internet valuable info and best teacher

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Some people believe that the Internet creates many problems. However, there is no doubt in mind my that the Internet is one of the greatest humankind’s inventions of the last century. It is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information.

First of all, the Internet is a big library, where you can find whatever information you like. Imagine you can find a book without even going out to the library. You don’t have to spend time and money to go outside and find a book you want. You just go to Internet library and find any book you want in 2 minutes instead of spending 2 hours in search of the book you want in the library. Also, internet helps you with your work on abstracts. In days of my mother’s youth she spent the whole day in the library to find the information she needs for her abstract. But presently I spend maximum 2 hours to get the needed information.

Second. the Internet gives you opportunity to purchase whatever you want without even going to the shop. You don’t have to go to the shop to buy stuff like cameras, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators, etc. You can use the online shops to find the information about the price and item you want to buy. Then you can use your own credit card to buy the item you want. Then in a few days after the purchasing the item will be delivered to your home. I know many people that purchase everything by using online shops.

From my point of view, the Internet is a most valuable source of information. As for me, I’m using the Internet for my own goods, which help me to success in my studying.

 A teacher can be anyone who gave you knowledge, experience and good advice. Therefore, if you wonder who is our best teacher, I will have no hesitation IN saying those are our parents who taught us the first lessons and many things in our life in the best way.

First of all, parents are the best teacher who taught us the first lessons when we were children. What are the first lessons? Those are the lessons ON how to stand, how to speak or how to walk which are the most important lessons in our whole life. In addition, the ones who were always by your side, and so happy to burst into tears when you spoke the first word “papa” or “mama” , they are your parents. Day by day, your parents were the leaders and also the instructors for your fist steps into the outside world.

Furthermore, our parents are also the best teacher to teach us many things in our life IN the most efficient way. At school, we were given a lot of knowledge in many subjects which taught you what you should do and what you mustn’t do. But all of these were only what you heard in theories. Therefore, a child will be READY to learn about respecting the old if he sees his parents always express their admiration FOR his grandmother or even an old woman in the street. In an automatic way, parents become the teachers who we can learn about many things in life with the best reality, their actions become the model for all of us to follow.

In general, the teachers in school give us knowledge in many fields. But the best teacher that we have are our parents who taught you from the first lesson when you WERE A child many things in your life with all their love and caring. Therefore, you have to agree that , with their love and caring, no one in the world can be the best teacher BUT our parents

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