Wish You A Very Spidey Christmas

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It was holiday season. It was Christmas day, maybe the most happiest day of the year. The Spider fam decided to spend the night in Peni's universe. After celebrating with their families, everyone opened a portal and came to Peni's world. Everyone were wearing sweaters to keep themselves warm from the really cold weather outside.

"Hey guys! You came!" Peni said excitedly. "Merry Christmas Peni!" Everyone said as they gave her presents. Peni gave them presents too, mostly futuristic stuff. "So Peni.... You live here alone?" Ham asked. "Yeah, it's no big deal, I have my AI with me. Everyone in this universe has an AI" Peni said with a smile. "What's an AI?" Noir asked. "Artificial Intelligence" Peter answered. "Intelligence can be artificial?" Noir asked dumbfounded. "I'll explain it to you later" Gwen said giggling a little

"So before we begin our celebrations, I need to tell you guys something" Peter said. "What is it Peter?" Miles asked. "MJ is pregnant!" Peter announced. "Wow! Congratulations Peter!" Almost everyone said. "For how long?" Peni asked. "Two months and there has been no complications so far" Peter paused. "What if something happens? What if my DNA does harm to her" Peter said worriedly. "No Peter.... That's not gonna happen, your kid will be born healthy and will have the great qualities of both you and MJ" Miles said while everyone nodded

Peter felt happy now. "Thank you.... I really want the best for MJ and my child" he said as he began to hug all of them. "Ok! Now let's start!" Ham said as he grabbed one of the decorations and began to decorate the house. Everyone did the same. They wanted to give the house a great Christmas touch. Everyone made the house look beautiful. "Woah guys! This is great" Peni said excitedly.

"Ok, now let's set up the Christmas tree" Gwen said while Peni grabbed a big box full of tree decorations and lights. "That's the biggest Christmas tree I have ever seen in my life" Ham said while everyone except Peni nodded in agreement. Everyone began decorating the tree with the miniature Santa dolls and brightly coloured balls. Miles and Peter placed the light sets around the tree and Noir  placed the star on top.

Peni switched on the lights of the Christmas tree and it began glowing in many colours. Everyone began admiring the sight especially Noir as the lights began changing colours like crazy. "I wish we had something like this in my universe" Noir said. "You know it's strange..... Why are there no colours in your universe?" Gwen asked. "I don't know, guess it's been made that way" Noir said and he began to admire the sight even more.

"Ok guys, let's go explore my *futuristic* city." Peni said. "Yeah ok, let's go. We're excited to see your city" Miles said. Peni and the others made their way towards the exit. Peni showed them around the area. All the people had futuristic tech. Everything was developed. They had even found a way to stop excessive pollution.

"I literally want this to be my future" Miles said while admiring everything. "You got to wait a thousand years for that Miles." Gwen said, playfully shoving him. "This is great Peni but I have trouble understanding any of this" Noir said. Everyone giggled at Noir's remark. "Ok guys, now let's go to the mall. "Yeah! Let's go" Peter said excitedly.

When they entered the mall, they saw a really big Christmas tree which reached upto the roof of the mall. "Beautiful" Ham said while shedding tears. They saw a robotic Santa which looked pretty much realistic. The Santa gave each one of them a gift. Everyone appreciate the gesture. "Well, we got more gifts" Gwen said. "I don't understand the gifts" Noir said while scratching the back of his head. "Aw, no problem, I'll teach you to use it." "Thank you Peni" Noir replied.

After visiting the mall, they went to the park. "You call this a park?" Miles asked surprised. "Yeah" Peni said. "I'd call it the ultimate park!" Miles said before getting on a swing which swung him in all directions and launched him into the air and caught Miles when he came down. "Wooooo! That is the greatest swing ever!" Miles said filled with adrenaline. "Let's ride the other futuristic stuff" Gwen said. Everyone had fun on the futuristic Rollercoasters and the Ferris wheel and many other rides.

"That was super fun" Ham said while everyone nodded in agreement. "Ok guys, it's night so let's go back home" Peni started to walk back home while everyone followed. Everyone reached Peni's home. "It was a fun day" Noir said. "Yeah, the day's over but the night's not" Peter said.

A voice suddenly called out Peni. "Would you all like some hot chocolate?" the voice asked. "Yeah, we would like that Rey! Just add some marshmallows." Peni said. "Who was that?" Gwen asked. "Yeah, that's my AI Rey, I told you about that earlier" Peni said while everyone nodded.

Everyone got their drinks after a few minutes. "This is one good hot chocolate" Peter said. "Best I've ever had" Miles said. "This is really great" Noir said and went back to sipping it.
Everyone were in a good mood. "So.... Can we open the presents now?" Peni asked. "Yep, let's do that." Gwen said. Everyone opened the presents that they had gotten from each other.

