Setting Sail

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Ch. 13

Zoe couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto her face before she leaned up and kissed Percy softly on the lips. Before they could even break apart, someone cleared their throat from behind Percy.

"Seriously? Of all the times to flash onto the ship, it has to be now?" Said a familiar irritated voice.

Zoe quickly pulled back as her face turned bright red. Percy on the other hand smirked, "Sorry Artemis, I guess I was just trying to make up for the seven months you had me asleep for."

Artemis glared at him but it wasn't harsh, more playful than anything.

"You lived Perseus, so get over it." She said sternly.

Percy rolled his eyes as his eyes drifted to the red-headed girl standing beside Artemis.

"Hey Rachel, thanks for coming." He said gratefully.

Rachel nodded, "It's fine Percy… How can the oracle be of service?" She asked sarcastically.

Percy's expression turned serious, "How can I find my brother Nico and sister Bianca?"

Percy sighed with relief when Rachel's eyes glowed green,

"Wisdom's daughter walks alone,

The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.

Twins snuff out the angels' breath,

Who holds the key to endless death.

Giant's bane stands gold and pale,

Won through pain from a woven jail."

As soon as she finished reciting the last line of the prophecy, Rachel collapsed forward where Percy quickly caught her and laid her down.

He looked back at Artemis whose expression was dark, "You are going to need to speak to Annabeth. I have a feeling she will know what the first part of the prophecy is talking about."

Percy's face was pale as the lines of the prophecy raced through his mind. The first two lines were obviously about Annabeth but his interest was in the third.

"Twins snuff out the angels' breath" He muttered quietly but Zoe and Artemis both heard and looked at him sympathetically. Zoe reached over and gave Percy's hand a soft squeeze but it did little to shake Percy out of his thoughts as he tried to piece together the meaning of the prophecy.

"I must return to Olympus, father still refuses to listen to reason." Artemis announced bitterly before looking at Percy apologetically.

"Wait Artemis," Percy said before she could flash out with Rachel.

Artemis raised an eyebrow.

Percy looked at her seriously, "What exactly are we supposed to do when we get to Rome or when we run into giants? We had might as well just stop now if we don't have a god or goddess to help us kill the giants."

Artemis gave Percy a sly smile, "You don't need to worry about that Percy. Whether Zeus listens to reason or not, the majority of us Olympians will answer the call when we are needed. Hera and I have spoken with the rest of the gods and with the exception of Dionysus, we will not you leave you out to dry."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Artemis."

Artemis smiled before she frowned, "I am sorry about taking your memories and whole kidnapping you thing."

Percy shook his head, "It's alright Artemis, I know you were put in a tough situation and did what you needed to. You are a good friend for helping me get to camp and coming to finish off Polybotes." He said with a smile before he turned serious, "You do know I lost the Curse of Achilles right? I'd rather you not find out the hard way."

Artemis' eyes widened, "What? How?"

Percy frowned, "It was needed to free Thanatos in Alaska."

Artemis scowled, "All the effort to help you keep it and then you go and lose it."

Percy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sorry I can't be your invulnerable punching bag anymore."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Don't worry Percy, you're tough, you'll just have to get tougher." She said with a smirk before she and Rachel vanished into a silver light.

Percy turned to Zoe with a smirk, "See, you punched me for nothing… I was kidnapped."

Zoe narrowed her eyes, "I already knew that Percy. You got punched for making me look for you for seven months without success."

Percy looked at her incredulously before he smiled, "Aw, you missed me."

Zoe rolled her eyes but she gave him a small smile, "I'll get the others. We need to have a meeting about the prophecy."

Percy nodded and his expression turned worried again making Zoe frown. She leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek, "We'll get them Percy, I promise."

Percy nodded but his expression remained worried. Zoe left to gather the others while Percy went to the galley of the ship and took a seat as he thought about the journey ahead of them. First they needed to find Nico and Bianca somewhere in the huge city of Rome and that was before the real war would even start. He had no idea how they were going to beat a Primordial Goddess and her giant children. He needed to talk to Annabeth; she would know more about the giants than he would. If there was one thing he learned under the tutelage of Theseus, it was that half the battle was knowing as much about your enemy as possible, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Percy was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the two members of the quest looking at him, one with curiosity and one with a bit of fear and awe.

