A White Tuna's Birthday Gone Wrong! (A Kira x Kiana (Again))

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RF2: I mean... why not? It's her birthday and she is... best girl. Fight me. Also, this is before the Captain Kira Yamato chapter so... yeah. This is a prequel.


"Alright... a little bit of this... and then this... And... Done!" Kira said as he took a step back and began to mesmirize the decorations he did to Squad V's dorm. Apparently, today is Kiana's birthday, so Squad V (Mei and Bronya), Himeko, Theresa, himself, and Fu Hua planned the tsundere girl a surprise birthday (which was suggested by Kira despite his and Kiana's typical tsundere relationship).

The plan starts with Mei and Fu Hua trying to distract Kiana by going shopping, Theresa and Bronya buying food, and Himeko... supposedly she's about to help Kira with the decorations, but instead she went out to buy some drinks for herself and for the party. Yeah... He's all alone. 

But hey! He's finished with the decorations! All by himself!

"Kira-chi! We're here!" Theresa cheered as she and Bronya entered with the Birthday foods!

"Any word from Mei and Fu Hua?" Kira asked as he went down the small ladder.

"Oooh, you did good with the decorations, Kira-chi!" Theresa awed as she looked at the finished decorations, then she answered his question, "Nothing yet, but I assume that they're still busy with Kiana."

"I see..." Kira nodded... then they heard a knock, "Ah, that must be Himeko."

"The Bronya noticed that Major Himeko didn't helped you." Bronya noted as she settled the cake down on the table, and soon the food.

"I know, augh!" Kira groaned as he stood up, "She instead went out to buy drinks outside. According to her, the drinks she's gonna buy are for us but... I doubt it."

He's about to go for the door to let Himeko in but... The door suddenly opened as Kira was met with a foot to his face as he was sent across the room and crashed in the kitchen.


By Kiana Kaslana herself.

"Intruder Alert! Perverted Captain detected!" Kiana shouted as her leg is raised up, indicating that she kicked the door down.

"O-Ow..." Kira moaned through the debris.

Bronya and Theresa are too shocked as to what happened as they looked at Kira then to Kiana herself.

"Kiana?!/Idiotka's already here?" Theresa and Bronya looked at the white haired girlas they saw both Mei and Fu Hua poking their heads out behind Kiana, the former with a apologetic look while the latter has a worried look as she looked at the Captain in the debris.

"S-Sumimasen..." Mei apologized as she bowed, "The shopping trip was... quick."

"Kira! You alright?" Fu Hua called out as she went to the debris and tried to check Kira.

"Yohoo! I got us some drinks!" Lo and behold, Himeko finally returned... with some booze and sodas, "I got us some alcohol and soda's for us to dri-What the hell happened here?" She paused as she saw the mess Kiana did... Wait, "Ooohhh... I think I know why I was paired up with Kira..."

"YOU THINK?!" Mei, Theresa, and Fu Hua shouted to the adult, who flinched at that... Yeah she deserves that. 

"Oww..." Bronya soon helped Kira to sit up as the boy recovered from the debris with his arm raised up... bent in the wrong way. 

Like this.

"Wait a sec..." Kira started as he looked at his broken arm, "Aren't arms supposed to bend inwards instead of... whatever this is...?" Looks like he's still too shock to process the pain.

The girls' eyes widened when Kira just casually raised up his broken arm as Theresa just fainted to the ground, Fu Hua, Himeko (who dropped her bought drinks and went to the boy), and Bronya immediately tend Kira's arm, Mei too shocked to do something, and Kiana... she's the same as Mei but... she felt sorry and guilty to what she's done to Kira.

"I-I'm s-so sorry... Captain." Kiana uttered out with tears flowing down from her cheeks.

Kira managed to hear that, thanks to his Coordinator genes, as he gave Kiana a reassuring smile, "It's okay, Kiana... It's okay."

God damn it, boy! You just made the girl feel bad even more despite your current relationship with her!


Well... after the disastrous birthday of Kiana Kaslana before they even started to celebrate it, Kira was currently in the infirmary of St. Freya as his then-broken right arm is on a sling and his clothes switched to a hospital gown.

The Coordinator is currently laying down on the bed as he looked at the window beside him, mesmirizing the sight of the sun setting down... With Kiana beside him on his left, who was sitting down and started to fidget her fingers, still guilty to what she's done to him.

"I'm glad that you decided to come by to take care of me Kiana]." Kira started but Kiana shook her negatives thought away as she nodded her head and said.

"D-Don't mention it!" Kiana stuttered but she still smiled nonetheless, "I... It's the least I can do after what I did..." She looked down with a pained expression, "S-Sorry about that."

Kira just gave her a smile, "Again, it's fine."

That broke the girl, "H-How is that fine?! A-After all the times I hit you for no reason and all...!"

