Take Pity

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A/N: I cannot stress enough that these are fictional characters.

"Take pity on me Namjoon... just give me what's mine. Aren't you tired?" He whispered his hatred into my ear turning my stomach with every word. He had taken her from me, there had to be a way to bring her back.

"GIVE HER BACK!!" I screamed into the dark damp air surrounding me. He just laughed fading further away.

"Give her back..." I began to cry then I heard it a small giggle followed by her sweet little voice.

"Joonie..." she appeared in front of me a distorted smile on her face that transitioned from her cute chubby cheeks  to a skull with every flicker of light.

"Please..." I begged him. The air grew hot with an audible pop.

"Yours for hers..." he breathed his putrid breath wrapping around my nose suffocating me. I coughed violently. Calliope disappearing once more into the darkness, leaving the air ice cold.

I shivered pulling at my chains.

"She was easy to get. So trusting... come now Namjoon! GIVE ME WHAT'S MINE!" I could feel his anger the only light showing blinked out the second his voice rose. I wouldn't see Amber today.

"Our souls don't belong to you!"

I didn't get to say much else. He tore into me, shredding me to pieces once more, taking a bit more of my hope to be free from his clutches. I'm not even sure how much I have left in me.


Namjoon seized 12 times today since Calliope was put in a medically induced coma. She fell down the stairs I could still hear her tiny cry for help. I just wasn't fast enough.

The day before...

It was around 3AM when it happened. I heard Namjoon stir in his sleep so I went to check on him. When I opened the door, he was sitting up eerily still. His face blank and his eyes were dark. I rushed to his side grabbing his ice cold hands.

"Joonie? Joonie baby can you hear me?" I called to him. He came to long enough for him to say her name. Then her scream rang through the entire house.  Dread filled me running for dear life to find her.

What I saw was her little body in the air above the staircase surrounded by a dark shadow.

"CALLIE!" I screamed my vocal cords straining at the shrill of it. I ran forward just as she started to fall.

"Too late.." a low voice whispered echoing through the hall.

"NO!!!" I screamed until I was hoarse. Perseus stood at the end of the hall looking at him scared and confused.


I put a hand up. "Stay there sweetie...stay"
Please for the love of God just listen this once.
Taking the stairs two at a time, I dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency" the operator asked in a calm tone.

"Please! She fell down..."

"Who fell down? What's your name?"

"Calliope... she fell down the stairs... please help me!"

"Ma'am stay calm. Is she breathing?"

I froze, I didn't think to check that. All I did was call staring at her. The phone dropped from my hand when I fell to my knees beside Calliope. She didn't appear to have any broken bones... however, she was unconscious and I could see her chest rising, with trembling hands, I picked up the phone.

"Hello? Hello?Hello?" The operator called.

"She's breathing!" I cried out sobbing hard against her chest.

"Okay ma'am stay calm. Help is on the way." The operator assured me.

Hobi rushed through the door with a kit followed closely by a stretcher pushed by a new person.
Hobi's eyes were filled with worry as he worked on getting a c-collar on Calliope. Carefully lifting her up onto the stretcher, giving me a tight smile then running out again. He knew I couldn't leave with her but I would be right behind him.

Rushing around I grabbed my keys, phone, and a crying Perseus hand. We were out the door climbing into the car and speeding after a wailing ambulance.

"Sissy going to be okay?" He asked me my hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles were white.

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