Chapter 1 : The New World

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I feel my senses returning, picking up on the feeling of something pushing against me. Then the sound of flowing air growing in my ears, along with the sensation of butterflies in my stomach. My mind was slowly waking up from the blackout, but a cold chill forced me to open my eyes. My first sight was a faded green, then a few white puffs that seemed to get closer to me, and all around me was soft blue gradient haze that continued as far as the eye could see. I first thought it was a rather beautiful sight in front of me. But that didn't last too long as my brain started to put the pieces together.

Blue haze around me.
Fast approaching white clouds.
The green fields of grass and trees.

All that added up to one thing...

My ass was falling from the sky, and about to go terminal velocity straight into the Earth if I don't act now.

Ben : "URO!!!"

Mental screaming for my life. I feel his presence flood my head, processing the information of the situation in mere fractions of a second. I open my arms and legs out to slow the decent, but at my rate there was no way I was going to slow down enough before I became a red ascent on the green landscape below. I frantically flail my arms around as I fall faster by the second.

Uro : "We can morph at a certain altitude. Fall faster."

my face contorted in confusion as they said this. We should be slowing down, not speeding up.

Ben : "Why the hell do we want to speed u-"

Uro : "Do not ask questions, perform the task as requested."

I was about to protest some more, but knowing Uro's judgement on things relating to survival, he hasn't failed me yet. Placing my life in his hands yet again, I press my arms to my side and go head first into the dive. The air screeching in my ears as we rapidly accelerated. Not a minute later we were punching through the clouds, then right back out of them as the ground now approached at an alarming speed.

Ben : "Uro, you better be damn well sure you know what you're doin' right now."

I said in my head as the decent continued.

Uro : "When I issue the signal, face up and face your legs to the ground. Understood?"

Ben : "Roger that."

I said calmly out loud. I let my eyes slowly shut, and all my other senses take control as my body relaxes. The sound fades away, and only the silence of my inner mind was what I focused in on. I remained like this for what felt like another minute, the air getting thick against my face as we approach the ground.

Uro : "Now."

That was the sound I wanted to hear. I spread my hands up, flipping my self around as my eyelids flew open. Right when we were about 1000 ft off the ground, I felt my insides shift as we morphed. But this transformation felt different. In a matter of 3 seconds I went from my little human self into the mechanized beast, the familiar power rush felt much stronger than any time we morphed back in the Ark. We slammed into the middle of a forest, the impact sending trees toppling over and the shock wave tore them and the ground apart. After the dust settles within the decent sized crater, I notice something different about my form. 

The talons where now a more gray color, with black markings on them with more straight edges on them. The usual green hue that took over my vision was gone, but the overlay with all the vital data was still visible. I could clearly see the pine wood around me as I examined the crash site.

I felt more resistance in the tail as it swayed from side to side, and bringing the tail around, I see the tail blade was now one single connected blade.

Uronix : "Did we get an upgrade as well?"

The voice sounded slightly deeper as well, with more depth to it. It wasn't as robotic as the last voice, more of a deep presence. The type of voice that could sooth the mind of someone when speaking gently, but tear a person apart by fear when turned hostile. This new voice was something I loved about this new form, something that was needed, and fits well with the intimidation factor of the form.

Uro : "T-2 Unit Installation Completed."

Uronix : "Display a preview of the new form Uro."

I asked aloud. I take my first steps forward, the leg movement felt a little smoother, but was still sluggish due to the sheer weight that they supported. I walked out of the crater and turn to face the middle. The compacted dirt and stone pulverized that was exposed satisfied my eyes as the near perfect hemisphere of carved out earth lay in front of. A few digitized beeps in my head went off, and a hologram in my overlay appeared, showing the new form.

(I'll get a digital version up when I can.)

Uronix : "The tail is finally armored."

I pointed out, Uro making a gruff noise which I assumed was a brief laugh. I start to walk into the woods, getting used to the new form as we explored our new world. While wandering around the forest, I give the new talons a test  swing into a nearby tree. The sound of the weapon cutting through the air before it slammed into the bark. The point of contact immediately turned into splinters, the top half of the tree falling over.

Uro : "The Mechanical appendages seem to have a new ability as well, I would like to test this out."

Uronix : "Start it up then, we got a few trees to test on."

