One | Meeting Him

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Hello Loneliness, You thought as you walk in your house from school. You're an 17 year old girl that been depressed since your teenage life. Your (Y/G) are very proud of your older sister than you, that looked beautiful, graduated, found a boyfriend (that you didn't trust at all because he with her for her looks and money), and found a career. You, on the other hand, was the ugly, untalented, duckling.

You thought nobody loves you, and most times, you get bullied at school. Your (Y/G) don't even know that you're depressed. You walk upstairs to your room while (Y/G) was cooking dinner, and then shut the door. You look through your laptop and phone first, since you want to do your homework later.

You usually get alittle or none notifications, but today you did! That's not all, it looked like the same person from different social media that you have!

You looked shocked. Almost every app and social media this person loved you. Likes, reblogs, retweets, reposts, even a message on Tumblr! You opened it up and it read:

Dear (Y/T/U/N),
I love your post from every social media! It looks awesome! Maybe, we can be friends! Sorry if you think I'm stalking you. - PuddiPrince

You giggle at the username, "PuddiPrince." It looked so neat and cool. You replied:

Dear PuddiPrince,
Thanks for all the notifications! I really don't have so many before! And you're not stalking me at all, dude. It's cool. Also, sure, I need some friends anyway. - (Y/T/U/N)

"Done!" You said to yourself and replied to it. Then, you got message from Skype saying, "Hi, I'm PuddiPrince from every social media, but my real name is Jeremy."

You replied, "Hey. My name is (Y/N). I'm glad that I met you."

PuddiPrince: Thank you. I'm glad that you found me anyway. So, how old are you?

You: 17, I'm extremely honest about my age.

PuddiPrince: Me too! I'm 17!

You: That's awesome. So, do you love video games?

PuddiPrince: Video games are life, my friend.

You giggled and kept on talking to Jeremy. About video games, anime, everything in common. He's also living in a different state than you, but that don't matter.

Then, (Y/G) called you down for dinner. You ate some dinner then went to do your homework while talking to Jeremy. After that, you took a shower, changed clothes, then start back talking to Jeremy on your laptop.

You: Well, I have school in the morning. Goodnight!

PuddiPrince: Goodnight, (Y/N)!

You shut your laptop, set it on your desk and smiled as you went to sleep.


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