"You alright Percy?" Jason asked.

Percy looked up at Jason before he sighed and shook his head, "No, we just got a prophecy for heading to Rome from the oracle and it doesn't sound pleasant."

Jason looked at him confused, "You got a prophecy, how?"

"Artemis brought Rachel here about ten minutes ago." He explained.

Jason still looked confused, "Why were they here?"

"I told them to come here. We needed one." He said casually.

"What are you like best buds with the gods or something?" Leo asked.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Best buds, no. But Artemis is a friend, why?"

"Um… Isn't she like the world's biggest man hater? Like turn people into fuzzy animals with antlers on sight?" Leo asked incredulously.

Percy chuckled, "Yeah pretty much. But if you're going to date her former lieutenant then you better be on her good side or have a death wish."

"Yeah Zoe… She is um.. nice." Leo said awkwardly.

Jason looked at Leo like he was an idiot while Percy's eyes narrowed making Leo pale immediately.

Suddenly Percy cracked up making Leo sigh with relief.

"I'm guessing you got slapped huh? Well yeah that should be expected." Percy said chuckling making Leo smile before Percy face switched to deadly serious, "But seriously, don't mess with her. If she doesn't kill you, I will."

Leo's eyes widened and he nodded quickly making Percy crack another grin, "Don't worry Leo, I'm not as dick. Unless you mess with girlfriend or family and friends. Otherwise I'll have your back no matter what." He said extending his hand to Leo who took it quickly as Zoe led the other three girls into the galley.

Zoe looked at Leo's pale face and Percy's slight smirk and rolled her eyes but she was laughing on the inside, assuming Percy had scared him somehow.

"So Percy, what's so important?" Annabeth asked.

Percy sat down as everyone else did, "We got a prophecy for going to Rome. Nico and Bianca have been captured by Gaia and are being held by two of her sons. I asked Artemis to bring Rachel here so I could get a prophecy but I'm afraid this one begins with you Annabeth,"

"What? Nico got captured?" Hazel asked nervously.

Percy looked at his sister sadly but nodded, "Bianca too. She's our sister too, Nico's full sister."

Hazel's eyes widened and her expression became worried.

"What's the prophecy Percy?" Annabeth asked.

Percy sighed,

"Wisdom's daughter walks alone,

The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.

Twins snuff out the angels' breath,

Who holds the key to endless death.

Giant's bane stands gold and pale,

Won through pain from a woven jail."

Percy watched Annabeth closely and noticed her face turn a few shades whiter after the first two lines. Everyone was silent for a minute after the prophecy, no one quite sure what to say.

"Annabeth," Percy said softly. "What do you know?"

Annabeth's eyes widened and she looked are Percy pleadingly but he stared back are her sadly, "Listen, whatever it is, we have your back. All of us. No matter what it is, we will help you."

Annabeth bit her bottom lip nervously before slowly nodding, "My Mom came and visited me before we left Camp Half-Blood. She said she needed me to do something for her, something that none of her children have ever been able to succeed at before."

Percy nodded for her to go on.

"She wants me to find the Athena Parthenos in Rome. It was stolen by the Romans when they conquered Greece. She told me to follow the Mark of Athena through Rome." She explained as pulled a coin with the Mark of Athena and placed it on the table in front of her.

"What do mean stolen by the Romans?" Piper asked a little angrily while Jason nodded.

Percy and Zoe both glared at Piper.

"Does it really matter? Were you alive back then? It's a well-known fact that Rome and Athena don't like each other." Zoe asked harshly.

Piper glared back at Zoe, "No I wasn't alive then, were you?"

Zoe smirked, "Actually I was."

Piper's eyes widened but Percy pounded his fist on the table, "Seriously Piper? We are like an hour into this trip and the Greek and Roman shit is already starting. The whole point of Jason and I being switched was to show that Greeks and Romans can work together. I'm Greek and we got along fine. Same goes for Jason and everyone from Camp Half-Blood. This isn't some two bit quest to kill a monster. We fail; we die along with every demigod we know."

