The Leap of The Faith

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The Earth is flat.

Everyone knows this. It's a commonly known fact but it's only recently we have discovered the reason for the shape.

Ok. Let's look into this further.

Everyone knows about The Big Bang. There's no need to get into that story. What is important, is that the universe is expanding and everything in the universe is being stretched in all different directions.

When we say everything we mean everything. The Galaxies, the Sytems, the Stars. For all we know even Light, Space, Time. All of it. Stupidly, we never thought of this until now when it's almost too late.

We always knew the cause, it is only now that we are understanding its effects. If Earth and its atmosphere keep stretching then all life forms on Earth are in danger. The continents have already been ripped apart and are adrift in the mighty oceans.

The landmass of Zealandia has been thinning endangering plant and animal life. If the pressure does not subside then the continent will either crack up like flaky pieces of puff pastry or it will sink.

Incoming communication from the Bridge blinked over the paused holographic video.

"Captain, we have news from Central Command."

"What is it?"

"It's about The Hope."

"What about The Hope?"

"It's not good news."

"Oh for heaven's sake! Just spit it out, lieutenant."

"It's lost."


"The Hope. It's lost."

"How! How can they lose the whole ship!"

"The report came in a few minutes ago. Contact was lost with them at ..."


"I am checking ma'am, I mean captain. Last contact was at noon today."

"Do we know if she floated after going off the cliff?"

"She flew, floated, and fell."

"Is there any visual footage or audio?"

"The files are being transferred as we speak."

"Let me know when it's done."

"One more thing captain."


"We have received our orders."

"Which are?"

"We are a go."

"Give the instructions. The Faith goes over the cliff tomorrow."

Word Count - 300

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