Gladiator Fights

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Ch. 19

"That's the old coliseum." Zoe gasped from over Percy's shoulder.

That was apparently all Percy needed to hear as he stepped back, shadows wrapping around his body until he was covered in pitch black Roman style armor. Hunting knives were sheathed at his waist and in at least Piper's opinion, he looked like the reason the word badass was created.

"Hazel and Leo, you two need to stay on the ship for Annabeth. If she comes back she needs to have a way to get to us. We will Iris Message you if we need help so you can bring the ship to us." Percy said sternly.

"But there are two giants to fight. You guys might need us." Hazel argued.

Percy shook his head and smiled at the little thirteen year old girl, "Please Haze, I need you guys to stay here for me. That way you can bring the ship to us if we need you or if Annabeth comes back or if she needs help then you guys can go to help her."

Hazel frowned and looked like it was the last thing she wanted to do but she nodded, "Okay Percy, but you better not die on me."

Percy smiled, "Promise sis."

Hazel grudgingly nodded while Leo looked rather pleased to be staying on the ship with his crush.

Percy began walking away before he stopped, "You two are babysitting Hedge. Do not let him blow anything up."

Hedge, who had been standing in the back, opened his mouth to protest but Percy was already walking away.

Once on the street, his three companions looked at Percy, "Why did you leave them there?" Jason asked.

Percy frowned, "In case we don't make it in time. I… I can't lose my whole family. I just need to make sure that Hazel is safe."

Jason nodded while Zoe slipped her hands into Percy's.

Percy held out his hand to Piper, "Grab onto Jason, we aren't going to be walking. We've got some giants to slay."

Percy shadow traveled the foursome to the coliseum in Rome. They stood twenty feet away from the ruins of the building. Percy took a step forward but Jason put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"We don't have a god."

Percy nodded, "They'll come. Artemis gave me her word that when the time came, most of the gods wouldn't let us down. If there is one Olympian outside my dad I trust, it's Artemis."

Zoë smiled at Percy's words before Jason spoke.

"I'm guessing my Dad isn't one of the ones we can count on."

Percy shook his head while looking a bit sympathetic.

"It's not that he won't fight, it's just his pride was wounded when Hera and Artemis went behind his back. He'll get over it before the war is over, I am sure of it."

Jason scowled, "People say I'm lucky to be the son of the King of the Gods, gee, lucky me."

Percy shrugged, "Doesn't mean you're anything like him. Come on, we've got my siblings to save and a few giants to slay. Let's show them how powerful the big three can be if they would just work together."

Jason's eyes hardened before he nodded his head in agreement, "Let's do it."

The group made their way into the coliseum. When they entered, they were confused; there wasn't a soul to be seen anywhere in the area. No giants. No monsters. Not even a damn tourist or tour guide.

Percy's face turned to one of grief. "We must be too late."

Zoë shook her head. "What's that noise?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and concentrated. Faintly, he could hear rumbling and creaking, like a huge machine needed oiling.

"It's coming from below us." Piper said looking a bit confused.

"That is where the gladiators were kept during the games in ancient Rome. There is a whole other level below us where they would keep the props and anything else they needed for the games. " Jason said looking around. "But I'm not sure how to get there. There must be some type of entrance or something…"

Percy cut him off as he uncapped Anaklusmos, "I don't have time for that. We're making an entrance."

Without another word, he raised his blade before slamming it into the ground with a powerful strike, opening up a crack in the ground big enough for them to slip into.

Jason seemed a bit in awe at that ability before Piper chuckled, "You'll get used to that. It's a son of Hades thing he does a lot."

"Shall we milady?" Percy said holding his hand out to Zoë who smirked a bit.

"Always the gentleman." She said with a wry smile while taking his hand. They both stepped forward before jumping into the crack without even a glance down at what they were jumping into.

Both landed on their feet in a slight crouch as they fell ten feet until a second floor appeared below them. Piper came down next, landing on her feet with her hand already on her gladius. Jason came down a second later, stumbling a bit before Percy grabbed his arm to steady him.

The creaking and rumbling came from huge gears and pulley systems that raised and lowered sections of the floor for no apparent reason. Water flowed through open trenches powering waterwheels that turned some of the machines. Other machines were connected to huge hamster wheels with hellhounds inside. Percy couldn't help thinking of Cerberus, and how much he would hate being trapped inside one of those.

