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The sky was grey, full of clouds heavy with rain, but the air was warm and humid. It had already rained once today, and the ground was damp, muddy earth clinging to your pawpads as you walked along the path that you'd travelled many, many times in your life. Despite the muggy summer air, it was actually a gorgeous day. The sun might be hiding, but the plant life around you was looking particularly verdant, their leaves sparkling with waterdrops, and the brightly coloured flowers popped beautifully against the backdrop of grey sky. 

You had just left camp to clear your head and maybe do some hunting for your clan. You hadn't slept very well last night - it had taken you a long time to fall asleep, your consciousness flickering in and out of of wakefulness several times before you'd finally fallen into a deep sleep, and then thanks to the rough start to the night, you'd accidentally overslept. It wasn't a big deal, but it made you want a bit of time to yourself to refresh. Hence why you'd left camp alone and were now plodding along on the path that led to the most popular landmark in RavenClan territory.

It didn't take long to arrive. When you reached it, you slowed to a stop and then looked up, your gaze tracing the profile of the huge oak tree that stood proudly as the marker between the forest and the twolegplace sides of RavenClan territory. The oak's branches reached high into the air, as if it were holding up the sky itself. No one else was here now, but on sunny days you could almost always find RavenClan cats draped across the sturdy branches, either lounging in the sunlight or enjoying the shade provided by the many leaves, depending on which spot they chose. It was the favourite place of a lot of warriors. 

You didn't really feel like lounging in the tree right now, though. After your rough night, you wanted to be on your paws, doing something useful for the clan, even if you had sought out temporary solitude. The clan could always use more prey, so hunting was the task you had in mind. You turned your head left to glance at the forest path, then right to the twolegplace path. Hunting was possible in both locations, though very different. Squirrels, mice, and other small woodland creatures could be found in the forest, while wild rabbits and all kinds of birds were abundant in the twolegplace. Both places had their own dangers, too, though the morning patrols had reported nothing to be concerned about. The rain made for a quiet day. 


Shall we start with an easy choice to get us all warmed up? 

Will you go left to the forest, or right to the twolegplace? 

Comment which option you think the story should take. If you dislike all of the presented options, you may suggest your own. The path with the most votes after a certain amount of time will be the chosen route.

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