Munni an Interruption...

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This is your crazy buddy, Mahii coming up with a three shots on Abhigya...

This thought is stricking my mind for a long time.. But my tight schedule did not allow me to write this .. Its high time to put this in my brain... So, I thought to pour it out....

I know very well many like me dont like the entry of Munni or Madhura in the serial... Earlier we all thought that its pragya who is playing like munni... But to our dismay, our pragya is alive and is found in a hospital in coma...

There is no chemistry or the wow factor when we see munni with abhi hey na... Even just the simple eye lock of abhi and pragya creates wonders...

Yesterday  when I watched the serial, my blood starts to boil when munni starts to feel for abhi... Some said its sriti only playing the  character.... But here we are not talking about the talented actress sriti jha....

Here we want abhi to pair up only with his fuggy... What's the use of Abhi and pragya to get married for three times???
Cant they be blessed to have a happy life???

Why all of a sudden Munni starts to feel for abhi??? She very well knows na abhi loves pragya a lot....
God... Why on earth some women falling for a married man who is loving his wife madly???

So, why not I write a small story from the place munni throws the kumkum and runs away to temple and pragya is shown in a hospital in coma....

Interesting right???

What will happen if munni starts to feel for Abhi???

What will happen if Abhi tries to get close with Munni thinking her as his lovely wife pragya or fuggy???

What will happen if pragya gains her conscious and comes to MM all of a sudden???

What will Abhi do on seeing his fuggy back???? Will he feel happy on seeing his fuggy???

Will he feel bad that he cheated his fuggy by keeping munni in his home???

What will munni do on seeing pragya????

Will she go out leaving the lovely couples abhigya or will she plays her card and tries to prove that she is only pragya???

Will Tanu and Aaliya help Munni to prove pragya as fake???

What will be pragya's situation when she saw her look alike standing near her husband Abhi with a mangalsutra and kumkum???

Will Pragya leave Abhi for munni or will she fight back for her rights????

Will pragya gets back to her love of life????

Will Abhi and pragya get together and lead a happy life???

Will the sautans be punished for their sins???

Will Munni regret her mistakes and ask forgiveness from Abhigya????

To know answers for these questions, peep in to this story....

Is it okay to start this story???

Just three shots...

Abhigya Vs Munni....

Im not in any intention to hurt any characters of the show .. Not in any intention to hurt the show or the creativity of the show...

This is just a random thought comes in my mind as a loyal viewer of the show... I will be happy if the show proceeds like this...

But, I know very well that it wont happen for sure...

Shall I start this story????

Will you all support me????

Will you all show your acceptance and support with your votes and comments????

I will finish off this story soon without dragging much... It will be short and crispy....

If you dont like this thought, do tell me... I will stop this....

Awaiting to know all your response....


Yours buddy,

Waiting eagerly for all your response to proceed furter....

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