Suspended from the ceiling were cages of live animals—a lion, several zebras, leopards, a whole pack of hyenas, and even an eight-headed hydra. Ancient-looking bronze and leather conveyor belts trundled along with stacks of weapons and armor, sort of like the Amazons' warehouse in Seattle, except this place was obviously much older and not as well organized.

"What is it?" Piper whispered.

Percy wasn't really sure how to answer.

There were several thousand things to look at; most of them in motion, but one good aspect of being an ADHD demigod was that Percy was comfortable with chaos. About a hundred yards away, he spotted a raised dais with two empty oversized praetor chairs. Standing between them was a bronze jar big enough to hold a few people.

"Look." Percy pointed it out to his friends.

Piper frowned. "That's too easy."

"Of course, it's got to be a trap." Jason said.

"But we have no choice," Zoë said. "We've got to save Nico and Bianca."

"Yeah." Percy started across the room, picking his way around conveyor belts and moving platforms.

Zoë was a step behind him while Piper and Jason cautiously made their way across, watching out from the back and sides for some kind of ambush.

They jumped over a water trench and ducked under a row of caged wolves. They had made it about halfway to the bronze jar when the ceiling opened over them. A platform lowered. Standing on it like an actor, with one hand raised and his head high was the purple-haired giant Ephialtes.

Just like Percy had seen in his dreams, the giant was small by giant standards—about twelve feet tall—but he tried to make up for it with his loud outfit. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt that even Dionysus would've found vulgar. It had a garish print made up of dying heroes, horrible tortures, and lions eating slaves in the Coliseum. The giant's hair was braided with gold and silver coins. He had a ten-foot spear strapped to his back, which wasn't a good fashion statement with the shirt. He wore bright white jeans and leather sandals on his…well, not feet, but curved snakeheads. The snakes flicked their tongues and writhed as if they didn't appreciate holding up the weight of a giant.

The giant grinned at them, his eyes filled with delight like he had been waiting for them to show up for his big show.

"At last!" He bellowed. "So very happy! You're just in time for the main event!"

Jason and Piper closed ranks behind Percy. Zoë stepped up to his side, showing she was there with him. Having her there made him feel a little better. This giant was smaller than a lot of monsters he had faced, but something about him made Percy's skin crawl. Ephialtes' eyes danced with a crazy light.

"We're here," Percy said, which sounded kind of obvious once he had said it. "Let my brother and sister go."

"Of course!" Ephialtes said. "Though I fear they're a bit past their expiration date. Otis, where are you?"

A stone's throw away, the floor opened, and the other giant rose on a platform.

"Otis, finally!" his brother cried with glee. "You're not dressed the same as me! You're…" Ephialtes's expression turned to horror. "What are you wearing?"

Otis looked like the world's largest, grumpiest ballet dancer. He wore a skin-tight baby-blue leotard that didn't leave much to the imagination. The toes of his massive dancing slippers were cut away so that his snakes could protrude. A diamond tiara nestled in his green, firecracker-braided hair. He looked glum and miserably uncomfortable, but he managed a dancer's bow, which couldn't have been easy with snake feet and a huge spear on his back.

"Please excuse my brother," Ephialtes said looking embarassed. "His stage presence is awful, and he has no sense of style."

"Okay." Percy growled. "Now, my brother and my sister. Let them go. I am sure they wouldn't want to miss your masterpiece."

"Oh, them," Ephialtes sneered. "We were going to let them finish dying in public, but they have no entertainment value. They've spent days curled up sleeping. What sort of spectacle is that? Otis, tip over the jar."

Otis trudged over to the dais, stopping occasionally to do a plié. He knocked over the jar, the lid popped off, and Nico and Bianca di Angelo spilled out. The sight of their deathly pale face and too-skinny frames made Percy's heart stop. Percy couldn't tell whether they were alive or dead.

"Screw this." Percy growled to his friends. "All those for winging it?"

Zoë nodded her head beside him, her eyes never leaving the unconscious forms of Percy's siblings.

"Whatever you want Percy. We'll follow your lead." Jason said behind him while Piper quietly murmured her agreement.

Percy smiled; happy his friends would follow his lead.

"You know, they seem like they put a lot or work into this. Perhaps we ought to throw a wrench into their little spectacle." Zoë muttered quietly.

Percy grinned, "And that's why I love you so much."

Before either giant could react, Percy stabbed Anaklusmos into ground, opening up a crack from which skeleton warriors began to climb their way into the world of the living.

Both giants paused, looking at the group of demigods and growing number of skeleton warriors nervously.

"What are you doing?" Otis muttered a bit nervously.

