Son of a Bitch

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I pull the brush through one last time, setting it down upon the counter as I look up at the girl before me. The girl who sulked the whole day in bed yesterday as Flynn respected my privacy. But today I head out, the sun not even out yet as Flynn is about to drop by and pick me up. Today we head out to escape the world and I pray we do not get lost. Not lost in location as our phones cannot gps us back to society, but so lost in our emotions that we forget what lies ahead for us. College and the chance of Flynn being rejected by his father. So lost in our emotions that we forget about the reality of his mate. I do not know who she is or when she will appear, but I do know there's a chance that she could tear us apart. I believe in Flynn and his strength on how the mate bond does not mean you are in love, but I worry that he only says it because he has not experienced the bond yet.

I can hear the car pull up, the sound of the engine turning off. I pick up my bag, heading for the front door as the lights are all off within the house and my parents asleep. They trust Flynn with my life. Not because he is the future Alpha, but because he is loyal and cares for me. Locking the door behind me, I turn around to face the car, a Jeep replacing what is usually a sleek car. Flynn stands by the passenger side, opening the door for me as a smile crosses my lips. The moment his eyes meet mine, my heart speeds up and I find my life going by fast as I'm soon in the car, Flynn taking the wheel.

"So where is our destination?"

He smiles.

"What all did you pack?" He asks, taking a left onto the freeway as I see we are headed east. "What types of shoes?"

"Sandals and sneakers. Didn't know which I would be needing," I respond, looking back to the small duffle bag. "My mother hinted at sun screen and a swimming suit just to be prepared. I'm guessing that you told her."

"Gold star to Amory," he comments, plastering his pearly whites across his face. "To the beach for a day of getting away." I wait for his next words. "Your mother made sure I would tell her."

"Well, I can't wait to see where this day takes us," I announce, plastering my own smile across my face as he turns up the classic rock. For the most part, I look out the window, humming the chorus as Flynn takes the guitar solo, mocking the sounds as the ride is not filled with awkward silence. Awkward silence like when I think of how I am to reject Augustus. I could reject him while we are drunk, for him to not remember. But what justice could be done there?

"Flynn," I announce, his response is turning down the music as he awaits my words. "What..." Asking the question would lead to an argument that I do not want to ruin this day. "Did you bring sunscreen?" He raises an eyebrow, nodding his head as I have gotten away with an argument. But how will I reject Augustus? Just pop out of no where and explain to him that I'm a werewolf, a thing of fiction, and we are mates and I am rejecting him. Yah, because that will work out just peachy.

As the ride comes to any end, we find ourselves parked between two trucks, the ocean before us as my heart skips a beat. It's been two years since I was here. I've missed the smell and the sand. Looking around, I see waves crashing upon the shore, chairs and umbrellas set up, a few beach bars, and friends having fun. There's a ton of people our age here today.


He asked me about going to the beach.

This is the group from our school.

I take a closer look, recognizing a girl with scarlet hair, the boy with her. These are my classmates and fellow pack members even. These are the people Augustus was going with. Is going with. He's here. He's somewhere. But he's here. "Did you know these people would be here?" I ask, wondering if he knew about this group.

"No clue," Flynn replies, turning off the engine as he heads for the trunk where a surfboard is stored away. "Do you want to change in here? The windows are tinted." I nod, grabbing my bag as Flynn shuts the doors, isolating me as I take in a deep breath. Augustus will see me where with Flynn and drama will be the result.

I change quickly, a navy bikini top on that I've now covered with my shirt, my bottoms on as well as they are covered by my shorts. Hopping out, I see Flynn leaning against the car, waiting for me. We head out, Flynn taking my hand as he pulls me close.

Augustus said that he would beat whoever stole me from him to a pulp. Flynn is the one who stole me. Augustus could never beat Flynn to a pulp, it would be the other way around. I'm worried. I'm scared.

We wave to a couple of people from school as we head to the beach to pitch camp for the day. With an umbrella set up and towels laid out, we have set up shop, laying down as I put sunscreen upon my body, not wanting to burn. "So what do you think about playing soccer with a group from school?" Flynn asks, motioning over to a group of ten playing in the sand, the lime green ball kicked around as chairs mark goals. I used to play soccer back in elementary unlike Flynn who plaid for our school's varsity team. "Please?"

"Sure," I respond, Flynn taking my hand as he pulls me with him and I forget Augustus, enjoying Flynn as we laugh and smile the whole day.

