Two Souls

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Saturday 3:09 AM

Everything was set up. Hoseok kept his distance from Jin who kept winking at him. While Jimin stood protectively close to Hoseok, glaring with clenched fists.

Amber was rushing about cleaning up the place to make it easier to maneuver Namjoon if need be. Perseus was at the hospital with Calliope. Mark's mom thought it would be good for him to visit. That woman had been such a blessing. She checked in periodically letting Amber know how things were and asked about things at the house. As always Amber gave her a vague answer.

Namjoon had a horrific episode last night. His skin had paled to an almost blue hue and he felt like ice, almost as if he was dead. But then he would convulse screaming in pain as his body turned in a grotesque manner.

"If all goes well your daughter and Namjoon will go back to normal in a few hours. Although it's hold on Namjoon is alarming." Jin looked grim while taking out a bible and some holy water he had taken to a priest that morning to be blessed.

Father Ritger wasn't too thrilled about seeing him form the events of the last exorcism he performed. He wished him well all the same and Jin promised to return to church after this.

The minutes ticked by as everyone stood around in anticipation and fear.

No one knew what the outcome would be. All they knew was Namjoon had suffered enough.

Jin stood over Namjoon squaring his broad shoulders as he started to pray. His soft yet deep voice drifting through the static air. As time progressed, the lights began to flicker while Namjoon's body shook violently.

Picture frames shook on the wall, the lights burst in the living room where Namjoon laid on the floor writhing in what looked like immense pain. Amber's heart squeezed in fear and hurt for him. She stood there helpless when all she wanted was to rush to his side and hold him.

"Come on baby." She whispered ice cold chills running down her spine.

The air cracked with electricity and a sickening feeling of hatred mixed with icy hot fury. Everyone's hair stood on end, no one dared move. Except Hoseok who climbed up Jimin even though he was way shorter than himself. Jimin stood firm holding him tightly.

Jin glared at the two as he continued praying, dowsing Namjoon with water as he did so. His skin sizzled with each droplet of the purified liquid. Namjoon screamed in a voice that wasn't his own.


Namjoon's back cracked loudly as he twisted into a different position. How much more could he take?

Jin prayed feverishly. He needed to save this guy so he could have the one person he craved the most.

All the burst throughout the entire house making the shadows loom over everyone. His yellow eyes piercing through Jin's.

"So... you think you can just call me out!" The demon hissed charging toward Jin.

Amber rushed to Namjoon who was unconscious. Falling to her knees she cried into his chest.

"Wake up Joonie... baby wake up!"

He didn't respond, so she hit his chest several times. Receiving a grunt from his pale chapped lips.


Behind them a loud crash sounded, the sound of Hoseok screaming and sucking in of breath from someone else. Was it Jin? Or Jimin?

Amber dared not to look. She wanted to know but she didn't. It was so dark in the room now. How would she see anything anyway.

"I think he-he's gone..." Namjoon's hushed voice drifted up to her ears. She looked down to him staring up at her. He still looked like he was in a grave amount of pain but he still managed a small smile for her. His dimples on display. There was her guy. Tears fell down her face in pools of happiness and relief as she crushed her lips to his. Not caring about the scene behind them.

"I-is he d-dead?" Hoseok's voice was small. Slowly he crept over to the mangled body on the ground. Jin's eyes were wide open with a blank horrific look on his once handsome face. Every inch of him was broken and blood seeped through his clothes. Where had the demon gone? Did he get rid of him, this being the result.

Amber's phone rang making everyone jump. Sitting up she fumbled with shaking mmm my hands to answer.


"She's awake."

She laughed hysterically still crying. Both of them had come back to her. All thanks to a man who wasn't a very nice person, although he wanted to help others and she was thankful.

"We'll be there soon."

Amber hung up looking over at Hoseok who was frozen in place staring at Jin. Jimin walked over wrapping his arms around his waist resting his head in the center of his back.

"He saved them both." He murmured his hand moving to his tattoo where his scar lay hidden. Jin coughed up blood startling the two men.

Hoseok dropped to his knees going into paramedic mode. Jimin pulled out his phone calling the police and Amber just held onto Namjoon, never wanting to let him go again.

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