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4:16 AM Monday

It was cold in the room, apparently at some point during the night I had kicked the covers off me. My muscles ached with the constant beating the creature put me through. Not to mention my recovery in general. I could hear Amber in the other room she was talking to someone crying on the phone. If only I could will myself to get off this tiny twin sized bed to comfort her. Alas my legs wouldn't carry me to her, and I was left listening staring at the ceiling fan in its constant rotation.

Her faint voice trailed through the door reaching my ears as I listened.

"I know... Yes... Yoongi I know... Every time he comes too, I just get overwhelmed. I want him to get better... I just don't know what to do!" The last part was cut short by her crying. I could hear her sniffling as she listened to whatever Yoongi was telling her. I got to try.

I groaned swinging my legs to the side of the bed, my bare feet touching the cold wooden floors. Taking a deep breath, I tried to stand, my legs shook at the weight of my upper body and every muscle ached and burned. But I would get to her. Each step was like putting my legs in vats of lava catching them on fire with pain. When I finally made it to her doorway which was only 15 steps or so away, I was pouring sweat and breathing hard.

She looked up at me with wide tear stained eyes in disbelief rushing towards me to keep me from falling.

"Joonie what are you doing?" Amber asked me the panic thick in her voice.

"I needed to comfort you..." I sounded hoarse my vocal cords were straining from the sudden use. I barely use them unless I'm in my head. So, I really don't think that counts.

"Are you in pain?"

"No..." I lied.

"Liar." She knew me too well. I just smiled at her with my shaky hand brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. When did her hair get so long? I got lost in my thoughts not hearing her talk to me. Until she put her soft hand on my cheek. I leaned into it coming back to her once more.

"I'm okay it's not bad."

She helped to the bed that no longer had the teal covers on it, a deep wine color with cream colored roses intricately placed all around the edges now took its place. How could everything change so much. I sighed tracing the design with my finger disappearing once more into my thoughts. I could feel her gaze upon me turning the tips of my ears a slight pink.




"No." I blurted out. He was back how did he get back so fast? I need more time. I need time to tell her goodbye. Go away.


Oh... I said that out loud. Wait... which part?

"Nothing... I'm sorry." A prickling feeling climbed up the back of my neck making me shiver. I looked at her with weary eyes thinking of the many ways I could say goodbye. But, nothing fit. Nothing sounded right. How could I leave her alone when she was here? Would she believe me if I told her about him?

"Joonie how can I help you fight whatever is going on inside your head."

My eyes widened at her question blinking hard I collected the thoughts to say before the time slipped away. He was at the corner of my mind making a ticking noise. I could feel him there tapping my subconscious.


"Take him away..."

"Who?" She asked me confused squeezing my hands that I hadn't realized she was holding. How did I miss that? I really missed that and yet, I didn't even notice.

"He's in my..." I was cut short. The light flickered out and I was thrown into darkness. His foul putrid breath in my face laughing.

"You can't get away from me that easy Namjoon."

"I'm trying." I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Shall we play a game?"

No, I really don't want to play a game with you, you don't play fair. I always end up being ripped apart or worse. Trust me there are worse things.


"That was a rhetorical question Namjoon. You have to play."


4:34 AM Monday


Just like that he was gone again. Talking about someone being in his head that was making him disappear bit by bit. He would stay gone for weeks at a time. I bet he doesn't even know how long he's been home. The countless visitors he has had, or the amount of time Calliope had a tea party in his room just to keep him company with her many dolls.

She stopped about a week ago, something scared her, and she refused to go back in the room. It could have been one of his episodes I can't be sure. I held on to him as his body began to shake furiously tears falling down taking away my strength as they fell. A short time later he relaxed his breathing was rapid and his heartbeat was racing. Whatever, it was that did this was killing him and in turn destroying me.

I tucked him into my bed too tired to try and carry him to his room. Namjoon looked almost peaceful when the attacks subsided like a baby that was nestled happily to its mothers chest. If only he could be this way always and more awake and alert.

He wasn't though I knew that.

Dragging my feet out of my room I wandered down the hall to peak in on Calliope. She was fast asleep her tiny snores echoing in her room. I smiled to myself lightly pulling the door shut carrying on looking in on Perseus. He wasn't in bed he was deep into YouTube eating a bag of Taki's watching that damn creeper video.

"shouldn't you be sleeping." I startled him; Perseus whipped around in his chair mouth wide open.

"You scared me Amber!" He complained wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I laughed at him then narrowed my eyes.

"Get your butt to bed. I won't tell you again."

"Yea... yea." He got up and through himself on the bed. At least he somewhat listened.

I left the room heading straight for the room where Namjoon would stay tucking myself into the sheets pressing my face into the pillow breathing deep. His scent consuming me as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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