"Well, you feel remorseful, right?"

Kiana looked up at Kira, her eyes still filled with guilt, "Y-Yes..."

"Well, that's good..." Kira sighed in relief, "If you didn't, I would've just kicked you out of this place and be angry at you 24/7." He's joking... or was he?

"Y-You... You wouldn't really do that, r-right?" Kiana's face turned red with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but smile a little.

"Nah, I won't." Kira reassured her as he used his free unbroken hand to pat Kiana's head, who blushed as she didn't expect him to do that and she couldn't help but to yelp out his name.


"Despite our relationship, you're a good girl, Kiana. Just..." Kira started, "Don't do it again, alright? We don't want another birthday disaster you know." He had to joke. And that joke made Kiana to pout and told him not to remind her.

"Mou... Don't remind me!" Kiana gave him a pout, a very cute one at that as she crossed her arms, "I already felt bad to what I did! Don't make me retract that!"

"I know, I know... My bad." Kira chuckled as he stopped patting her head.

"I didn't say you could stop..." Kiana muttered... and she felt once she felt his hand back on her head. He heard that?! "W-What are you doing!? Stop that!"

"Well, you are a few inches away so... I obviously heard it." Kira revealed as he chuckled, enjoying Kiana's pouting face even more, "So... surely you celebrate your birthday yesterday with the girls without me... with the added awkwardness about what happened."

"I-It was... awkward without you... but the girls were nice enough to make it up."

He retracted his hand, "That's good...After I've fully recovered, let's celebrate your birthday properly, you hear?" Then he gave her a smile. That damned smile that makes girls like her to fall for him!


"I-I... appreciate the offer, Captain..." Kiana's heart skipped a beat as she tried to maintain her composure, "But I think it's better if we just forget about that disaster. No need for any celebrations."

"Nonsense." Kira insisted. So Kiana sighed. If he insists then fine! Kiana has plans for him if she wants to celebrate her birthday properly with him. So...

"Fine! Then... I... have a request." Kiana uttered with a sheepish look as she looked down, "I-I'll tell you that request once you've recovered, Captain!"

Kira just looked at Kiana for a moment until he smiled and nodded to her, "Alright then, Kiana."

Kiana's heart fluttered with excitement as she began to secretly plan her request, hoping that Kira would agree to it.


A week has passed since Kiana's Birthday, Kira's arm has been completely healed as he is now seen walking towards Squad V's room. It's time to find out about the request Kiana wants.

Kira walked in front of the door, his heart racing with anticipation. He did a few knocks as he waited for Kiana to open it... which is taking a bit long than usual. That's strange.

"Huh, that's strange. Usually, Kiana's the one who answers the door." Kira noted.

Speak of the devil, Kiana opened the door as she poked her head with a faint blush on her cheeks, "S-Sorry... I was just... um, getting ready."

"Ready? For what?" Kira asked with a curious look.

Her blush deepened as Kiana stammered, trying to find the right words.

"I-It's a surprise! Just... wait here for a moment."

"Uhhh... Alright?" Kira reluctantly nodded as Kiana closed the door and he began to wait. While doing so, Kira was tapping his foot as he took out his Holophone from his Holobrace with a flick of a wrist, as he began to do some maintenance on his Mobile Suit. The GAT-X105/PH Strike Gundam.

In Squad V's room, Kiana hurriedly prepared herself as she went to the closet and took out some very nice clothes for her to wear for the surprise. More specifically, her Valkyrie Ranger outfit. I mean, it's nice enough. Wait, no! Captain already knows about that! There's an even better one!

Grabbing those set of clothes and wore them swiftly, Kiana immediately left as she emerged from the room, her face filled with anticipation. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"Huh, that was qui-..." He paused mid sentence as he looked at Kiana's get up.

She's wearing nice clothes as if she's ready for a date... wait a minute. Maybe this is her request?!


Kiana's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red from Kira's comment on her clothes as she stammered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"D-Don't make it weird! It's just... um... for the surprise!"

"Right..." Kira nodded slightly as he can't take his eyes off her clothes... but he regained his senses as he shook his head, "So judging from your attire... this request is somewhere else?"

Kiana nodded, her heart pounding even faster, "Hai! It's... a special place! Just follow me."

"Wait, before that." Kira stopped her, "Do I have to change as well? I'm still wearing my captain's uniform."

Kiana blushed even harder, trying to hide her excitement, "N-No! It's... fine. N-No need for change."

"Right, right." Kira nodded, "Lead the way, Tuna."

Kiana's eye twitched in annoyance, but she tried to hide her anger. Keyword: Tried.

"Don't call me Tuna!" Kiana barked at the boy, who just chuckled in the end, "Just follow me already! Jeez!" She turned around with a huff and started walking, leading Kira towards their destination.