Piper glared at Percy for a second before she sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry Percy. But what does this prophecy mean anyway?"

Percy nodded but then looked at Annabeth and frowned, "Apparently Annabeth needs to be doing this alone. I don't like it but if it's what the prophecy calls for then what choice do we really have?"

Annabeth looked nervous for a second before her eyes hardened and she nodded.

"What about the third line?" Jason asked.

Percy's expression became worried, "My brother and sister. Their last name is Di'Angelo."

"Angelo is Angel in Italian." Jason replied to which Percy nodded.

"Who are the twins then?" Hazel asked.

Percy looked to Annabeth whose brow was furrowed in thought before Zoe gasped, "I know this. Ephialtes and Otis are the twin sons of Gaia. Together they are born to oppose Dionysus." She said.

"Well that sucks. I know that fat drunk won't get off his ass to help us. But I am sure we can get another god or goddess if we need to. Artemis said most of the Olympians will help us when we need it." Percy explained.

"What's wrong with Bacchus?" Jason asked with an eyebrow raised.

Annabeth snorted making everyone look at her. She looked at Percy and chuckled, "After Percy knocked him out… Well he is a little bitter towards him, Zoe and me."

Everyone looked at Percy in shock but he just shrugged, "He deserved it, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyone know any of the other lines?"

The room fell into silence for a minute making Percy sigh loudly, "Not much we can do now except get to Rome as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded and soon the galley emptied out until only Percy, Zoe and Annabeth remained.

"Are you alright Annabeth?" Zoe asked softly.

Annabeth looked up at her but her expression was grim, "My Mom… I've never seen her like that before. She was so… angry, it was almost scary."

Zoe nodded solemnly, "Remember after Quebec when I told you that Rome would not welcome you? This is what I meant. It is good the Lares didn't know you were a daughter of Athena; they would have thrown a fit. They basically made her a minor goddess and she has never forgiven them."

"I'm just worried. She said many of her children have failed. What if I can't find it? She made it sound like she would never forgive me if I failed her." Annabeth said miserably.

"Cut that out Annabeth. You're one of the saviors of Olympus. They greatest child of Athena to ever live. You're on this quest for a reason. You can do this. Besides, we'll help you in any way we can Annabeth. You're not alone in this." Percy said seriously while Zoe nodded her head in agreement.

Annabeth gave him a small smile, "Thanks Percy. You guys are good friends. I'm going to go catch a nap for a few hours." She said before getting up and walking out of the galley.

Zoe looked at Percy worriedly, "What about you Percy, are you okay?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm fine. I just want to get to Rome so we can find Nico and Bianca."

Zoe looked at him sadly before she got out of her chair and sat on Percy's lap, throwing her arms around his neck.

"We will Percy, you just have to relax. We're going to get to Rome as fast as possible." She said quietly.

Percy sighed buried his head in her hair, feeling his worries ease a bit just having her close.

"When are we going to get a break? Why couldn't we get even a whole year off without someone trying to destroy Western Civilization?" Percy said tiredly into the back of her head.

"I blame you Percy." Zoe said softly.

Percy pulled his head back and looked at her confused.

Zoe smiled, "You're the hero. You're the one who everyone turns to when they need to be saved."

Percy scowled, "Not by choice, I hate being a demigod."

Zoe chuckled, "I don't hate that you're a demigod. If you weren't who you are then I never would have met you. You wouldn't have saved my life in Maine. You wouldn't have saved me from my father. You wouldn't have saved the whole world, me included, from Kronos and then I might have never realized that not every single man is as bad as I thought. And I may not have fallen in love with you."

Percy looked up at her and couldn't help but smile. He was about to respond when she leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips.

Percy pulled back after a few seconds, "We saved the world Zoe, not me. Remember what Hestia said in the throne room at the end of the war? She said our destinies are intertwined now. I would never have been able to do any of that if I didn't have you with me. I didn't do those things Zoe, we did."

