Ch 4 : How could this be Possible !

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Thinking she would soon kiss the ground on the very first day of her college Avni closed her eyes but instead of ground she fell into the arms of someone ...

But instead of thinking about why didn't she felt any pain her mind and her nostrils were welcomed by a most delicious scent of a person

             something like mix of fresh pine , spring rain and cedar wood ..

This was very intimidating for her .... His smell was making her tummy churn !!!

she slowly opened her eyes and her eyes met with the sharp deep ocean blue eyes ... His pale skin was adding cherry to his beauty .... She could clearly see his bulging muscles from his sleeves in full glory .. he was a complete meal a girl would love to savour for ...

But the moment short lived ... !!

Involuntarily Avni's hand went on his cheeks .. she was about to touch the masterpiece standing in front of her but felt a shock ...

Just on her it was he at the same time felt a current past through his system ... And in that haste he released his hold on her ... Thank goodness Riya hold her on time ...

Avni and the guy looked at each other .. thinking what it was .... The feeling was different like they both want each other yet there body refrain the idea of them been together ...

But why !!

Siya who was coming to there way was shocked and amazed to see the guy infront of her well the guy was also having the same expression seeing Siya ...

Without wasting a single second she pulled Avni and Riya with her ... Not before glancing last time at the pale guy and his gang who was silently noticing the scenario ...

Siya took Avni to one of the corners and was checking her top to toe ...
             "Avni are you okay what was happening there "

          "Siya I was just about to trip and that guy saved me from falling and nothing but you know I felt a current after touching him but why I had a blurry image of something too "

Siya was shock and silent ... Even Avni was lost in thoughts .. she did told her that she saw a blurry image of something or most specifically someone but she didn't told that the person resembles to the same pale guy ...

             "Umm Avni let's go we have to complete some formalities come we are getting late ... "

She was not meeting eyes with Riya or Avni and these made Riya suspecious and made a mental note to ask about this later ..

Trio made there way towards the Principal's office ... Siya knock twice and waited for the reply ... Soon enough they heard "come in " from the other side and Siya along with Avni &Riya came inside ...

It was a classy wooden interior cabin .. most precisely it was clasic oak interior .. and in the centre there was a dark oak table where the trustee of the college Karan Luthra was sitting leaning back at his chair ... And on other hand the principal of the college Mr Dean was sitting ...

Seeing Avni Dean was shocked and amazed he looked at Karan for the answer but seems he was least affected with it or rather he just passed .. and was continue looking in his files ..

      "Hello sir " it was siyas sweet voice which snapped Karan out from his file in which he was sticking from past hour ...

The way Karan always looked at Siya makes her breathe shallow .. and it was not something about Karan was not aware of but he was not ready to accept that feeling ..

Why ? You will get to know soon

Karan was looking at Siya intently .. He was noticing how Siya never makes any eye contact with him .. somehow he likes it ... he just kept on checking her top to toe ..

Few more minutes past  none said anything so finally Dean broke the ice ..

Dean : so I could see we have new face here and if I am not wrong you are Riya Siyas sister ..

Riya nodded affermly .. "hello sir " she greeted softly .

Siya : And this is Avni sir about whom I was talking about ...

Siya said maintaining her composure

Dean was actually not in his state of his mind how to react seeing Avni he just shocked confused and what not ..

While it was karan this time who took initiative to introduce himself to Avni

Karan : hey Avni myself Karan Luthra trustee of this college and this old man standing next to me is Dean he is our principal .. welcome to the Sky High ...

He extended his hand for a formal handshake while Avni was the person who generally takes time to get comfortable with people around but his Aura was different .. She felt safe around him which is only happens when Siya is around .. Avni grabbed his hand without thinking much ... And gave him a warm smile ...

But lesser did she know her warm smile was spreading a warm Aura too as if the deads got there life's back ... Unknowingly her Aura made Dean's tormented mind calm too and he didn't realise that ..

Soon they finished up all formalities and grabbing there day schedule Riya and Avni heeded towards there classes while Siya stayed back ...

Dean seeing Karan and Siya might need a minute together was ready to go out grabbing his stuffs when his eyes landed on Karan's hand... And a loud gasp let out his mouth ...

HOW COULD THIS BE POSSIBLE ! ... Was just he could say ..

    " What's the matter Dean ?" Karan asked

       " Your Arm used to have a deep cut Karan but it is not there now .. it's - it's Heald where the bloody fucking hell on this earth your cut gone .. I still remember it was never Heald by anything nor by Ali's healing abilities or by Riyas herbs then where it went it was still on your arm this morning too " ?

Karan looked at his left arm which was actually Heald like there was nothing ... It's true 6 months ago in a cross roughes attack a rough injured his arm badly and Ali been the pack healer tried to heal him it seems his healing abilities were too weak for it while Riya been the expert of herb also tried to heal him but it was still not completely healed ...

Karan looked at his arm one more time while he looked back at Siya and both were utterly shock ...

Hola guys

Here is next chappy 😁

Very big vala sorry for not updating my any stories since long thanks to my college but I will try to give you all updates don't worry 🙃

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Vidhi &  aksharaakkuz akku ❣️❣️

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