Reader No.2

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Hey guys ! (Please do read from the starting )

Today your host *Aliyah* is here 💜

(Audience - wow , our beautiful princess , look how beautiful she looks , her legs are to die for man , I dont need my girlfriend...I need her !

Admin - Come out of your dreamland , it isnt going to happen .

Aliyah - someone is jealous....*giggle*

Admin - can we post 'interviewers wanted' ad ? *glares*

Aliyah - I was just jok-king *gulps* )

So , where did I vanish suddenly without doing interview for so long ?

Uf..its been long since I've hosted a interview , well...I blame my professor of course for giving me loads of work . He just wants to make my life a living hell , I am sure he even has a secret wattpad account stalking me 24/7 !

How do I know ?
Well , he knows my wattpad username and that's how I found out . *Thank god I kept my dirty works to myself or else *gulps*

Okay...I trailed off , didnt I ?

Anyways , Coming to Today's Star Of the Show , she is sweet like a sugar , who has the sense of humour which is out the world .

She was crowned as the official  'Dramebazz of Wattpad' and guess what, she takes it as a compliment *never heard of a specimen like this*

But anyways , Her one comment in your book and tada-You are officially her best friend .

She calls herself as an introvert but guess what , I have never found a person more sociable than her ( - Not my words , but the author who choosed her)

Also , she is known for confusing her own readers when they ask too many doubts about the story *oooh...*

So who is this person ?

Nope , definitely not from Mars , maybe Jupiter (if that's what you are guessing from the given Info)

Okay let me reveal it myself *I have huge brain than anyone else in the world *

Also since no one could find out who this exotic(rare) specimen is , here we go....*no cookies for you guys*


Excuse me , Spotlight please *smiley face*

And dont Forget the Drumrolls ~


What about-- *I can see the admin glaring , maybe much job is at stake Now*

Okay here we go , (Clears my throat)

Its , your very own sweet , bubbly , fun


Welcome to the show darling *uwuu*

Audience please dont forget to clap !

Let's see who nominated you ,

Its....*drumrolls again*

Our very boring and not-so-worthy ,


(PS- I still hate you *ahem , personal matter aside*)

Aliyah - So dolly , why did you choose jasmine_r22 as your best/favourite reader ?

Dolly - No introduction for me ? *doe-eyes*

Aliyah - you arent the star today , so please if you could hurry up a bit .

Dolly - sorry *cheeky smile*

Aliyah - Please dont give that smile , someone might die looking at it *glares*

Dolly - okay anyways , Why did I choose jasmine_r22 as my favourite reader ?

Well , the answer is pretty obvious and I am sure she is confused on why I choosed her . We have only interacted a few times and it's been only from past few weeks yet she has managed to find herself into my heart .

As everyone said , she has a great sense of humour and you should definently see the way she comments , I never saw huge comments like that except from my sweetheart Ownscribbler .

She is very carefree and speaks her heart out . She doesnt refrain thinking about others reaction and that's the best part of her .

She is also a popular author and has a busy schedule but still she finds time to read my book and well , comments too .

Her comments and motivation make me write even more . Okay I might sound selfish , but man...I live for her praises in my story *innocent smile*

So , that's why I choosed her as my favourite and best reader .

Aliyah - okay , thank you . Now please shoo....shoo...shoo from here .

Dolly leaves

Aliyah - please don't forget to close the door .

*slamming sound*

Okay , Anywyas I did a blunder mistake of telling you the name of the author who has chosen you , which I shouldn't have and the admin was about to throw me out and guess what !?

I had a life-saver at the nick of a moment .

Another person also nominated you . (I love her so much for this)

Now , who is that person !?!?


Let's come back after a short commercial break !

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Sad seeing low views and comments on your book ?

Want to know where you lag ?

Dont worry , The Gloss Club is Here at your service !

Register your book today to know where you lag in our various sectors .

For more information , contact The_Gloss_Club

Shine , Dream , Smile }

Coming back , ( that was a huge-ass Commercial )

Anyways...the other author who mentioned you was ,
Our very own charming , sweet , angel down earth and who has heart of gold


*claps furiously*

Welcome to the show darling

Aliyah - So praneetha , why did you choose jasmine_r22 as your favourite and best reader ?

Praneetha - She is The first one to acknowledge any new writer on swasan in wattpad and the one with whom you can share anything without any fear .

Because she is that relaible .

Frankly speaking she is very shy and speaks her heart out only when she gets trusts the other person. She is sensitive and used to take things to heart par ab meri sangath ke vajah se thodi string ban gayu I guess .

The most sweet girl and pure at heart .