I felt my upper talons shift as they lowered down my sides, which was a brand new feeling to me since they were fixed to one spot before. They moved down for a few seconds, clanking like gears before stopping. The arms extended out and stopped as the talons were pointed down at the ground in front of me. Then a hiss let out as the joint that attached to the talons seemed to go slack. I move the hulking body side to side, and the talons swayed side to side, pivoting along the joint. I move my arm in a circular motion, and was able to rotate the talon a full 360 degrees along that point.

Uro : "Interesting, we can develop new combative move sets with this new augmentation."

Uronix : "I have an idea."

I start to spin the talon around in a circular motion in front of me. It gathered speed, spinning faster and faster. I start to spin the other, but it got into the path of the other, causing it to fly up and smack the form in the face with immense force. The boom of Ucronium metal rang out through the trees as I regained balance.

Uro : "The fuck are you doing... Trying to render us useless with in 5 minutes of entering the world?"

Uronix : "We... Oi that stings like a bitch. We can work on it later."

I felt his anger searing in my head. I didn't exactly blame him for his response since I did just smacked the both of us in the face. After being scolded by Uro, the talons lock into place and the arms slide back up to there original spot. Treading forward, I explore the world around us, spotting the occasional bird, fox, and other wildlife that scurried into hiding as I stomped by. Eventually we come across a paved road.

Uro : "Follow the road. Should lead us to infrastructure."

Uronix : "Seems like this world has regular people... Am I home..?"

My hope spiked up as we followed the winding road. I started to pick up the pace as the tension of hope built up. Following the pavement for around an hour, without a single car or sound other than the natural wilderness filling my ears. Eventually we come across an elevated point that lead to a clearing. Reaching it, I see a town in the distance.

Uro : "Revert to your human form, we do not want to alert the population to our presence."

I followed his instruction and very quickly reverted back to my human body, but something felt off. The transformation process was much faster, around 3 seconds compared to the 15-20 seconds of the old model. But what really felt weird was the skin tight feeling I got when I got after shrinking. Looking at my arm, I see that there is a solid black type of material around it. My hand now had log white talons for each finger, and a spike that protruded from my elbow. Looking at my feet in awe of my new suit, I had what looked like alien claws that dug into the dirt with every step.

(Sorry about the size, forgot my phone goes STUPID BIG on the image quality.)

Ben : "The hell hap-"

My hand covered my mouth when I realized my voice was different was well. Much deeper and almost demonic sounding now.

Ben : "Hello?"

I spoke again, hearing my new voice, and I was starting to like the new tone I could use.

Uro : "It seems the new model has allowed a new form to be adopted. A combination of my physical manifestation, and your physical form of your body."

Ben : "Interesting. Now let's go checkout this little town here."


A group of interest has set up camp around the crater that was left upon Ben and Uro's crash landing arrival. Men in grey and dark navy blue combat armor have taken posts around the lip of the crater as several tents and vehicles are scattered around. A man with a classic black suit and red tie approaches what appears to be some scientists down towards the center of the impact site. 

The Man : "Well, is the origin of this anomalous?"

He asked a scientist with a orange band around his left shoulder. The scientist was on the ground examining chips of stone that managed to not be reduced to dust. They look up to the man and answer.

Scientist : "As of right now it is a high possibility that it is sir. We are attempting to find any remnants of a possible meteorite, as we cannot rule this out as a plausible cause."

An armored guard quickly approaches the man.

Guard : "Sir, one of our scientists just located a set of large prints that lead away from the crater."

This seemed to grab both thee Scientists' and the Mans' attention, quickly following the guard who leads them to the discovery. Low and behold, large prints were pressed about 2-3 inches into the ground, signifying that what ever made them was massive.

Scientist : "We can rule out the meteorite possibility with this evidence. This is definitely anomalous in nature."

The Man : "Any populations nearby?"

Guard : "The tracks are heading towards Nevada City."

The Man : "Notify the nearest MTF unit immediately. Find this object before we have lose in human life."

The guard rushes off, the scientist begins to take vigorous notes, and the Man turns around and walks back to an awaiting car.

The Man : "Take me back to Site Alpha, begin construction of a new cell. I need to notify the O5 of our find here. We may have a new SCP."

[ A.U. : What do you guy's think? Let me know if this sounds good for the theme of SCP. Take care!]

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