired woman could tell me what it was.

"Hey (y/n) what is that thing up in the sky?" she looked up and large grin became apparent on her face.

"That my dear (cat/dog) is our destination."

"Oh..okay.....WAIT WHAT?!" before I could say anything else, a large propeller appeared above the ship and we were flying through the air. "Holy sh*t put me down?!"

"No, you're supposed to help me annoy mihawk!" I opened my mouth to retort but I wasn't able to because we had already arrived and I was face to face with an enormous floating island that looked nothing short of paradise.

"Welcome to the sky keys."

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