Percy smirked, "This looks like it took a lot of work to put this all together, I thought some of my friends could help you get things moving. Better watch them though they're a bit clumsy being dead and all."

Before either giant could act, a group of the skeleton warriors made their way over to one of the giant hamster wheels, tipping it over and freeing the monsters from their cages.

"NO! Our wonderful show! I'll kill you Jackson!" Ephialtes bellowed and both he and Otis vanished in twin puffs of smoke, reappearing in front of a bunch controls on two different sides of the room.

Percy turned to Zoë. "Nico and Bianca."

The former huntresses simply nodded, taking off in that direction while Percy headed for Ephialtes and Jason and Piper both took off towards Otis.

Ephialtes seemed to have lost his anger and grinned at Percy, "Which of our surprises would you like first, Jackson? The lions? Perhaps the hyenas? No, I believe the Hydra would be more up your ally being the legendary demigod you are."

Percy glared at the giant, taking a step towards him when the giant flicked one of the controls in front of him and the hydra dropped from the cage ten feet in front of Percy.

"Shit." He muttered.

The monster spit acid at him that would have hit him in the face had the shield on his wrist sprung out even a second later, shielding him as the acid failed to burn through the celestial bronze and stygian iron alloy.

Percy dove behind one of the giant hamster wheels for cover as a group of undead soldiers attacked the hydra. They weren't very effective but they did distract the monster long enough for him to glance around.

Zoë stood in front of Nico and Bianca's bodies, her bow out a group of leopards slowly stalked towards her. She began firing as Percy took out his own bow, aiming for a leopard off her to left that was trying to flank her.

Thankfully for him, his arrows were a mixture of celestial bronze and mortal steel, just in case he ever ran into troublesome mortals.

Just as Zoë finished firing a silver arrow through the throat of the last big cat in front of her, she spun as she felt another creeping up behind her.

The leopard leapt before she could fire only to have an arrow catch it in the side of the head in midair as it fell to the ground dead at Zoë's feet.

Zoë flashed him a smile that vanished as Percy rolled forward, more hydra acid landed in the spot he had been standing.

Percy cursed himself for not choosing power over fire at this moment, the one thing he needed to kill the hydra.

He scrambled around, looking for anything he could use to kill this thing. He didn't see any Greek fire anywhere, but tucked against the back wall was a strange contraption like an artist's easel, fitted with rows of missile launchers. Percy spotted a bazooka, a grenade launcher, a giant Roman candle, and a dozen other wicked-looking weapons. They all seemed to be wired together, pointing in the same direction and connected to a single bronze lever on the side. At the top of the easel, spelled in carnations, were the words: HAPPY DESTRUCTION, ROME!

Percy bolted toward the device. The hydra hissed and charged after him.

"I know!" Ephialtes cried out happily. "We can start with explosions along the Via Labicana! We can't keep our audience waiting forever."

Percy scrambled behind the easel and turned it toward Ephialtes. He wasn't an expert with machines, but he knew how to aim a weapon.

The hydra barreled toward him, blocking his view of the giant. Percy hoped this contraption would have enough firepower to take down two targets at once. He tugged at the lever. It didn't budge.

All eight hydra heads loomed over him, ready to melt him into a pool of sludge. He tugged the lever again. This time the easel shook and the weapons began to hiss.

"Duck and cover!" Percy yelled, hoping his friends got the message.

Percy leaped to one side as the easel fired. The sound was like a fiesta in the middle of an exploding gunpowder factory. The hydra vaporized instantly. Unfortunately, the recoil knocked the easel sideways and sent more projectiles shooting all over the room. A chunk of ceiling collapsed and crushed a waterwheel. More cages snapped off their chains, unleashing two zebras and a pack of hyenas. A grenade exploded over Ephialtes' head, but it only blasted him off his feet. The control board didn't even look damaged.

Another missile flew by Otis, barely missing the twin giant as he turned to glare at his brother.

"Watch where you're firing that thing you idiot!"

Ephialtes climbed to his feet. "Jackson is ruining my show!"

Percy found himself next to Jason and Piper while Zoë stood with her bow out in front of the still unconscious children of Hades.

"ENOUGH!" Ephialtes bellowed. "You are wasting your time. You do not have god therefore you cannot defeat us. Give up now and we shall make it quick. Except for Jackson and his girlfriend. They are promised to our mother."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "She has a name and it isn't Jackson's girlfriend. And we will never give up. If we can't kill you then we'll chop you into a million pieces and wait for you to reform before doing it again." He growled.