Zoe smiled back softly at him before pressing her lips back to his. Just as they were about to deepen the kiss, the sound of something crashing on the ground made them break apart. They both looked towards the entrance to find Leo wide-eyed and trying to scramble to his feet.

"Sorry guys… I was just coming down for some food." He said nervously making them both crack up.

"Relax Leo; we're not going to bite you." Percy said chuckling. "Well Zoe might but I'll hold her back." He said as Zoe turned to glare at him only for them to be engulfed by a shadow and disappear to another more private part of the ship.

Leo stared at the spot they vanished from shaking his head, "That has got to be the coolest demigod power ever."

Line Break

Percy woke up to find a mess of silky black hair on his chest. He closed his eyes again deciding he had no interest in getting up yet. He was far too content where he was at the moment.

Just as he was about to drift off back to sleep, an outraged voice brought a scowl to his face.

"No! No! No! There will be none of this under my watch Jackson!" Hedge yelled from the doorway of the room they were in.

Percy looked down to find Zoe's eyes narrowed with a very dangerous glint Percy had seen far too many times for his liking.

"Relax Hedge," Percy said biting back a chuckle. "We were just sleeping."

Hedge's eyes narrowed, "This is unacceptable Jackson! I thought you two had more sense than this! Not on my watch! You get your tushie out of bed right now cupcake!" Hedge screeched.

Zoe sent a glare at Percy, warning him to take of this before she did more painfully.

"HEDGE!" Percy yelled. "We aren't little kids. I'm seventeen and she's like two thousand and sevente...Ughh!" He said as Zoe elbowed him in the stomach.

Percy recovered and glared at Hedge, "Listen Hedge, there's nothing you need to worry about but I suggest you quiet down before you piss me off… or even worse, Zoe."

Hedge's face turned red and he opened his mouth to speak but a shadow wrapped around his mouth before he could say the first word. Percy had to bite back a laugh and the satyr's bright red face.

"Sorry Hedge but the topic isn't exactly open for debate." Percy said as he waved his and a shadow engulfed the little five foot satyr and he disappeared from the doorway.

Percy was suddenly slammed in the stomach from a small but powerful fist.

"Stop making it sound like I'm an old lady." Zoe growled.

Percy chuckled quietly, "Sorry Zoe but I did make a good point. Besides you're easily the most beautiful two thousand year old woman to ever walk the earth. You happen to look very good for your age."

Zoe looked up at him from her spot on his chest before she rolled her eyes but a small smile appeared on her face as she got out of bed and walked off into the bathroom.

Percy rolled out of bed and headed for the male bathroom on the ship so he could shower. After he had showered he made his way to galley where he found everyone trying to stifle laughs as Hedge walked back and forth ranting about 'upstarts' and 'unacceptable behavior'.

Percy shook his head annoyed and walked up to the worked up satyr without him noticing. Just as Hedge noticed him and looked up, Percy waved a hand over his face, "Sleep." He said in a smooth but commanding tone.

The satyr would have face planted into the galley floor if Percy hadn't caught him and laid him down gently before taking a seat next to Hazel who was chuckling at her brother's actions.

"So where exactly are we?" Percy asked, his gaze directed at Leo.

Leo pulled out a Nintendo Wii controller and pressed a few buttons as a screen dropped down from the ceiling. The screen showed a map of the U.S. with a single marker that was currently over the state of Kanas. On to the side of it was a list of statistics like latitude and longitude, as well as altitude and a bunch of other stats Percy was too concerned with.

"We're in Kansas, almost Missouri. We should reach the east coast in the next four or five hours." Leo said reading the stats to the side of the ship.

Percy looked at Leo in shock, "Dude, did you put all this stuff together?"

Leo shrugged, "My Dad helped, albeit grudgingly. I was supposed to do it with my siblings but Hera and Artemis said it needed to be done immediately so he used his god voodoo magic to help us complete it in a couple days."

Percy nodded approvingly, "Nice… Good work Leo, this is awesome."