They have reached their destination... which is an annual carnival. And there are a lot of people. Huh, looks like the tuna has good taste.

"I knew I should've just changed my attire..." Kira deadpanned as he and Kiana looked at the place filled with people.

Kiana just rolled her eyes and huffed, "And I told you that it's fine. Just enjoy the carnival."

She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the crowd, determined to make this late birthday celebration memorable for the both of them.

"Wh-Hey! Slow down!" Kira yelped as he was dragged by Kiana's strength.

Kiana smirked, relishing in the moment, "No time to slow down, Captain! We're gonna have a blast!" She pulled Kira through the Carnival, laughing and enjoying their time together.


The carnival date-I mean celebration was fun in the end as both Kiana and Kira were able to get into some games or rides and gain prizes like a Homu Duck doll, a model kit, and such. Now, to end this celebration, they went for their final ride... which is a Ferris Wheel. And they are currently riding in one of the pods. Currently, they are sitting beside each other as Kira's just looking at the view of the city for a bit.

"I must say..." Kira started as he looked at Kiana, "This is clearly better than properly celebrating your birthday, Kiana."

Kiana smiled, feeling a sense of warmth in her heart from that comment, "I'm glad you think so, Captain. This... has been one of the best birthdays I've ever had."

She leaned closer to Kira, her face slightly flushed as she whispered, "And it's all because of you."

'Wait, what did you say?" Kira didn't heard that.

Realizing what she did, Kiana's face turned even redder as she stammered, trying to hide her embarrasment, "I-It's nothing! Just... enjoy the view!" She quickly looked out at the scenery, hoping Kira wouldn't notice her flustered state.

"Heh, alrighty." Kira just chuckled, ignoring what she said. Then... the Ferris Wheel suddenly stopped as Kira and Kiana's pod are in the top of the ride, "What the hell?"

Kiana's eyes widened in panic as she realized they were stuck, "Uh-oh... this isn't good." Kiana stood up as she went to the window, "Don't worry, I'll figure something out!" She started to bang her arms on the window of their pod, hoping to catch someone's attention from below.

Kira stood up as he went to the window and looked down to see the Carnival Workers frantically trying to their everything to fix the electronic box that runs the Ferris Wheel.

"Well... looks like we'll have to wait." Kira said as he looked at Kiana, "For a while."

Kiana stopped on what she's doing as she huffed, clearly annoyed by the situation, "Great. Just great. This is turning out to be another disaster of a birthday." She crossed her arms and pouted, secretly hoping that Kira would come up with something to make it better.

"Hey, don't be like that. At least we had fun, right?" Kira reassured her as he patted her head, who's cheeks turned into a shade of pink as she looked away from him.

"I-I guess you're right. But don't think this changes anything! I still can't stand you!" She huffed and crossed her arms, though deep down she was grateful for his reassurance.

"And we're back to Tsundere Kiana." He sweat dropped but he expected it.

Kiana rolled her eyes, trying to maintain her tsundere facade. "Of course you would say that. But don't think I won't hit you if you keep annoying me!"  She playfully punched Kira in the arm, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"H-Hey!" Kira chuckled. "Fine, I won't."

Kiana smirked, satisfied with her retaliation. "Good. Just remember that I can be unpredictable." 

She leaned against the side of their Ferris Wheel car, watching the workers below as they continued to work on fixing the ride.


10 minutes later... the Ferris Wheel isn't moving and Kira and Kiana are slumped on their seats, the heat getting the better of them.

"God damn it... It's so hot." Kira gasped as he lifted his collar a bit. "Can I get rid of my uniform?"

Kira just rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he started to unbutton his Captain's Uniform's polo to reveal his shirt. Then he took off his shirt to reveal his... toned up chest. Not giving a shit that Kiana's present.

"Ahhhh... That's better."

Kiana's eyes widened slightly, her cheeks turning pink as she tried to avert her gaze.

"W-What are you doing?! Don't just strip in front of me like that!" She crossed her arms and looked away, trying to hide the fact that she was secretly enjoying the view.

"Sorry, I was desperate for the cold."

Kiana huffed and turned her head, trying to regain her composure.

"You better not make a habit of this! And don't think I won't hit you for being so shameless!"  She gave him a playful glare before looking out the window once again.

Kira just shrugged at her... then he noticed that her back was wet. It's her sweat. And he is worried that she might get sick from that.


Kiana felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the state of her back. "What's with that look? Don't think I need your concern, Captain!"  She tried to play it off coolly, but deep down she was grateful for his worry.

"You need to take that shirt off as well." Kira said as he turned around the other way to avoid her gaze at him. "Don't worry, I won't look."

