Author's Note

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Hello, dear readers. There are several things you should know before venturing into this novel.

1. This book is a sequel to Intergalactic Witness Protection, which at the moment, is not quite finished. But it is almost done. Thus, I will start by posting non-spoileries entires here until the first book is complete.

2. This is hard sci-fi. That means I am going to try my very best to show the way science, humanity, and even the Church would react in this particular scenario (in this case, the scenario of developing better space travel, exploration, and colonization technologies only to discover other humans have colonized ahead of us and no other life like expected). So, for you geeky readers, if you notice anything scientifically inaccurate, please point it out, and we can discuss better alternatives.

3. Unlike my Dystopian Takeover Trilogy, this is not a polished umpteenth draft. This is the raw first/second draft as I work through a challenge calld 100 for 100. I cannot promise that it will be either regular or as well-edited as my other stories. So, like with the science, please point out any typos you notice.

4. There is going to be a big deal of world-building occurring, so I'm going to put up a few pages about the colonies and main characters before digging into the story itself, which I hope will be helpful. If you're like me reading Shakespeare, you'll probably skim over the character list- but you'll find yourself referring back a few times while reading. I know I will.

5. Enjoy! I know I will, and I hope you will also, dear readers.

-Playlist and collage by yours truly

-Signature by -krystallite

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