By sundown the beach is only filled with us recently graduated students, a bonfire beginning as music starts up. I'm next to Flynn in the water, sitting on the opposite end of his board as he sits across from me. Gentle waves push us closer to shore every minute, but the tide pulls us back. Mother loves the tide, how it is a symbol of Selene's love for us werewolves, her creation and children. "Amory?"

Looking back to meet his hunter green eyes, I'm pulled into a gentle and passionate kiss, Flynn pulling me closer as my heart flutters in my chest. I set my hands in his wet hair, pulling gently as he bites my lip gently, moving down to my jaw as I look up to the stars in the sky. He works his way down to my neck, a small moan escaping my lips as I set my hands on his shoulders to pull myself closer to his body. His teeth gently prick my neck, my eyes rolling back as I forget what it symbolizes. As I forget what a small bite to the neck symbolizes. His lips work magic as my wolf loses her mind, howling within me as feelings run south. I pull him closer, pushing my chest upon his own as I lose control.

He pulls back, a smug look upon his face. "You-

I pull him back in for a brief and passionate kiss, one second there and the next gone as his eyes turn dark green. Dark green not in anger, but resembling something more mature.

"You, Amory, are more beautiful than the moon." A blush creeps up upon my cheeks, my head cocking to the side as my eyes widen.

He had playfully bitten my neck. It means something more in werewolf culture than human. It symbolizes someone's want to mate. It symbolizes someone's want to not only mate, but also claim. He wants to claim me as his.

He's moving too fast. Faster than you should as a non-mate. Do I mind? A little because it scares me. It scares me how fast we are moving.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his words as I nod my head.

"I'm good, just zones out," I explain, offering Flynn a soft smile as he nods.

"Let's head back to shore."

Within five minutes we are back, the music loud as the group has a bonfire going. We walk up to the group, mingling with everyone as I greet people I haven't seen for what feels like ages.

Green eyes. Bright green and red hair.

"Amory," Molly greets, fixing a smile onto her face as I respect her. She's being mature and not holding a grudge when I would. Hell, if I were her, I would of slapped me by now and taken me down for a fight. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?" I ask, uncomfortable as Flynn can sense it. I hope Augustus is not here.

"Doing fine." She's broken. She loves Augustus still. Hell. Hell he still loves her. "I see you came here with Flynn." I nod. She's curious as to what went down. I know she is.

"How about you? Who did you arrive with?" I ask, trying to make conversation.


"You son of a bitch!"

It all happens so fast, how one second Flynn is beside me and the next he's on the ground, Augustus on top of him as he lands a hard punch right to Flynn's jaw. I gasp, watching as Flynn let's Augustus but him again, his head colliding hard with the sand. He's letting him take out some hate before he ends the fight. And he does, easily shoving Augustus off. "This is who you fell in love with, Amory? This dick?! You cheated on me with him!?"

Molly yells at Augustus to calm down.

"Leave it alone, Augustus," I plead, not wanting to see him get hurt.

"You heard her," Flynn snaps, grabbing Augustus's shirt as he stands tall over him. "Leave it alone."

He doesn't. He tries to punch Flynn in the ribs, only for his actions to be stopped and his body thrown onto the sand. "You sure as hell don't want to fight me, Augustus."

"Augustus," Molly calls out. "Let's go."

I interfere, placing my hands upon Flynn as I distance the two of them. "Leave it alone," I whisper, Flynn nodding as he takes my hand, watching as Molly drags Augustus away with her. "We should go too."


As we are all set in our car and Flynn sits at the wheel, his jaw bruising, his eyes locked upon the parking lot. He seems distant, as if arguing with his wolf. He's distracted and mad. He does not like Augustus at all. We've been sitting here for five minutes now. I make the move, placing my hand upon his cheek as I turn his head to face me. "Flynn, thank you. Thank you for not-

"I wanted to beat him to a pulp, Amory. It took so much to not beat the living shit out of his human ass." I nod, getting closer to Flynn as his breath fans my cheek. "I wanted to."

"Thank you for not," I whisper, placing a light kiss to his purple jaw. "I owe you." He chuckles, nodding in the process.

"I've got an idea." I raise an eyebrow. "One more kiss."

I do, pulling him in for one as he turns off the car, passion filling the kiss as the moonlight streams into the car. Superglue. He's my strength and my am I to him. As am I his strength and his weakness.

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