Kiana blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "W-What?! You're such an idiot!"   She reluctantly removed her shirt, leaving only her bra on. "Just... don't turn around until I say so!"

"Roger that!" He gave her a salute.

Kiana rolled her eyes at his antics. "Don't get any funny ideas, Captain."  She turned around and waited for him to turn back before handing him a wet cloth. "Here, use this to wipe off the sweat on your back.

"You just used our last source of hydration." He reluctantly accepted the cloth. "But thanks."

Kiana smirked. "Don't worry, I can always find more. You should be thanking me for saving you from getting sick."  She playfully winked at him before turning her attention back to the window.

10 more minutes later... Still not fixed and the two are laying down on the cold floor, and they are not giving a shit that they can see each other's skin.

"So... hot..." Kira gaped.

Kiana groaned in agreement. "This heat is unbearable... Maybe we should start thinking of other ways to cool down."  She glanced at Kira with a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with playful intent.

"Like what? We're stuck in this Ferris Wheel." He sat up as he looked back at her.

Kiana's smile widened as she leaned in closer to Kira, "How about we use our imagination, Captain? We could always come up with some... creative ways to cool off."   She gave him a teasing wink before sitting back down.

"....Is something wrong with you?" Kira noticed that she is acting strange. "The heat must've been doing things to you."

Kiana blushed and looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"N-Nothing's wrong with me! It's just... the heat getting to my head, that's all!"   She crossed her arms defensively.

"That's what I said."

Kiana scoffed and turned away. "Whatever, Captain. Just don't get any funny ideas about me!"  She crossed her arms and pouted, trying to hide the fact that she was secretly enjoying his attention.

"Now that you said that, maybe I might."

Kiana's face turned even redder as she stammered. "D-Don't you dare! You... you idiot!"  She glared at Kira, but deep down, her heart was racing with anticipation.

Kira was about to say more, but the Ferris Wheel began to move. "Huh, took them long enough."

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise as the Ferris Wheel started moving, "W-What? We're finally going down?"  She grabbed Kira's hand instinctively, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment.

"Seems like it-Wait nevermind. What the fuck." The Ferris Wheel stopped again.

Kiana's frustration grew as the Ferris Wheel stopped once again. "Damn it! What kind of sick joke is this? We're stuck here even longer now!" She glared at Kira, her anger masking her underlying concern. Kiana scowled and turned away "Just forget it, Captain. I'm done dealing with this stupid Ferris Wheel!"  She huffed in frustration, her annoyance growing by the minute.

"At least we know what to not do next time." He joked, trying to calm the atmosphere down.

Kiana shot Kira a disapproving look, "Next time? Don't get any ideas, Captain. This was already one disaster too many."  She crossed her arms and continued to pout, though secretly relieved that he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, like your birthday last week..." He whispered that incident... and Kiana heard that, surprisingly.

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise as she heard Kira mention her birthday.

"W-What? How do you... What are you talking about?"  She stammered, trying to hide the fact that she was actually listening.

"Did you seriously forget that you punched me across the room before we could celebrate your birthday? And that gave me a broken arm?" Kira reminded her with a offended and hurt expression.

Kiana's face turned beet red as she remembered the incident, "W-Well... I didn't mean to do that! It was an accident, okay? And you deserved it for being such a clumsy idiot!"  She quickly tried to deflect the blame.

"Wha-You-Bitch! How the fuck was I a clumsy idiot when you fucking trusted your instincts more!?" Kira lost his cool now, "You suddenly kicked the door down and sent me across the room! Ruining the decorations and food that I, Theresa, and Bronya put!"

Kiana's eyes widened in shock, realizing the gravity of her actions, "I... I didn't mean to ruin everything. I was just surprised and lost control for a moment."  She looked down at her feet, feeling guilty for causing such chaos on her birthday.

"Fair point." He regained his cool, "Sorry about the outburst but..."

Kiana's eyes softened as she heard Kira apologize. "No, it was my fault. I should have been more careful. And... thank you for being here with me."  She looked up at him with a mix of gratitude and embarrassment.

"It's fine." He smiled at her.

Kiana blushed and looked away, her heart racing. "W-Well... just don't let it happen again, got it?" She tried to sound tough but couldn't hide the hint of relief in her voice.

"Alright, alright." Kira chuckled at her act today as he looked at the window, mesmerizing the view of the city.

Kiana's eyes followed Kira's gaze, taking in the beautiful view, "Hey... thanks for being here. It means a lot to me."  She hesitated for a moment before adding, her voice softening.

"Don't mention it, Kiana." Kira smiled... Okay, the Ferris Wheel is taking too long. Kiana needs to initiate her plan to confess her feelings now!

Kiana took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Captain... I need to tell you something. It's been on my mind for a while now."  She looked at him with determination in her eyes.