Jason nodded, "We'll find a way to kill you. We don't need a god!"

"Well, that's a shame," said a new voice.

To his right, another platform lowered from the ceiling. Leaning casually on a pinecone-topped staff was a man in a purple camp shirt, khaki shorts, and sandals with white socks. He raised his broad-brimmed hat, and purple fire flickered in his eyes.

"I'd hate to think I made a special trip for nothing."

Of all the gods of Olympus to show up, this was by far the one Percy least hoped would have. Ever since knocking him out, he had been nothing but an incredibly large pain in his ass.

Two leopards paced over—two that had been smart enough not to try and attack Zoë—and butted their heads affectionately against the god's legs. Mr. D scratched their ears.

"Really, Ephialtes," he chided. "Killing demigods is one thing. But using leopards for your spectacle? That's over the line."

The giant made a squeaking sound. "This—this is impossible. D-D—"

"It's Bacchus, actually, my old friend," said the god. "And of course it's possible. Someone told me there was a party going on."

Bacchus stepped forward, and the giants stumbled back. "Have you two gotten shorter?" Asked the god.

"Oh, now that's low," Ephialtes growled. "I'm quite tall enough to destroy you, Bacchus! You gods, always hiding behind your mortal heroes, trusting the fate of Olympus to the likes of these." He sneered at Percy.

Jason hefted his sword. "Lord Bacchus, are we going to kill these giants or what?"

Bacchus turned to look at Jason and the other demigods for the first time. His eyes lingered on him for a second before shifting to Piper and then to Percy where they narrowed.

The god's image flickered before he shimmered into his Greek aspect of Dionysus.

"Now, the great Percy Jackson, slayer of Titans, savior of Olympus. What an honor to see you again." He sneered.

Percy's eyes narrowed a bit, "Mr. D. Long time no see, by the way, how's the head?"

Dionysus' eyes burst into purple flames, "Not long enough Jackson. Now is the time for you to get your comeuppance. You are your little Titan girlfriend."

"I swear to the gods I will drag you down to Tartarus if you lay a finger on her head; and her gods damn name is Zoë, not Titan girl. You call her that again and I will rip you to pieces." Percy snarled.

The wine god smirked a bit, "Me, no I wouldn't do such a thing to such a pretty girl. No, I'll let the wannabe kings of party try their luck against you two. Since you two are our supposed saviors then this should be a walk in the park for such great heroes as yourselves."

Before Percy could respond, the god disappeared along with Piper, Jason, Nico and Bianca.

The entire floor rumbled and began to rise. The ceiling opened in a series of panels. Sunlight poured in. The air shimmered like a mirage, and Percy heard the roar of a crowd above him.

Percy's heart did a somersault. This wasn't just any coliseum. It was the Coliseum. The giants' special effects machines had gone into overtime, laying planks across ruined support beams so the arena had a proper floor again. The bleachers repaired themselves until they were gleaming white. A giant red-and-gold canopy extended overhead to provide shade from the afternoon sun. The emperor's box was draped with silk, flanked by banners and golden eagles. The roar of applause came from thousands of shimmering purple ghosts, the Lares of Rome brought back for an encore performance.

Vents opened in the floor and sprayed sand across the arena. Huge props sprang up—garage-size mountains of plaster, stone columns, and (for some reason) life-size plastic barnyard animals. A small lake appeared to one side. Ditches crisscrossed the arena floor in case anyone was in the mood for trench warfare. Percy and Zoë stood together facing the twin giants.

Percy growled to himself before Zoë stepped closer to him.

"There is nothing we can do right now. We can do this Percy, together."

Percy took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay but I'm going to make him fade for this. And for calling you Titan girl. I swear he will never walk this world again."

Zoë smiled a bit, "Relax Percy, I technically am a Titan girl. But that doesn't matter to you and that is why I love you. Now, let's kill these giants and maybe some real gods will show up in time to finish them off."

Percy smiled evilly, "Yes. Some real gods. That sounds about right."

Zoë raised an eyebrow but was interrupted as Dionysus spoke again.

"This is a proper show!" boomed the voice of Dionysus. He sat in the emperor's box wearing his usual hideous Hawaiian shirt.

At his left sat Piper and Jason. On his right, Nico and Bianca were being tended by a nymph in a nurse's uniform. In front of the god crouched a satyr, offering up Doritos and grapes. The god raised a can of Diet Pepsi and the crowd went respectfully quiet.

"Now, mighty saviors of Olympus, banes of the Titan Lord, show me, a lowly god, your power. Show me a good show and perhaps I will take pity of you mortals and offer my aide." Dionysus boomed.

