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Miles and Gwen decided to meet up on a Sunday morning. Gwen suggested that Miles should come to her universe as he has never visited her world - Earth 65, Miles instantly agreed to this, feeling really excited

Currently it was a Saturday and the time was 10 pm. They decided to do a video chat. Miles' device began to vibrate and he instantly picked it up, suddenly revealing a hologram of Gwen. "Gosh... She has beautiful eyes, she's so cute, guess I do have a crush on her" Miles thought as he kept staring at Gwen. "Miles!" Gwen called out. Miles quickly withdrew from his daydreaming and waved hello. "Sorry I was thinking about something" Miles quickly said. "What were you thinking about" Gwen asked with a smile. "Ah it's nothing, just school work" Miles said with a little nervous tone. "Ok then...." said Gwen with almost no expression.

Silence surrounded both of them for some time until Gwen said " I can't wait to see you tomorrow". "Yeah, me too" Miles replied.

"How's it being Spider Woman there?" Miles immediately asked. "Well it's ok, Spider Woman does not exactly have a huge fan following just like Spider Man has....." Gwen said while pointing towards Miles.

In Gwen's universe, Spider Woman had been accused of Peter Parker's death and was being chased by the police but they just couldn't catch her. There were people who considered her as a murderer but there were also witnesses who saw the fight between Spider Woman and The Lizard(Peter).

Gwen, after defeating and accidentally killing Peter sobbed while holding on to his dead body. The people who were standing there took pity on her. They knew she was technically not a murderer. She saved the city from the claws of a human lizard. So there were people who also supported her.

"Whatever you say Gwen..... I'll always be your biggest fan" Miles said with a smile. "Th-Thanks Miles, that's really nice of you to say" Gwen said with a sweet smile and sighed, she was blushing slightly. "You know Miles..... I miss him" Gwen said with sadness in her voice.

Miles knew what she was talking about, she had already told her about her universe's Peter. "He was my best friend, my buddy, we used to do everything together. We used to study and he always helped me with the subjects I found to be difficult, we played a board game that he invented himself with Aunt May. He was one of the best humans ever....." Gwen said while a few tears were forming in her eyes. Miles felt really bad, he wanted to give her a nice warm hug. 

"I want to forget that fateful day but my mind won't let me" Gwen said and sighed sadly. "I vowed to never do friends again but I met you and the Spidey fam... Ya'all changed my feelings and I started connecting with people" Gwen said with a smile slowly forming on her face.

"Gwen, I know that you have went through a lot. A lot of people misunderstand you, an issue I'm really angry at..." Miles said with a tone of anger visible in his voice. "If you ever go through something like this again, Remember we got your back. We're practically a family, we'll take care of each other" Miles said with a determined smile.

This made Gwen smile. She wiped off her tears. "Thank you Miles..... This should really help me to sleep peacefully tonight" Gwen said with a cute smile while blinking a little too fast which indicated that she was sleepy.

"Well, we should sleep now.... We need the energy for tomorrow, don't we?" Miles said as he began to feel sleepy. "Ok, Good night Spider Man, I'll see you tomorrow" Gwen said as she cut the call.

"Oh boy! I have this massive feeling when I see and talk with him" Gwen said as she clutched her chest to feel the rapid heartbeat and began blushing. "I guess I got feelings for him...." Gwen said as she drifted off to sleep in thoughts of her Amber eyed fellow Spider Friend.

The Next Day

Miles woke up from his deep sleep an suddenly realized that today was Sunday and he was supposed to be meeting up with Gwen at 2 pm in the afternoon.

It was 11 am when he woke up. He went to the kitchen where his mom saw him and called him "Hola mi hijo, here have your breakfast. You got to meet up with a friend in the afternoon right?" Miles' mom Rio Morales said with a sweet tone. "Have fun today Miles!" Miles' dad Jeff said in a rough but fatherly tone before leaving the house for police duty and Rio left the house shortly after for her hospital duties.

2 Hours Later

It was finally time to go. Miles grabbed a backpack and then went through the options in his device and set the location at Earth 65 and pressed the start button. A portal opened and he jumped into it. A few moments later, he reached the rooftop of Gwen's house. Miles looked around, this universe was like a pastel type structure, the infrastructure and the people seemed to be in shades of pastel and then he realized he could be also seen in shades of pastel.

Miles got inside Gwen's house through her room on the top floor. Her father was not there as he was a policeman like his father. Gwen's dad knew she was Spider Woman. He supported her like every dad should and Gwen was grateful for that. Her dad had really understood Gwen's explanation that she had not purposefully killed Peter. The father-daughter relationship of theirs was great.

Miles didn't see Gwen in her room. He eyed the whole room but she wasn't there. "Weird....Gwen told me she'd be here" Miles thought as a figure was creeping up behind him. The figure jumped and loudly said "Boo!". Miles got really shocked and he almost Venom Shocked the figure. If it wasn't for her Spidey senses, she would have been toast. "Gwen!" Miles exclaimed as he put his hand down. "Oh my God, Miles I shouldn't have really scared you like that" Gwen said a little worried. "Yeah... don't do that again... I almost shocked you! What if it hit you? *sigh* I'm sorry Gwen.." Miles said in a sad and worried tone. Then, to Miles' surprise, Gwen grabbed him and pulled him to a tight hug. "It's great to see you again..." Miles said as he embraced Gwen even tighter. They broke the hug and began blushing.