"Hm? Well, this is a first." Kira chuckled at what Kiana's doing. "Well, spill it out."

Kiana blushed, her heart racing, "I... I like you. A lot."  She nervously fidgeted with her hands, waiting for his response.

"Aww, I like you too!" Kira just casually patted her head, he is not taking her confession seriously... and that enraged the girl that made Kiana to pin him on the glass window, "WOAH-!"

Kiana glared at Kira, her face turning red with anger, "Don't you dare brush it off like that! I'm being serious here!"  She released him from the window and crossed her arms defiantly.

Kira's eyes just widened in surprise. Holy shit, she is serious? The Kiana Kaslana that he knew as a typical Tsundere is actually confessing her feelings to him?! "I... thought you like Mei."

Kiana's expression softened as she heard Kira's words. "Mei? I... I do like her too. But it doesn't change how I feel about you."  She looked at him with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

"Kiana..." Kira just muttered at her, "I... Since when and what made you fall for me...?"

Kiana's eyes met Kira's, a faint smile on her lips. "Since that day you saved me from the Houkai. You showed me kindness and strength when I needed it most. And little by little, my feelings grew."  She paused for a moment before continuing softly.

"Oh... you meant the first time we met at Nagazora with Mei and Bronya..." Kira remembered that. He was a freshly picked Captain for the Hyperion. He was there at Nagazora coincidentally so.

"Damn... it's been so long since that incident happened."

Kiana nodded, her expression turning nostalgic.

"Yeah... it feels like a lifetime ago. But those memories are what made me realize how much I care about you." She reached out and gently squeezed Kira's hand.


Kiana's cheeks turned pink as she looked into Kira's eyes. "Yes, Captain?

"Are you sure you're alright with someone like me?" He asked her as his and Kiana's faces are inches away, both of them are blushing... and it's not by the heat. Okay, maybe it is.

Kiana's voice trembled slightly as she replied, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I am. You may not see it yourself, but I believe you are someone worthy of my love."  She leaned in closer, their lips almost touching.

"....Alright then." Kira nodded as Kiana sealed the deal as the two kissed. A passionate kiss at first.

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise as Kira leaned in for a kiss, but she couldn't help herself from reciprocating. The passion between them grew stronger with each passing moment.

The two soon separated themselves from the kiss as they needed air to breathe.

"Not... bad for a first kiss." Kira gasped, impressed at Kiana.

Kiana blushed, a shy smile on her face.

"Thanks... I guess. Just don't expect me to go easy on you next time."   She playfully poked Kira's cheek before stepping back, trying to regain her composure.

The Ferris Wheel cart that they are in swung a bit because of some unexpected but powerful wind as Kiana's posture tripped.

"K-Kiana!" Kira frantically stood up as he caught her, then the two fell back to the seats... with Kiana's ass hitting his crotch.. which is starting to become hard.

Kiana's face turned beet red as she felt Kira's hardness against her. She quickly scrambled to get off his lap, embarrassed and flustered. "S-sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen!" 

"I-It should be me who should apologize. S-Sorry..." Kira bowed, but then he realized... Kiana didn't hit him. Huh... looks like after her confession, she became true to herself now.

Kiana's expression softened as she looked at Kira. "It's okay, Captain. Let's just... try to forget about it and enjoy the rest of our time together."  She offered a small smile before leaning back in her seat, trying to calm herself down.

The two sat beside each other as they were trying to calm themselves down from what happened. And while the Ferris Wheel is still being fixed... Kiana had an idea. A great but lewd idea... And since they're basically celebrating her birthday... she must get her present. From Kira.

Kiana smirked mischievously as she whispered in Kira's ear. "Hey, Captain... I know what would be a great birthday present. How about we spice things up and give each other some unforgettable memories on this Ferris Wheel?" 

Kira just blushed... he should've expected this, and the fact that this heat makes the situation worse... "...Sure." He sighed... then he found Kiana immediately sitting on his lap. "...You really want to do this, huh?"

Kiana's eyes gleamed with excitement as she straddled Kira, her hands resting on his shoulders, "Of course! I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world. Let's make some special memories together, Captain."

Kira just nodded as Kiana made the first move by kissing him on the lips. Lustfully, as their tongues started to dance.

Kira kissed back passionately, his hands gently caressing Kiana's waist as their bodies pressed against each other. The heat between them intensified with every touch and movement.

The kiss was too intense, as Kira unhooked Kiana's bra. Once the bra fell down, Kiana's perky C Cup breasts revealed themselves as Kira used this opportunity to grope and squeeze them while in a make out session with Kiana.

Kiana moaned softly, her breath hitching as Kira's hands explored her breasts. She reciprocated the gesture, running her fingers through his hair and pulling him closer.