Zoë's face morphed into a look of absolute hatred. She was about to speak but Percy grabbed her hand.

"Later. I promise. Giants first though."

Zoë scowled but nodded as she pulled out her bow and prepared to fight a giant.

"The artificial lake. Use it to your advantage." Percy whispered. Zoë glanced at the water and smiled.

"What about you?" She asked worriedly.

Percy smirked, "I'll get my own water."

Before they could say anything else, both giants attacked. Otis charged at Zoë who began to backtrack as she fired arrows, serving as little offense but they did do a good job of annoying the twelve foot giant.

Ephialtes charged at Percy whose spear shot from the earth just as the giant's spear came down. Percy swung his weapon as he spun, hitting the giant's spear just before it hit the ground causing the giant to stumble a bit. Percy didn't hesitate as he charged, jamming his spear through the back of the giant's knee causing it to buckle.

Ephialtes roared in pain, swinging spear wildly but Percy ducked then rolled back and climbed to his feet.

Ephialtes pulled the spear out of his leg with a bellow of pain before hurling it a Percy who jumped to the side. Percy dropped into a shadow and reappeared where his spear was sticking out of the arena wall as he pulled it free.

Before anyone could react, he turned and hurled it at Otis who was pressing Zoë as he swatted away silver arrows. The spear flew straight into the giant's side causing him to stumble to the side.

Zoë whipped out her hunting knives and sprinted at Otis. She ran with incredible speed, slashing a deep gash in the giant's thigh that began to pour ichor.

Percy turned back to Ephialtes who seemed to have recovered from his injury. He uncapped Anaklusmos in one hand and summoned his Stygian Iron sword in the other. He turned to Dionysus with a look of disgust.

"You want a show? I'll give you a show you arrogant prick!"

Without another word, the wind began to pick up as he stalked toward Ephialtes who was looking at him warily. Rain began to pour inside the arena as Dionysus stared down at Percy with hatred. He would make sure Jackson learned how to respect him he thought.

By the time Percy was within ten feet of the giant, the winds were whipping the rain pouring down in sheets as Ephialtes struggled to see him.

Dionysus flashed down beside Percy, kicking the demigod off his feet and knocking him onto his back.

"I said I wanted a show. Now there's no fun if you make it so we can't watch the fight through the rain." He sneered as the giant looked at the wine god in utter shock.

"You want a show? You just wait until these giants are dead." A male voice growled from behind the wine god.

Dionysus turned just in time to see a huge fist slam into his nose causing him to stumble back only to have the hilts of two hunting knives be driven into the back of his head dropping the wine god to ground unconscious.

Percy climbed to his feet with a smile as Ephialtes backed up nervously.

The twin gods smiled at each other for once, a silent communication passing between them. Artemis sprinted off while Apollo turned to Percy with a huge grin.

"Bro! Heard your prayer. Need a hand?" He asked happily.

Percy nodded, "That would be nice since only that worthless god showed up." He said gesturing to Dionysus with disgust.

Apollo frowned, "Don't worry about him. When Uncle P and your Dad hear about this, he'll be lucky to escape Tartarus."

Percy nodded as he turned to Ephialtes who stood ten feet away, eyeing Apollo nervously.

"I was born to oppose Dionysus. You shouldn't be here Apollo." He said with fear laced in his voice.

Apollo grinned, "Sucks to be you bro, cuz me and Perce are gonna kick your ass."

Percy grinned and charged at the giant who raised his spear to attack him only to have a couple large golden arrows imbed in his chest.

Ephialtes stumbled back as Percy dropped into a shadow at his feet, reappearing behind the giant where he slashed gashes into the back of the giant's legs causing his knees to buckle as he fell onto his back.

Apollo appeared standing over the giant with his bow drawn, "Sucks for you dude, running into both the most awesome god and demigod in existence. Enjoy Tartarus!" He said grinning hugely as Percy jumped up and drove Anaklusmos into the giant's chest while Apollo fired an arrow into the forehead of the giant as he dissolved into some kind of funky multicolored dust the same color as his hideous shirt.

Artemis left her brother's and Percy's side, sprinting over to where Zoë was avoiding Otis' spear with the speed and grace of a huntress. She ran growing into her godly height as she reached them, kicking the giant in the back as he raised his spear for another attack on Zoë.

Otis stumbled forward as Zoë rolled to the side to avoid him. Her eyes widened when she laid eyes on her former mistress.