Leo grinned, "You just wait till I show you the weaponry on this beast. We'll be able to blow up the whole city of Rome if we need to when we get there." He said happily until he was smacked upside the head by Piper.

"We will not be blowing up Rome." She growled while Jason and Hazel nodded in agreement.

"Alright beauty queen, jeez, I was trying to make a point." Leo explained as he rubbed his head.

"Beauty Queen?" Piper growled.

Leo cowered back into his seat while the rest of the table stifled laughs at his look of fear.

Once everyone had eaten, the members of the prophecy sat around the table as they discussed a rotation for sleeping and keeping watch as they flew their way to Rome. After that had all been figured out, a few people went to get sleep while the rest went about their day.

Percy and Zoe had volunteered to take the night shift, Percy being a son of Hades giving him slighter better vision at night to find danger in the darkness. Leo had the ship on autopilot, allowing the couple to relax on the front of the ship as they soared through the starry night sky.

Zoe was leaning against Percy, enjoying finally having him back by her side at last.

"What did Reyna mean when she said you broke the hearts of a few Amazons?" Zoe asked quietly.

Percy chuckled a bit, "Reyna's sister is Queen of the Amazons. I had to stop there on the way to Alaska to try to get them to help us in the battle. They came and it turned the tide of the battle. There was one Amazon who said I'd look good in an iron collar and orange jumpsuit." He said with humor.

"What?" Zoe asked confused.

Percy chuckled louder, "That's what they do with their men. Weird, huh? I explained I already had a girlfriend though, don't worry."

Zoe was silent for a minute, "Hmm… That's not such a bad idea. Perhaps it will be easier to make sure I don't lose you again." She said seriously.

Percy chuckled, "You're funny Zoe."

Zoe remained silent making Percy glare at her,.

"Fine but you actually might look good that way." She teased.

Percy rolled his eyes and kissed the top of her head softly.

"What was it like at Camp Jupiter Percy?" She asked.

Percy shrugged, "It was alright. Honestly, I like the way their camp is run better than Camp Half-Blood but it sucked not having my memories. It did give me a new sister and for that I am grateful. But it was missing the most important part, at least for me." He finished with a small smile.

She looked up at him making Percy roll his eyes, "You Zoe."

Zoe smiled a bit, "What's your sister Hazel like?"

Percy's smile grew, "She's a sweetheart. I am really glad I found her, it made the whole trip worthwhile."

Zoe smiled at the happiness in his voice, "What's her story?"

Percy tensed a bit before he realized it was only Zoe asking. "Honestly, she died in 1942."

Zoe sat up and turned around to look at Percy to make sure he was being serious.

Percy smirked a bit before turning serious, "Gaia tried to wake back then. She used Hazel's Mom to manipulate Hazel into raising Alcyoneus. But before he was fully risen; Hazel realized what was happening and sacrificed herself to destroy him, killing both her and her mother."

Zoe looked at Percy in disbelief, "How is she alive?"

He smiled sadly, "Nico. He snuck her out when the Doors of Death were opened after finding her in Asphodel. The judges tried to send her mother to punishment so Hazel took some of the blame so both could go to Asphodel, which is torment for a child of our father. Most souls there don't understand what's going on but not her. She spent all the time watching time pass minute by agonizing minute fully aware of her past life and what was going on."

Zoe looked at Percy in shock, "Won't the gods send her back when they find out?

Percy let out a quiet growl, "Over my dead body. She is staying with me."

Zoe shook her head and smiled at Percy, so loyal to those he loved. She leaned towards him and kissed him softly, "You're a good brother Percy."

Percy shrugged modestly making Zoe smile more. She leaned forward to kiss him again when the ship shook violently, sending Zoe flying backwards over the railing. Percy dove forward and grabbed her hand at the last second.

"Oh no you don't. You're not getting away from me again." He said seriously as pulled her back over the railing.

Zoe smiled at him before the ship shook again. Percy steadied them as sirens and alarms blared on the ship while Percy looked into the night, trying to see what was attacking them. He paled as he finally saw what it was as he saw what could only be described as a flock of dragons circling around for another attack on the ship.

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