Chapter Five: Nighttime Disturbances

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Author's Note: Oof, I didn't update this for a while. Sorry ;-; My schedule just constantly changes.


After talking to Shredder, Leonardo dismissed to his room to sleep since it's getting late, Leonardo usually doesn't mind staying up late for his father, but his eye bags are already becoming darker from all his late nights. Once he entered his room, he removed all his gear and put his katanas beside his bed, his room's walls were dark gray with pictures of Ninjitsu warriors and such. There was a cabinet where he'd put his gear, masks or just his other things.

He checked the time, it was past eleven already, he yawned, went to close and lock his door, then plopped down on his bed. He felt his tiredness overwhelm him as he tried to pull the sheets over his body, his eyes immediately drooped but Leonardo persisted. When his blanket was over his body, he laid his head down and closed his eyes, feeling relaxed to finally be able to sleep after several nights.


His sleep didn't last very long, however, he woke up at around two in the morning at sounds he heard outside, he opened his eyes slowly and got up in alert when a loud noise was heard. He pushed his blanket aside, wore his gear quickly and got a katana ready. He opened his door slowly, it made a creak that echoed into the empty hallway, he scanned the area, clutching his katana tightly.

Once he saw that the area was clear, he stepped out and walked towards a distant sound, his katana almost dragged on the floor considering how low he's holding it. He suddenly saw a shadow ahead, it was in the form of a wolf, then the shadow disappeared into the main room not very far. Wait.. Leo thought, then his eyes widened. Father's in that room! He panicked and ran as silently as possible.

He hid in the shadows as he slowly crept towards the shadows he sees, he got a glimpse of his father sleeping peacefully on his throne, then he saw two figures on either side of him. It was a black wolf, and.. Raphael. Leonardo silently scowled at them and prepared his katana. Oh, no. They are not gonna kill my father, not on my watch

He took out two smoke bombs and threw it at the intruders, purple smoke surrounded them and also took it as his chance to knock them down, Leo jumped down, ran up to them kicked them away from Shredder. Their impact caused Shredder stir a little, but he didn't wake up, Leo sighed in relief, he didn't want his father to wake up after a long day. Leo held his katana firmly, his eyes narrowed at the two.

Once the smoke cleared, Raphael stood up and faced Leo in slight shock, Dusk stood up as well and his eyes widened. Leo stood protectively in front of Shredder with his eyes pointing daggers at Dusk and Raph.

"Don't you dare take another step, or I will slice your throats." Leonardo growled, Dusk was slightly intimidated so he took a small step back. Raph, however, had a blank expression while looking at Leo. "Leave, and I might consider sparing your lives."


"Leo..?" Dusk broke the silence, Leo scowled at him. "Why are you doing this..?" He asked, Raph silently hushed him as he didn't want to get into any more trouble.

"Why should I answer you? Mutt." Leo said in a deep and scary voice, Dusk's ears slightly go back, but he kept his posture. "I'll say this one more time, leave."

"No, we're putting an end to this, you don't have to serve Shredder, he's not even your father!" Dusk exclaimed, Leo's face flashed with anger and hatred.

"LIES!" Leo yelled angrily, pointing his katana at them, "He told me everything, he's my father, I'm his son, and he even told me about your petty little friend who almost killed him!" He yelled again, the two knew he was referring to (Y/N). Raph suddenly bursted.

"Leo! Those aren't true! Master Splinter is-"

Suddenly, Raph was pinned down to the cold floor, a katana pointed dangerously close to his neck. Raph looked at Leo while growling, Leo's eyes were narrowed into slits as he gritted his teeth. Dusk backed away.

"Don't ever say that name to me again, you hear me, Raphael?" Leonardo said lowly, but he was angry and cold.  Raph pushed him away and got up. Leo stood back. "One more chance, leave."

"Leonardo, what's going on?" Shredder's voice interrupted everyone, he was awake now, Leo looked back at his father and bowed.

"I'm sorry, father. There were two intruders who tried to kill you, but I managed to stop them in time." Leo said respectively, shooting daggers at Raph and Dusk. Shredder looked behind Leo, he saw Raph and Dusk narrowing their eyes at him. Shredder stood from his chair, put his hand on Leonardo's shoulder, and took out one of his metal claws.

"We can't let them escape that easy, put them in the dungeon." Shredder said, and suddenly Raph and Dusk were pinned down by several Foot bots, they struggled as they were wrapped in chains.

"LEO! HE'S LYING TO YOU!" Raph yelled as they were dragged away. Leo didn't listen, he just glared at Raph with hatred. When it was just Shredder and Leo left in the room, Leo sighed in relief.

"I'm.. glad you're safe, father." Leo said quietly, "I won't know what to do if they killed you.."

"I should be thanking you, my son, you saved me." Shredder replied in a lower voice, Leo smiled at his father and hugged him, Shredder hugged back and Leo couldn't feel any happier that his father was safe.

To Be Continued...

Is it weird that I feel weird while writing 'Shredder hugged back' since.. um.. I just think it's not really in his nature to do that. I dunno. Hope you enjoyed.

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