Needing some air to breathe, the two separated as they looked at one another with lustful looks... but they wanted more. And of course a simple kiss won't cut it, right?

Kiana's voice was filled with desire as she whispered in Kira's ear, "Captain, I want more... let's make this a night to remember."  She gently pushed him back onto the Ferris Wheel Pod's seat, ready for their passionate encounter.

"Oh? You're taking the lead?" Kira raised a brow.

Kiana smirked mischievously, "Of course! I'm not going to let you have all the fun, Captain. Now, prepare yourself for an unforgettable ride." She straddled him again, her eyes filled with desire as she leaned in for another passionate kiss.

Kira reciprocated back... and then his hand slithered through her skirt as he felt her most sensitive parts. Her vagina and clitoris.

Kiana gasped softly, her body trembling with pleasure as Kira's fingers worked their magic. She bit her lip, trying to suppress a moan, "D-Don't tease me too much... Captain."

"You're still open, Kiana." Kira smirked as he rubbed his fingers in between her clit.

"Well, your body is too open, Kiana. I can't resist." He soon did the next unexpected thing that Kiana wouldn't have thought of him to do... He sucked her breasts while rubbing her clit.

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise as Kira's lips and fingers worked their magic on her. She gasped, overwhelmed by the sensations, "Captain... you never cease to amaze me."

Well, he's glad that she enjoys it. I mean, it's obvious. His fingers are already coated with her wetness, and her nipples became perkier in his mouth.

Kira smirked, his eyes filled with desire as he continued to pleasure Kiana. The intensity of the moment was undeniable, and their connection deepened with each passing second.

Soon enough, he inserted a finger inside... and what surprised him is that his fingers were coated even further. Kira soon separated his mouth from her breasts and looked at the girl with a intrigued look.

"Did you just...?"

Kiana blushed, averting her gaze, "Y-Yes... I did. Is it that surprising? It's your fault for being so irresistible."

Kira just smirked at her as he kissed her then separated soon after, "Good to know I still got it."

 Kiana's cheeks turned even redder, a mix of embarrassment and excitement on her face, "Don't get too cocky, Captain. You still have a lot to prove.

"Like what?" Kira challenged her with a grin... until he muffled a surprised gasp when he felt her hands caressing his tent in his pants.

Kiana's eyes gleamed with mischief as she continued to tease Kira, "Like this, Captain. Maybe you can show me how much more you've got in store for me.

Kira just looked at Kiana before he whispered beside her ear, letting her do as she pleased, "...Be my guess."

Kiana smirked and slowly removed Kira's pants, revealing his hardened member. She traced her fingers along its length before taking him in her mouth, savoring the taste of pleasure.

"Gh..." Kira grunted at the feeling of Kiana sucking his dick. It's been a while since he's done this with someone. The last time he had sex with was with March back at the Express... in the Amber Era.

Kiana looked up at Kira with a sly smile, her eyes filled with desire, "Enjoying yourself, Captain? I hope you're ready for what comes next.

"Oh, I am ready." Kira grinned, "Surprise me how good you Kaslanas are."

Kiana's eyes gleamed with determination as she took off her skirt and panties and shifted her position, guiding Kira towards a deeper and more intense pleasure, "Just hold on tight, Captain. You're in for a wild ride.

Kira watched as Kiana guides his cock against her folds, "Be careful. This is your first time after all."

Kiana smirked, her confidence unwavering, "Don't worry about me, Captain. I can handle it just fine." With a playful wink, she slowly sank down onto Kira's length, relishing the sensation as they embarked on an intimate journey together.

Kira looked as he saw tears emerging from her eyes... and of course she is having difficulty putting his shaft inside.

"Hey." He grabbed her thighs, "Let me help a bit."

Kiana's tears turned into a mix of surprise and relief as Kira gently helped her adjust, guiding his shaft inside with care, "T-Thank you, Captain. I... I appreciate it."

"And... Sorry for this. But it's necessary." He grabbed her hips as he slammed her down. His dick is in... but at the cost of Kiana's hymen, which is now broken and blood trinkling down.

 Kiana winced in pain, tears streaming down her face, "It... it hurts..." She clung to Kira's arm for support as the intense sensation overwhelmed her.

 Kira kissed Kiana passionately, hoping to ease her pain and comfort her, "I'm sorry if it hurts. Just hold on tight, okay? I won't let you go through this alone."

Kiana nodded, her tears slowly fading as she felt Kira's love and support, "Thank you... I trust you."

The two kept still for a few minutes until Kira asked, "You ready?"

Kiana took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly, "Y-Yes... I'm ready. Just be gentle with me.

"...You wanna take the lead?"

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, "Sure... I can do that." She hesitantly took control, guiding Kira through the intimate moment with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Kira just caressed her thighs as he watched Kiana slowly bouncing her hips up and down on his shaft. The pleasure is too good as Kiana moaned through each bounce while Kira just hummed in pleasure. Yeah, he missed this.