Miles had given Gwen a Bluetooth speaker. Gwen hugged Miles "Aww, Thank You so much". Gwen gave Miles a SpeedTrack watch. "This is great Gwen!" Miles said while admiring the watch. Peni gifted Peter an AI which was holographic. "Seriously?! You're giving me this?" Peter asked astonished. "Yep, it might be useful". "Oh my God, thank you Peni!" Peter hugged her while Peni smiled and hugged back.

Noir gifted Peni a great looking pair of shoes. "Noir! These shoes are so nice! They're comfortable and I can also run fast in them! Perfect fit" Peni said while running around the room. "Glad you like it kid" Noir said with a smile. "I love it" Peni said. Ham gifted Noir a cartoon-ish box which could  turn into a model of whatever he had in his mind. The box turned into Nazis and everyone had a laugh. "Well this is nice, a magic box!" Noir said. "You're welcome" Ham said. Peter gifted Ham a nice watch along with a Spider Ham plush doll which was available in his universe. "Thanks Peter! Look guys it's a mini me that's not probably alive" Ham said while everyone giggled.

It was 9 pm and the AI Rey instructed them to enter the living room for dinner. Everyone entered the dining room to find a lot of food on the table. "Thanks Rey" Peni said. "You're welcome Peni" Rey said and then the voice disappeared. Miles had given a CD to Peni for her to put it into her system for the music to play. A Very Spidey Christmas sung by Late Peter began to play.

"A Spider Man themed Christmas song? Huh, neat." Gwen said. "It was sung by the Peter of your universe?" Peter asked. "Yep" Miles replied. "Pretty great!" Peter said while listening to the song.

They began to eat their food. It was all the new recipes. They were trying it for the first time except for Peni. "This is so good" Peter said while munching on the food. "I know right?" Gwen said while everyone nodded. "I'm glad you guys enjoy this" Peni said with a smile. After finishing their food, they went to the living room to relax.

Everyone sat on the big couch and a gigantic TV appeared out of nowhere. They saw the news of whatever was happening in this fully developed planet. Everyone was in awe of Peni's world. It was super futuristic.

Sometime later, Christmas songs began to play in the room. It was like the remix of the originals. Everyone danced to the music. "Woah Gwen! You're a pretty good dancer" Miles exclaimed. "Yeah, Miles is right" Peter said. "Guys, I did Ballet when I was younger" Gwen said to them. They continued to dance with smiles on their faces.

After a few minutes, they got exhausted and sat on the couch again. "Woah... That was some workout" Miles said as everyone laughed a little. It was 10 pm and they decided to end this night by watching a movie. They decided to watch a horror film called Escape. Even Peni had not seen it. They started watching the movie.

Everyone was tense while watching the movie. When a jump scare occurred, Ham jumped off the couch and then hid behind Noir and Peni. Everyone gasped at the jump scares. Tense looks could be seen on Gwen's and Miles' faces. Peni was pretty scared too. Peter and Noir didn't show any expression, they did not look tense. Miles placed his arm around Gwen's shoulder and she placed her head on his shoulder. "This is nice...." Gwen said while smiling at Miles. "Yeah but it's not a romantic movie" Miles said smiling. Gwen giggled at the statement. "That's cute kids" Peter said while playfully smiling at them. They gave Peter a glare and he looked away.

The movie finished and some of the bodies were shaking a little. "Woah.... That was scary" Noir said. "But you didn't even flinch" Peni said. "We have our ways of hiding our fear Peni...." Peter said smiling at her. It was time for them to go back to their own universes.

"I had fun today with you guys" Peni said to them. "Best Christmas ever!" Gwen exclaimed while everyone agreed. "And thank you for your gifts Peni" Miles said as Peni smiled. "Wait! I have a gift for all of you" Peter said as he went into one of the rooms in the house. Peter came back with 5 presents.

They opened it and found it to be the photo frames of the picture they clicked together on Peter's wedding. "This is the best gift ever Peter!" Peni exclaimed. Everyone engaged in a group hug. "We look dashing in the picture" Noir said. "Yeah we do!" Ham said while everyone laughed.

Everyone opened a portal to their dimensions. "See you later guys!" Peni said while everyone waved goodbye to each other and jumped into the portal. It was a Christmas well spent.

Peni looked at the picture that Peter had given her. "Best friends in the multiverse...." she said while holding the frame close to her chest. She knew they all would stick together in times of trouble. The mention of the Spider fam always made her smile.

Everyone reached their planet and placed the picture on the table near their bed. Everyone laid on the bed and drifted off to sleep with smiles on their faces. This friendship was made out of something, something which was unbreakable.

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