"So, what shall we do today" Miles asked enthusiastically. "Oh the usual, swinging through the city, grab some food and stop some crime" Gwen said a little casually. "Ok then, let's go!" Miles said as both of them began to put on their suits. "Yeah, follow me!" Gwen said before jumping through the window. "Hey, wait for me!" Miles exclaimed as he began following Gwen.

This New York seemed less brighter than his one. There was less pollution and beautiful sights could be seen. "Wow, your world is lit" Miles said with a excited face. "I know, better than yours right?" Gwen asked in a playful manner. "I mean y-yeah!" Miles immediately said. Miles knew that Gwen was smiling behind her mask. They swung for a few more minutes until they were exhausted. "Liked the sights?" Gwen asked. "It was beautiful.... Where have you brought me though?" Miles said a little tired from the swinging

"Burger Prince" Gwen said pointing to the eatery. "Burger Prince huh? The ones in my universe is called Burger Queen, Peter said his one is called Burger King.... Ah let's go inside" Miles said removing his suit as Gwen had already removed hers and went through the door first as he followed. "Well, we'll split the bill, Gwen" Miles said while holding his money up. "I don't think that currency works in this universe Miles..." Gwen said as she showed him her money. "Oh....Thanks, I'll pay you back though" Miles said. "That's no problem, it's my treat, C'mon!" Gwen replied as she opened the door.

They chose the table which was near the window and sat there. They ordered their food and began to eat. "Man.. this is so good! I think I'm beginning to be attached with your universe" Miles said as Gwen began giggling a little. Miles loved Gwen's smiles, her blue eyes glistened when she smiled or laughed, Miles liked that. After eating, they were ready to go out. Then they heard a loud explosion. "Looks like a job for us!" Miles said as he went through the door and Gwen followed. They put on their suits and swung to that area.

The police were holding off the Green Goblin which was slightly muscular and Dr Octopus who were terrorizing the place as they had escaped from prison.

Miles suddenly webbed up Dr Octopus but he easily tore off the web thanks to his mechanical arms. "Who are you? A new Spider?" Dr Octopus asked as he swung a debris towards them. Miles and Gwen dodged that and jumped for both of their fists to hit Dr Octopus' face.

"You're gonna die Spider Woman! Along with him!" The Goblin shouted out to Gwen. "Don't you even dare touch him!" Gwen replied angrily as she jumped to land a kick on the Goblin but he suddenly grabbed her and punched her causing her to be slammed on the road with force. The Goblin then felt shock run through his body, it was agonizing. He turned around and saw Miles who struck him with his Venom strike.

"How dare you?!" Miles shouted angrily as he shocked the Goblin until he fell down. Miles went up to Gwen. "Gwen? Gwen! Are you okay?!" He was worried to see her unconscious. Then suddenly she woke up " I'm fine Miles, just a few bruises" Gwen said as she woke up. "Let's finish this now" Miles said while holding a fighting stance.

Then suddenly Dr Octopus' arms grasped Miles tightly. He managed to break one of his web shooters. "Miles!" Gwen jumped up to land some blows on Dr Octopus but he punched her with his metal arms and she landed a few meters away. He then began to punch and land blows on Miles, his mask was a little torn due to the impact. He could feel blood coming out of his head and arms. Miles suddenly stretched and launched his legs at Dr Octopus' face and released himself from the Dr's grip. The Doctor attacked him but he did a back flip and damaged Dr Octopus' mechanical core so he could not control his metal arms. Miles did a web grenade and it did quickly web him up, helpless.

"Great job!" Gwen said as she emerged behind Miles. "Oh Gwen! I'm glad you're not hurt or anything. Until they could say anything more, the Goblin came flying and grabbed Miles

"Don't you dare mess with me!" the Goblin said as he smashed Miles into a wall with brute Force. Miles managed to punch him back but the Goblin struck him with his sharp blades.

Miles let out a groan of pain. He could feel blood throughout his suit. Gwen was swinging really fast to catch the Goblin on his glider. The Goblin then dropped Miles and he fell down with a thud and he dropped his pumpkin bomb on Miles. The bomb exploded. Miles' eyes saw orange and white surround him before it went dark.

Gwen had reached the place and saw Goblin brutally beating up Miles and dropping a grenade at him.

"MILES NO!" Gwen screamed as she felt tears forming in her eyes. She could not lose another friend. She launched herself at the Goblin and began to attack the Goblin mercilessly. "How could you?!" Gwen shouted out as she threw a barrage of punches and kicks and web attacks to the Goblin.

Her strikes were hard as she was filled with rage. "You couldn't save your guy... You were too slow Spider Woman" Goblin said weakly as he took on the attacks. Gwen became really enraged when she heard this. She damaged his glider and landed a powerful blow to his chest causing him to crash on the ground and losing consciousness. She webbed him up. Gwen saw her fists were covered in blood and had some injuries too

Gwen quickly ran towards Miles, grabbed him into an alley. She removed his mask,  "Miles! No no no no no No!" said Gwen with tears flowing too much. His face had bruises, blood was flowing through his suit. "G-Gwen...." Miles let out a whisper.

There will be a part 2. Stay tuned.
And thank you for 20 views. I appreciate it.The next chapter will see them bond. I hope the story's okay. Until then... Bye!

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