Kiana's moans grew louder as she rode Kira, her body shaking with pleasure. She leaned in closer, whispering in his ear, "You like this? I hope you do..."

"Gh...Kiana..." Kira just groaned in return. For a first timer, Kiana's good with her riding skills.

Kiana smirked, enjoying the pleasure she was giving Kira, "I'm glad you like it... Captain." She continued to ride him with passion and skill, leaving both of them breathless.

Kiana kept on riding him as the sounds of wetness, moans, groans, and two fleshes hitting each other echoed through the Ferris Wheel Pod that they are in.

Kiana's movements became more urgent, her body trembling with pleasure, "Don't hold back... Let go..." She whispered breathlessly.

"Kiana..." The pleasure's too good... so Kira thrust his hips up... and that made Kiana squirt. She didn't expect him to do that, and it was too good!

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise, her body shuddering as she felt the intensity of her orgasm, "A-Ah... that was... amazing..." She panted, leaning against Kira for support.

"You came from a thrust... was it really that good?" Kira had to ask. I mean... March was like that before.

Kiana blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment, "W-Well... it's not like I expected it or anything! But... yes, it was incredible." She looked away shyly.

"Well... I hope you are ready for more." Kira adjusted himself as he made Kiana to face the other way, her back showing and Kira putting his hands on her hips, "Because I didn't cum." 

He began to thrust up and slam Kiana down at the same time. And it was good for the girl as she came again due to gow sensitive she is from cumming recently, but Kira didn't care.

 Kiana gasped, her body trembling with pleasure, "A-Ah... Captain..." She moaned softly, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of Kira's thrusts.

This was good. It's better than Kiana riding his cock, but he believes she'll be better soon. But for now... Pleasure comes first as Kira kept on thrusting his hips against her folds. His cock deep inside of Kiana that the girl felt him hitting her sensitive spot. Her G-spot.

Kiana's moans grew louder, her body arching in pleasure as Kira hit her G-spot, "Ah... right there! Please don't stop!" She pleaded breathlessly.

"Kiana...! You are so tight...!" Kira grunted as he intensified his thrusts against her, with the addition of his hands slithering to her breasts as he squeezed them while thrusting.

Kiana gasped, her eyes widening in pleasure as Kira's hands squeezed her breasts, "A-Ah... Captain... please..." She moaned softly, lost in the sensations.

"Please... what...?" Kira gasped through each thrust.

  "Please... more, Captain. Give me everything you have." Kiana whispered breathlessly, her body trembling with desire as she pleaded for him to satisfy her fully.

"With pleasure." He kissed her on the lips as he began to fuck Kiana harder and faster, his cock hitting her G-spot numerous times that he felt her walls tighten around him and feeling her squirt on his legs.

Kiana moaned into the kiss, her body quivering with pleasure as Kira's thrusts grew more intense. She arched against him, overwhelmed by the intensity of their passionate encounter.

The two soon separated as a strand of saliva was left in their mouths, "I'm gonna cum..." Kira told Kiana, "I need to pull out, Kiana."

Little did he know... Kiana doesn't want that. So she shifted her body to face Kira and entrapped his waist with her legs, so he won't pull out.


"No... don't pull out, Captain." Kiana whispered seductively, her voice filled with desire. She locked her legs around him tightly, preventing him from withdrawing.


 Kiana smirked, her eyes gleaming with mischief, "You can't resist me, Captain. I want you to fill me up completely." She pressed herself closer to him, determined not to let go until they both reached their climax together.

Kira just looked at her for a bit as he kept on thrusting, then he resigned himself as he gave her a quick peck on the lips, "You want this to be your birthday present?"

Kiana blushed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "Yes... it's my birthday present. Make me yours completely." She whispered softly, her voice filled with desire and anticipation.

With a nod, Kira then quickened his thrusts, his cock going deeper than ever as he felt himself hitting her womb. The pleasure was too good as both Kira and Kiana did one more kiss.

Kira continued to thrust harder, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Their lips met once again as they both reached the peak of pleasure together.

With a few more thrusts, both lovers came. With Kiana coating his cock and legs while Kira fills up her womb with semen.

They both gasped, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their release. Kiana held onto Kira tightly, savoring the intimate connection they shared.

"Well... that happened." Kira gasped as he held Kiana and the two kept on looking at each other with lovely expressions.

"Yeah... it did." Kiana whispered softly, her eyes filled with a mix of satisfaction and affection. She nestled closer to him, enjoying the afterglow of their passionate encounter.

"I love you, Kiana..." Kira said as he kissed her head and began to pat her.

