Interview with Optimus Prime

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Starbee-Prime walk her seat at the desk in the show. She look at the paper and saw only three questions for Optimus Prime. Starbee-Prime knew some of her own questions for the leader of Autobots in few minutes.

Starbee-Prime: Welcome back to the show "Interview of Autobots, humans, and Decepticons!"

Audience appalled and ready to watch the show. They are waiting for Starbee-Prime to bring Optimus Prime to the show. Starbee-Prime saw everyone waiting for Optimus Prime to meet Starbee-Prime.

Starbee-Prime: I see everyone want to meet the leader of Autobots, am i right?

Audience: YES!

Starbee-Prime: Okay! Let bring Optimus Prime, so people can asked their questions to him.

One of the staff called announcement for Optimus Prime to come down to the show, and the leader of Autobots came into the show to meet Starbee-Prime.

Optimus Prime: What is gonna here? Why you need me to come down here? Do I have a feeling that Starbee-Prime is hiding from me?

Starbee-Prime: WHAT? I am not hide anything. I need you to be in the show . I am going to interview about humans, Autobots, and Decepticons.

Optimus Prime: What do you mean "interview about humans, Autobots, and Decepticons?"

Starbee-Prime: (sigh) People will ask you questions and you will answers the question that they gave you.

Megatron pop out of nowhere. Starbee-Prime and the audience believe he came from the room with the Decepticons.

Megatron: NO THANKS! I don't want to be in the interview.

Starbee-Prime: You have too, Megatron. There will be no escaping from me, Megy. The building will be lock down and your gun is disarmed means can't hit the wall. Muwhahaha!(evil laugh)

Megatron: No! No! NNNOOO! I am leader of Decepticons and you will not order me to stay.

Starbee-Prime: You have, too! Everyone, let's yell for Autobots.

Audience and Starbee-Prime: AUTOBOTS!

The Autobots came down so fast with their weapons on.

Arcee: Yes?

Starbee-Prime: Do you mind if you can put Megatron in the brig for me, so he can't escaped from us.

Autobots: Sure!

Autobots put Megatron in the brig, so he won't escape from Starbee-Prime, the anger femme. Starbee-Prime and the audience keep hearing Megatron screaming to Autobots to let him go. They knew if they let a Decepticon go and Starbee-Prime will put Autobots in the brig for letting him go.

Starbee-Prime: Thank you, guys!

Autobots: Your welcome, Starbee-Prime!

As Autobots leaves, Starbee-Prime looking at the questions for Optimus Prime one more time. She nodded and it is time to asked questions for the leader of Autobots.

Starbee-Prime: Okay! I am now ready to ask some questions for Optimus Prime from the people. First one from raphaelchik "Optimus, have you ever considered that maybe ya need to get a girlfriend(sparkmate)?"

Optimus Prime: I don't have any sparkmate after I lost Elita-One in the war on Cybertron.

Starbee-Prime: Okay! Now we know why we don't see Optimus having a sparkmate on the TV show. Only we see is on the story as fanfiction for all people who wrote them. Thanks, raphaelchik for asking Optimus!

Audience applauded for raphaelchik and quiet down for the next question for Optimus Prime.

Starbee-Prime: For our next question from AlyaPrime who had two questions. First one is "Optimus, have you ever met me, Megatron's daughter, Ayla, and his exact copy with half his build, and Secondary Leader of the Decepticons?"

Optimus Prime: I never heard of Ayla, daughter of Megatron. I know Megatron very well but not Ayla.

Starbee-Prime: I will look up for you Prime. Second question is "Oh, and have you ever pulled a prank as Orion Pax?"

Optimus Prime: I will not tell you what I did to Ratchet and Megatron many eons ago.

Ratchet and Megatron heard from Prime said that and realized that was him not each other before the war start. They thought someone like troublemaker prank them but found out it was Optimus Prime done that all of those eons ago.

Megatron and Ratchet: THAT WAS YOU, ORION PAX! (Ratchet threw a wrench at Optimus Prime and Megatron is still in the bring trying to break out to punch Prime out.)

Optimus Prime and Starbee-Prime: UH-OH! SOMEONE SOUNDS MAD AT ME/PRIME!

Optimus Prime yelled hurt after feeling a wrench threw by Ratchet for being found out the truth after eons later. Audience saw what happen with both Ratchet and Megatron. They knew both Cybertronians are mad at Prime for pranking them years ago.

Starbee-Prime: Okay! I don't want to know what happen to both Ratchet and Megatron did to the poor bot being framed by Orion Pax who later known as Optimus Prime. (shivering from the angry mechs in her mind) Moving on! Thanks, AylaPrime!

Audience agreed with Starbee-Prime about Ratchet the Autobot Medic and Megatron the leader of Decepticons. They have a feeling that they will be sleep with one eye open with two dangerous Cybertronians with angry issues. As soon everything is settle down and Optimus still having his dent on his helm from Ratchet the Hatchet and his infamous wrench.

Starbee-Prime: Now, my questions I had was only three questions at least. The first question is "Do you feel emotions around your team?"

Optimus Prime: No, I don't show my emotions around my teammates.

Starbee-Prime: OK that strange! I was hoping if you do besides smiling to someone like Raf and Jack. My next question is "On the end of the second season and final battle against Unicron, why do you have to sacrifice your life?

Optimus Prime: To keep Autobots and humans safe from getting killed at the old base. The other one is to hide the Allspark from Unicron to get it.

Starbee-Prime: The final question is "Was Megatron is your friend or brother before the war?"

Optimus Prime: He was my friend and brother before he went gone bad.

Audience and Starbee-Prime: AW!

Starbee-Prime: That was a beautiful family I ever heard. Thank you, Optimus Prime for coming here.

Optimus Prime: Your welcome, Starbee!

Optimus Prime leaves the show and headed back to the Autobots. Starbee-Prime waving as he left the room to get something to drink after very long interview with the people and herself.

Starbee-Prime: I will have our leader of Decepticons, Megatron. Please ask him some questions. See you next time! Bye!

Starbee-Prime left the show and wait for the people to ask some questions to Megatron. It will be for a while before she can do her show with the Transformers again. Audience applauded for Optimus Prime and Boo's at Megatron.


Starbee-Prime: 'TIL ALL ARE ONE! (back in the room with humans)

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