Gyro's Heroic Adventure

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"Blathering Blatherskite!"

I am Gizmo. I am originally from Duckberg but that was a very long time ago. Recently, I am living with my new best friend in Steamville. We've known each other since he was three.

"And now I've been kidnapped!"

I am not sure who took me but I have my suspicions. Ever since that long-nosed Lord Leechford Fisher visited us at the apothecary shop I've that this strange feeling like I was being watched. I tried to scan the area but I didn't see anyone on my screen. Next thing I know, I am in a glass case, which is tossed in some sort of a dark place.


The carriage swerved right bumping my case against something hard. I can hear the clip-clop of the horse and the buzzing of the engine. We must be moving fast but where are we going?


The carriage swerved again but this time it was towards the left. I've landed upside down. I can hear the faint whistles of the train. We must still be near the station. I have to try and escape. Pushing against the cracked glass is not working so I punch it a few times but nothing happens.

"Stop that."

"Who said that?" I whispered.

"Ssh! Or he'll hear us."

Suddenly, there is the sound of creaks followed by some gears turning and a ping. The lid is thrown back. My mask protects me from the brightness of the flashlight.

"Gyro! It's you!"

"Of course. Who else were you expecting?" he asks, "The Rescue Rangers?"

"Don't talk about those rodents," I reply.

"C'mon, we haven't got all night. We have to escape before Lord Leechfish sees us."

"But what are you doing here? It's past your bedtime."

"I am rescuing you!"

He swiftly took out his leather tool pouch and effortlessly pried me out of my glass prison. We are surrounded by leather suitcases, old bags, and a big metal trunk labeled spare parts. There are different sizes of copper gears, steel rivets, and cogs. I shrug at Gyro, neither of us knows what those are for.

"Gizmo, is your plasma bolt working?"

"What for?" I ask.

"We could blast our way out."

"No! I have a better idea" I reply.

Swiftly, I cut the window while Gyro keeps watch. We are out of the industrial zone and heading towards the loading area of the Aerodrome. The carriage stops and we huddle behind the trunk.

The driver has stepped out talking into his wireless transmitter. I peer out from our hiding spot glancing at the road. The gas lamp globes brighten the dull road. Smog surrounds the men carrying luggage off a diesel truck. Their carts whizz away toward the airships as more carts arrive.

"We have to make a run for it, Gizmo"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I don't have air legs!"

"You don't have legs!"

He is right but before I can reply he's put on his goggles and pulled down his aviator cap. He grabs me by my stomach joint and stuffs me inside his coat. We creep out the door and he dashes towards the Autocar which was parked behind us. Before we can make it to the truck a black figure jumps in front of us.

"Going somewhere are we now?"

He sits in front of us glaring into our souls. His ears moved like radio antennae listing for the slightest sound. His eyes glisten in the darkness while his tail is wrapped around his paws. There is a clock tick toking as it hangs on his iron collar.

"Return the action duck," he growls.

"He's an action figure and he's mine," Gyro replies.

Abruptly, I fell to the ground my old gizmo suit dents hurting my back. Lord Leechford is dragging my friend with the back of his umbrella cane. Gyro flaps about but is unable to escape. I have to help him.

"You let him go!" I shout.

He ignores me.

"Leechfish, let go of my friend!"

"What did you call me," he yells rushing at me.

I shoot my plasma bolt at him and he screams holding his wrist. The creature pouches on me while Gyro jumps on the Lord's back. The next few minutes are filled with commotion. I hear yells, something cracking followed by screeching and then wailing sirens.

"Everyone freeze."

My batteries are low and I need to recharge. I switch to power saving mode as I am picked up and Gyro squashes me in a tight hug.

"Is that a Gizmoduck?" an officer asks.


"Those are very rare."

"He stole Gizmo."

"Mr. Fisher is in a whole lot of trouble. He's been stealing rare toys and auctioning them. We've been following him for some time and you called us at the perfect time. There is no escape for him or his cat."

A cadet gave us a lift and asked Gyro about our heroic adventure. I smiled happily as we were going home together.

Word Count - 789

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