Aliyah+Audience - awwww....look at their friendship *smiley faces*

So this is your secret Author who nominated you sweetheart , hope you like the surprise !

Thank you Praahi for taking your time to answer us *loads of hugs and kisses*

Anywyas , now moving onto the important segment ,


Questions :-

What's your real name ?

Well Jasmine isn't my real name . My real name is Pavithra .

When did you start your journey in wattpad ?

I had actually joined Wattpad in the month of December 2017 but my journey as a reader started from February 2018 while as a writer from April 2018.

Why did you choose wattpad ?

My friend had recommended me about Wattpad so from there my journey started .

Tell us about your lifestyle (your hobbie/favourite food , work/school , favourite show etc)

My lifestyle is very simple which starts from college and ends with college works and with some leisure time which I get will utilise it in Wattpad .

About my hobbies , being a final year post graduate student , the work which I dint like in my whole lifetime as turned out to be my hobby and that is conducting research on various issues for which I will get marks for my semester . It's a part of my education and now I'm actually enjoying doing it

About favorite food being a foodie I love foods a lot mainly the seasonal foods and about favorite show I really don't get leisure time to entertain myself with any shows .

Why do you like Swasan ?

I liked the pairing of SwaSan a lot mainly due to the maturity and understanding between the couple which is most important for any relationship . Though it started with hatred but ended with pure love and trust .

Are there any couple you like other than SwaSan ?

Yeah along with SwaSan I like MaNan , Ronakshi , Praghbir and Piansh though I couldn't watch full show , it's in my watching list in hotstar and voot 😅

Who is your favourite author in wattpad ?

Favorite authors I have many . I don't know from whom to start and from whom to end . The list is such a big one and a difficult one to answer 😅

How did he/she inspire you ?

Inspiration is the different level of portraying their concept . As all are unique I liked their uniqueness in the storyline and the way they portray each and everything .

Do you any friends on wattpad ?

I have many friends in Wattpad started with SamairaRajput Praahi  NehaRai0 SamairaRaichand5   Honey_too Diya543 shai_kuls Ag126900 Ownscribbler Ramitajaipur mahaenterprises
cindrella212 @_chessyroots @_thelazyaamta @bhavs_sI59

Do you have passion for writing ?

10. Writing is a part of my hobby and I don't have much passion towards it but I love writing .

What is your favourite book in wattpad as well as real life ?

My favorite book in Wattpad is Married To Mr.Pshyco . In real life I haven't read much books as much I read in Wattpad 😅😅

What is your thought about reader ? Why do you think they are important in a Author's life ?

Readers are most important as they give a new shape to the writers storyline . Their support is the most important thing which helps an writer to grow . Its writers interest + readers support which brings out a unique storyline . Though it's a single word comment or a big comment or be a vote it means a lot .

What's your opinion about Silent Readers ?

Silent readers I don't know what to say about them. But as we cannot force them either ( though if we do they won't turn out from silent zone ) it's just I don't know what to tell them . Might be they have their own issues to come into light as recently I had chatted with some of my silent readers 😂😂 and got to know their reasons of being silent too .

Do you think you are better reader ?

Yeah I feel I'm a better reader and that's the reason my interview has been taken and given a warm welcome 😅😂
Well jokes apart but I seriously sometimes feel like being a reader is far better than drawing the attention of readers towards our book .

Do you like the interview ?

I really enjoyed the interview ❤️ This was really unexpected one and I had really no expectation ever that one day someone would suggest to get my interview ❤️

A few lines/words about this interview ?

As I said this was really unexpected one for me . But I feel it's a good way to know about the readers too . Because sometimes it will be like readers will be having their own problems , views , thoughts and likings which we being a writer won't understand but when we speak up with them personally will allow us to know them too . I really appreciate this idea of interacting with the writers favorite readers .

Few words for the author who choosed you ?

Truely speaking I know nothing about the author who choosed me and that was the main shock for me 😂😂


A round of applause please *claps furiously*

That that was very fun Pavitra , you just proved that you are an extrovert with the way you answered .

Thank you for replying us within a short period of time *loads of kisses*


I am sure you guys who have got some hints and gists about our guest today .

If you want ask more questions , feel free to drop an inline comment .

Phew....that was hard , I spent my blood , sweat and tears into this interview . Hence , I am expecting a high pay Adminji .

Admin - *loads of kisses and hugs*

Aliyah - real payment ?

Admin - we know you are very humble that you wont accept money from us *innocent smile*

Aliyah - when did I say that-

Admin - Thank you for reading our interview , stay tuned for the next secret reader with different questions and tricky nok-jhoks!

Aliyah - hey that was my job !


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