Part 8: i am not jelly

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okay read ahead


(mihawk p.o.v)

I had finished bathing and was now waiting for (y/n) to come to bed. 'Just because she's sleeping in here, doesn't mean that i'm going to another room. This is MY room.' After awhile, the young girl peeked her head in.

"Hey salty."


"Umm could you look away." I tilted my head in question.


"Oh my f**king gosh. Just look away."

"You really should watch your mouth." she gave me a deadly glare before sighing and walking in. my eyes slightly widened she was wearing a short black night outfit that reached a little bit below her upper thigh.

"Stop staring." she said before climbing into bed and turning to face me.

"You're lucky that this thing is so comfy or i'd probably be sleeping in my own bed right now."

"Is it the bed or is it me?"

"Watch it, pretty boy." she said before coming closer and holding onto me, much like she did the night before. After a few silent seconds, i could tell that she wanted me to ask her something.

"Why are you wearing such a provocative outfit?"

"Out of all things that's what you ask me? Well it's because this is really all i have to wear to bed since i usually sleep in my underwear. Okay now tell me, why are you so salty?"

"I'm not salty i'm just....." her bright (e/c) eyes began to get wide in anticipation, as she awaited my answer.

"I'm just a stoic man." she sighed and shook her head.

"No you're just lonely and need a life, other than killing people." i scowled at the insult.

"Well do you have any suggestions?"

"Yeah, actually i do. We need groceries so why don't we go into town tomorrow. There's this place, not too far away from here, that's known for having women who are both beautiful and kind. I'm sure you could find someone." i already knew that there was no point in arguing with the (h/c)-ette so i agreed.

"Good now go to sleep, we have to wake up early so that we can get my shopping done and over with."

"Goodnight (y/n)" i could feel her smile against my chest.

"Goodnight salty."

(next morning.)

The next morning (y/n) was lying atop me with her head buried in the crook of my neck while her legs lay in between my own. 'What a way to wake up.' I patiently waited for her to come to and soon enough she did. She moved her legs to the point where they were straddling me and sat up. I instinctively held onto her waist to keep her from falling.

"Hey salty."

"Hello." after a few seconds the young woman rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and recognised her position.

"Well what a surprise." She said before getting off of me. Then she noticed what she was wearing and glared.

"Did you try anything on me?"

"No, you awoke in that position by yourself."

"Good, well i'm going to take a shower and get dressed, i suggest that you do the same." then she left the room.

(y/n) p.o.v)

I searched through my clothes for a dress that would match mihawk's normal outfit. And settled on a short dress that had wine red flowers with a black mesh skirt hanging down from it.

After i finished getting dressed, i brushed my hair and waited for the swordsman at the large double doors that lead outside. Soon enough he came out wearing his usual attire but when he saw me he seemed to glare at my outfit.

"I don't care if you like it or not, it's my choice and it matches the color scheme of your outfit."

"It's not that i don't like it, it's just that it's color scheme is extremely identical to my own attire." I walked up to him and poked his head.

"Stupid, i just told you that i tried to match you. But i must look so stunning, that you got lost in thought and stopped listening to my angelic voice, to take in my beautiful figure instead." he walked around me and grumpily told me to come with him. i huffed out a 'fine' and followed after him as he left the castle.

Once we reached the boat he sat down and i took my place on his lap.

"Hey salty what will you do if you find a girl you like today?"

"Take her back here with me." he said before starting the boat and allowing us to move off.

(few hours later)

We had finally reached the town and it was bustling. Men and women alike were all carrying huge bags of food, clothes, trinkets and more. After awhile of looking around i caught sight of a tall, handsome man with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. I let out a low cat-call and was about to walk over to him but mihawk caught me by my waist.

"Hey let me go! I have to take care of!"

"We came here for groceries not men."

"But he's so hot." i whined

"No." he growled and as soon as he let me, go i sprinted off towards the man at an impossible speed.

(mihawk p.o.v)

I watched as (y/n) sprinted through the crowd and before i knew it she was back by my side with the man accompanying her. 'She works fast.'

"Well are you ready?" she asked as she clung to the man's arm

"Why did you bring him over here?" i sighed.

"Because i wanted to. Plus we're not romantically involved in any way whatsoever, so i can." after a while, we found the produce market and she told me to wait outside while she went in with her new lover. After a few moments she came back out with a few more bags and told me to continue the shopping while she put the stuff away.

"Would you like me to carry those for you?" asked the man at her side and she gladly gave them to him.

"Thank you. You're such a gentlemen." something in me wanted to snatch her away from him and keep her by my side for the rest of the day but i ignored it and walked to the next shop.

(y/n) p.o.v)

As we walked to mihawk's small boat i couldn't help but notice sebastian's odd red eyes, then it clicked.

"Hey sebastian you're not human are you?"

"Oh what gave it away?"

"You're eyes and posture. Nobody walks that straight in this town unless they're a noble and you are not a noble." finally we reached the boat.

After placing the things down, the two of us sat down at the dock for a little while, talking about whatever came to mind. We exchanged numbers and i got up, since i saw Mihawk coming down the hill, but sebastian stood as well and brought me in for a kiss before I could move away.

(mihawk p.o.v)

As i walked down the hill that led to the docks i looked around for (y/n) but when i found her, i quickly wished that i hadn't. There she was at the dock kissing the man who was with us earlier. After about a minute they both split apart and i could see a smile play on her face.

"Disgusting." i said before putting the things in the boat and going back into the town to see if they had any good wines. Luckily i found a store that was made just for wine.

Around were many different wines and my eyes landing on the one that (y/n) had served me last night. I made my way towards it but just as my hand reached to get it another did as well. I looked to my side to see bright blue irises staring back at me.

"Oh i'm sorry sir, i didn't know that...."

"It's perfectly fine." i handed the bottle to her.


"Of course." i replied as a small smile began to play on my lips. After she had purchased the beverage, i offered to walk her back home and she accepted. Throughout the day we engaged in pleasant conversation and before i knew it, night had fallen. I asked her where her home was but she told me that she was recently disowned from her family.

"Would you like to stay with me then?" she looked at me before eagerly nodding her head, i smiled at the way her beautiful black hair bounced against her shoulders. Once we reached the boat i sat down and placed her on my lap.

"I have a friend that i have to wait for, do you mind?" the young woman shook her head and we began to talk some more.

"Who's she?" i looked up only to see a clearly upset (y/n) standing on the dock staring at us.

(y/n) p.o.v)

I couldn't believe it! There was a black haired, blue eyed b*tch sitting in my seat.

"(y/n) meet charlotte. Charlotte this is (y/n)" she gave me a smug smirk and i glared.

"Touch him the wrong way and i'll claw out your neck." i huffed and took a seat on the ground before taking out a book from one of my shopping bags. I didn't like this at all, no not one bit. As we made our way home i could hear the two happily chatting away, completely ignoring my presence then mihawk did something i had never seen him do before. He smiled at her. I couldn't believe it! She made him smile while all i could get out of him was a simple twitch of the lips. I groaned before getting up and taking off my dress to reveal my white undergarments.

"Okay i'm gone." i neatly folded up the dress and placed it in one of the bags, along with the book that i was just reading. Then i let out a low whistle and the little sea king, from when i first went to the island, arrived. I rubbed it's nose and smiled before climbing on it's back and riding off. Man i was pissed

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