"My lady," she said in shock.

Artemis smiled at her friend, "Percy prayed to Apollo and I before the battle started. I would never abandon you with only that worthless wine god to help."

Zoë glanced over to Percy only to see Apollo in his godly height firing a couple arrows at Ephialtes while Percy charged at him.

Otis, who had fallen into the artificial lake, climbed to his feet looking murderous. When his eyes landed on the moon goddess they widened with fear.

"What is this? You're not Dionysus! This is wrong. No! No! All wrong! I was born to oppose him! Not you!"

Artemis smirked, "Wow, did you figure that out all by yourself or did your mommy explain that to you?" She taunted.

Otis scowled at turned to Zoë who stood ten feet to his left. He took a step towards her before the water at the giant's feet began to wrap around his body in tendrils, hardening as it held the giant in place.

Artemis' eyes widened at Zoë's power over water before she grinned. She pulled out her bow while Zoë did the same.

"Ah, nothing more satisfying than killing a giant with the greatest huntress I ever had." Artemis said smiling as both girls fired arrows that imbedded in the immobilized giant's forehead.

Otis let out a roar of outrage before he dissolved into oddly colored dust. Both Zoë and Artemis grinned before they turned to Apollo and Percy just as Apollo fired an arrow that finished the giant Ephialtes off.

Artemis shrunk down to her human height as she and Zoë walked over to Apollo and Percy. They approached as Apollo shrunk down and he and Percy high-fived.

"We are awesome!" They said in unison as they high-fived making both the girls groan loudly at their immaturity.

Before they could call them idiots, a loud groan from Dionysus wiped the smile from Apollo's face. He walked over and picked the wine god up by the throat, dragging him over to the other three.

"How dare you try to harm them?" Artemis growled. "They are twice the heroes you will ever be!"

Dionysus narrowed his eyes, "They simply needed to prove their worth."

Artemis' face reddened with anger as she glanced at her brother who shoved the wine god towards her where his groin was introduced to Artemis' knee with anything but kindness.

Dionysus hunched over and turned away from the moon goddess to avoid another attack before a fist caught him with a powerful uppercut knocking him to the ground as ichor poured from his mouth.

"Just wait until Poseidon, Demeter and Hades get ahold of you." Apollo growled as the wine god vanished from Rome before he could be attacked again.

"The nerve of that vile pig." Artemis snarled clearly not happy with the punishment he got.

"Thank you guys. You guys are good friends." Percy said seriously.

Artemis lost her anger and nodded, "As I told Zoë, we will always come to your aide when we can."

Apollo gave his sister a look who nodded.

"We gotta split Perce. We could only help with the giants and Mr. Useless there, stupid ancient laws and all." Apollo said apologetically.

Percy shook his head, "That was more than enough. In fact, it was awesome."

Apollo grinned, "Hades yeah it was."

Percy glared and Apollo nodded, "Sorry, my bad bro."

Artemis turned to Zoë. "You must make haste to your friend Annabeth. She will need you soon."

Both Percy's and Zoë's eyes widened.

"We don't know where she is." Percy said dejectedly.

"You might try the parking lot behind the Emmanuel Building, it is the best place to break through." Apollo said seriously.

Artemis nodded and looked at Percy and Zoë nervously.

"Be careful. Both of you. And stay with each other, no matter what."

Apollo nodded, "We'll stop by your ship and send them here. You have no time to waste."

Percy raised an eyebrow but Apollo shook his head.

"Already breaking way more rules than we should."

Percy nodded. He was grateful for what they did and wasn't going to push for more.

Artemis wrapped Zoë in a hug and whispered something in her ear. Zoë's face paled a bit before she nodded. The moon goddess turned to Percy, "Do what you do best and it will work out in the end. I trust you Perseus. Show me it was not misplaced."

Percy was utterly confused but nodded, "I will, I promise."

Artemis smiled sadly, "I know you will. Good luck."

With that the two gods vanished in flashes of light. Percy and Zoë turned to find the coliseum empty and looking like it did before Dionysus added his own personal touches. Jason and Piper were making their way down to the floor helping a weak looking Nico and Bianca which made Percy smile that they were alive and would be okay in time.

Zoë slipped her hand into Percy's. She looked at him seriously, "Just know that I love you."

Percy was a little surprised but shook it off and smiled, "Good. I love you too. Now let's go see those two idiots who managed to get themselves captured. I've missed them."

Zoë nodded and held tightly onto Percy's hand as they walked over to meet their friends and Percy's siblings.

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