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Lantern: O- oh! 


Ash: *smiles shyly* Hi..

Pyro: *bored* If you're not here to take me away from Ms. Enthusiasm and Mr. My-Only-Personality-Trait-Is-I-Hate-Talking-To-People

Ash: H- hey, that's not very nice!

Fenn: Aw, don't be like that Pyro. You need to see the ups in life, such as finding out dragons' insecurities and using it against them in the future! 

Pyro: ...F*ck, you know how to get me entertained.

Ash: *stares at them and quickly turns to Lantern* Just so you know, I don't know those people and am not involved with them whatsoever. Please be my witness when those two land me in court. 

Lantern: . . . 

Lantern in her mind: Why the hell am I getting ambushed by these maniacs. I mean, I'm a maniac too but ack-- . . . I wanna go back to Scrollwriter and Ironbreaker.

Pyro: I'm not maniac. I just happen to know everybody's house address and greatest fear. Yours is losing your son and husband.

Fenn: Wow, that's so noble. Mine is just getting my toe stubbed.

Ash: Mine is just getting my entire village destroyed, my prosthetic wings burning to flames like my real ones did, the queen enslaving all of us, my brother becomes even more stupid than he already is and also . . . *shudders* talking with people. 

Pyro: . . . should I be concerned that both of you are right?

Lantern: And should I be concerned that I still have no idea where I am and if these random dragons surrounding me are mentally sane?

Fenn: Oh! We didn't explain? . . . Ash, explain.

Ash: Uh, *sweats nervously* we're just interviewing you because your creator decided she wanted to put you through social interaction. 

Lantern: *pauses and then nods* Sounds like something she would do. I'm in several AUs anyway. 

Pyro: Please stop breaking the fourth wall. TheFourthWallBuilder is busy these days. 

Lantern: How do you know that?

Pyro: . . . Potatos.

Fenn: OK, *stares at clipboard. It says the words "Reminder: Tell Adonis she sucks".* 

Also Fenn: *Throws it away*

Fenn: So, it says here that your name is Lanter-- that isn't even a Leaf/Ice name!

Lantern: Oh, that's because my egg was glowing when I hatched.

Ash: Relatable? 

Pyro: *shrugs* It's an every-day thing now, I guess. 

Fenn: OK... tell us about your backstory. 

Lantern: I'd . . . prefer not to say. 

Pyro: *yawns* So basically, she has a mother that sucks and a good father who . . . had sock fights with her?? 

Ash: W- wait, I don't think socks exist in dragon worl--

Pyro: And also this trauma affected her mind which is why I'm gonna stop reading your thoughts now. They make me feel extra depressed.

Lantern: *frowns, upset* Wow, thank you for letting me be private. 

Pyro: . . . 

*Everyone expecting an apology*

Pyro: Here's the solution to all your problems; leave that mother of yours because she *her usual nonchalant face slipped for a few seconds* isn't doing you good. And get a therapist. You really need that-- 

*Pyro leaves, leaving Lantern confused*

Fenn: Don't worry, that's Pyro's love language. . . solving other peoples' problems without solving hers first.

Ash: *sniffles* Wow . . . that was so poetic, Fenn.

Lantern: Wait, I read this line in a scroll befo--



I give Lantern a solid 9/10. I'd give her a 10 but I do feel like her type of personality is a TAD over-used. Then again, my OCs are too. 

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