"I... I love you too, Captain." Kiana mumbled shyly, her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment. She leaned into his touch, cherishing the warmth and tenderness he offered.

The two just enjoyed one another's company as they waited for the Ferris Wheel to get fixed... Supposedly so. Why? Well, the Ferris Wheel's doors opened to reveal people on the ground, dumbfounded looks at the two. The same goes for Kiana and Kira as they are too shocked to process.


Kiana and Kira exchanged surprised glances, their faces turning red with embarrassment. They quickly realized they had been caught in a compromising position.  

"W-What... What is going on here?!


Later... After that embarrassing scenario, Kira and Kiana are blushing as they are seen walking out of the carnival, with their clothes still intact.

"....I'm never going back to that carnival for a few years." Kira uttered as his face blushed.

"Agreed. Let's just... forget this ever happened." Kiana muttered, her face still flushed with embarrassment as she walked alongside Kira, trying to suppress the memory of their compromising situation.

"I can't believe we ignored the fact that the Ferris Wheel moved while we..."

 "Yeah, it was definitely... something else." Kiana replied awkwardly, her voice laced with embarrassment. She tried to change the subject quickly. "So... what do you want to do now?

"Go back to St. Freya and sleep, I guess." Kira said as he felt Kiana holding his hand, "Today is tiring... especially after what we did."

  "Yeah, sleep sounds good." Kiana replied softly, intertwining her fingers with Kira's. She glanced at him shyly before adding, "And... maybe we can talk about what happened later?

"Sounds good." Kira smiled and nodded, "Love you, Kiana."

"Love you too, Kira." Kiana whispered softly, a hint of affection in her voice. She tightened her grip on his hand as they walked back to St. Freya together, ready to face whatever lay ahead.


On the Moon, we see a certain Herrscher looking at her former home, Earth, with a longing expression. It's been a few years since she arrived at the Moon to make sure Honkai won't enter her former home. 

Speaking of home... She missed them. Her friends and family back on Earth... And of course her beloved Captain from another timeline, Kira Yamato. She wonders where he is now... And the question is if he is still here on her Earth.

"I miss them..." Kiana moaned in longing, "And the fact that today is December 7th... My birthday..." The girl sighed, here yet again to celebrate another lonely birthday with no one... "I really want to go back but the Honkai..."

(Play: Star Rail by HOYO-MIX)

Is that... Light? But how? Kiana turned around as she saw...

"A train? What the heck is a train doing here? Wait...Is that?"

Her eyes widened at the familiar sight emerging from the roof of the train. That familiar tri-color schemed mech. The noticeable antennae. Those noticeable red thrusters. And those shining emerald eyes. 

It's the Strike.

"The... Strike?" Her eyes began to water at the familiar Gundam her beloved piloted.

The Strike jumped down from the Astral Express as he began to walk towards Kiana. With nothing in its arms.

Kiana's not sure if the person piloting the Strike is what she thinks it is but it doesn't hurt for her to get ready as she puts her hand on her waist, ready to sheath out her sword.

The Strike stopped as it began to glow as it began to de-materialize into data as in the Strike's place is a familiar human wearing the Earth Alliance pilot suit. With a box... Of cake in his arms.

Kiana couldn't help but fly closer to the person. Once she does... She gasped when she saw the person's face behind that helmet. That familiar brown hair, that skin, and those purple eyes... It's him. It's...

"Hey, Tuna." Kira waved at her, his face still the same like he didn't aged at all, "Happy Birthday." He gave her a smile.

Kiana couldn't believe it... Kira Yamato, here in the flesh. Her eyes began to water as her arms clenched tighter.

"Y-You...!" Kiana started through sobs.

Then... She lounged at him with a feeling she didn't expect to feel again. Happiness.

"I miss you!" Kiana hugged her beloved Captain once again, missing how he feels and all, "I-It's really you, right?! Captain?! K-Kira?!"

"H-Hey calm down!" Kira chuckled as he reciprocated the hug, "I'm still myself! Just... Back to being young."

The two soon separated as Kiana kissed Kira... Well, just the visor of his helmet.

"Mou... Stupid helmet." Kiana pouted. How dare this helmet get in between her and Kira!

"Well, I need this helmet to breathe." Kira chuckled. Then, he put an arm on her shoulder and raised the cake, "You wanna celebrate, birthday girl? We can celebrate inside the Express so the cake slices won't float away. Oh, and there are some people you might recognize, but due note that one of them is different from the person we usually know off. Oh, and do I have some stories to tell!"

"Kira..." Kiana just looked at him as she sniffled, then she smiled, "Ah! Let's!"

(End: Star Rail by HOYO-MIX)


RF2: Well, I had to do it. Again, cuz why not? And again... Kiana best girl. Or Best Tuna... ANYWAYS! Happy Birthday, Tuna!

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