Not Over Yet

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Chapter 11: Not Over Yet

Valka smiled as she saw Alvin in the driver's seat of the Titus, holding the grate in place. He lowered the grappling claws into the ground, but the rain from earlier had made the ground muddy and slippery. The claws wouldn't hold.

Alvin kept pointing to the front of the vehicle and mouthing something to Valka. It took her a moment, but soon realized what he meant. He wanted to attack the winch to something to hold the Titus in place.

Valka nodded before patting Stoick's arm to gain his attention. "We need to attach the winch to something! Come help me!"

Stoick gave her a puzzled look. "Attach it to what?" he asked.

Valka looked to the other end of the drain, seeing a large truck was pulled against the grate in the strong winds. "Attach it to the truck!" she instructed, pointing towards said truck.

Stoick nodded. "Tommy," he said, gaining the teen's attention. "Watch your brother."

"Hey! I'm not two anymore!" Hiccup called out in protest despite the pain in his leg.

Tommy stood next to his brother, a small smile on his lips. "Yes because four is so much better." He joked. Hiccup hated those kind of jokes because Tommy would pull them every year he didn't have a birthday. Because he was born on February 29th.(In the books this is Hiccup's actual birthday)

Stoick and Valka, carefully made their way to the Titus and grabbed the claw of the winch and began walking to the other side. It took the two of them to get it to the other end in the harsh winds and wet ground, but they soon attached it to the front of the truck securely.

"All good!" Valka called, giving Alvin the 'thumbs up' to tighten the winch, which he returned.

The EF5 was fast approaching and Valka and Stoick hurried back to their spots and held tightly to whatever they could find. The twister was meters away from the drain and began to shift left, but it was still too close.


Alvin watched in horror as the bumper of the Titus, which the winch was attached to, began to rip off of the Titus. He couldn't even react as it came loose and he was sucked into the large funnel. He was flung from side to side as the Titus got pulled up and up the gargantuan funnel.

Suddenly, the harsh treatments stopped. He was above the clouds, and the sun was shining brightly as if it never left. The clouds turned a light pink in the late afternoon sun. He smiled lightly before gravity caught up to him, and he was flung right down into the dark abyss once again, and right into the hard ground.


In the storm drain, no one had taken notice to the absence of the Titus because they were all holding on for their lives. Thunder cracked, causing a few teens to jump and loosen their grips before tightening them again. Astrid's grip on Hiccup's hand tightened and he used his free hand to hold her's in comfort.

He knew she was scarred. He was too. But he had faith that they would make it out alive. Or at least everyone else. He could feel himself weakening from blood loss and the overall injury, and the constant pain was beginning to become unbearable. His grip on Astrid's hand began to weaken, as did his grip on consciousness.

Suddenly, everything stopped. The roaring wind, the thunder, even the rain had stopped falling as if it never started. Valka opened her eyes and looked towards the grate, expecting to see Alvin sitting in the Titus, just like he was minutes earlier. All that remained was the bumper, pulled tightly to the grate by the force of the winch.

She let out a sad sigh. He was gone. He gave up his life for them.

Scott let out a sigh of relief and a small chuckle. They were alive. Renée still had her hold on Trey, but she had a wide smile on her face. Fisher had finally calmed down and let out a happy sigh. Tommy was standing behind Hiccup, a tight grip on his older brother had loosened as he calmed his breathing. Valka, with teary eyes, turned to face stoick and hugged him tightly, which he returned. His family was safe.

Astrid was smiling widely now. She found it hard to believe that they had made it out alive. She looked up at Hiccup, expecting him to have his same goofy, crooked smile. Instead, she got quick short breaths and drooping eyes. She stared at him in concern, before she could ask him if he was alright, he lost consciousness and fell backwards against his brother.

"Hiccup!?" Astrid cried in concern, letting go of the ladder finally and racing towards him. Tommy had managed to catch Hiccup and laid him down on the floor gently.

Valka and Stoick let go of each other and looked around trying to find out what was wrong. Their breath caught as they saw Hiccup lying unconscious on the ground. They panicked and were instantly at his side, Stoick raised Hiccup and put his ear to his chest.




He was still alive... for now.

"He needs medical attention. Right now." Stoick said, looking up at Valka. She nodded before looking back down at her son.

My poor baby, she thought, running a hand through his hair. Just hang on.


After managing to get Hiccup's limp body out of the storm drain, which was not easy, they walked towards the main road they tried to make their escape down in the first place. Hopefuly they could get some help.

Stoick was carrying Hiccup bridal style close to his chest, listening to the boys shallow breathing. Valka, Astrid and Tommy were hot on his heals and the other teens hot on theirs.

Once they reached the road, they saw that emergency crews had removed the downed power line and were coming through with firetrucks, police cars and ambulances.

With their waving arms and shouting they managed to flag one of the ambulances down and it pulled over next to them. The driver rolled down the window, about to ask what they needed until he saw Hiccup.

"Everyone else alright?" He asked the group. They nodded. "Okay. Get in we need to stop at the school first though."

Stoick shook his head. "No one is there. We evacuated the school already."

The driver nodded. "Alright I'll call it in." He said before hopping out and walking round to the back, gesturing for them to follow.

He opened the back door of the ambulance and three paramedics got out with a stretcher. Stoick walked over and carefully laid Hiccup down, slightly reluctant to let go. They quickly loaded him into the ambulance and the driver turned back to face the group.

"I can only take four people, max." He said. Stoick, Valka,Tommy and Astrid quickly raised their hands. The man nodded. "Climb in." He instructed.

The four did so, leaving the four teens by themselves. The driver waved over a police car and turned back to Scott, Renée, Trey and Fisher.

"They will get you four sorted out." He said with a small smile. The teens nodded and the driver walked over to the back of the ambulance, closing the door before hopping in and driving off.


"Can you tell us what happened?" one of the paramedics asked while another began to untie and sweater wrapped around Hiccup's injured leg.

"We were out filming a project a-and the tornado trapped us under a factory and t-there was a metal beam that crushed his leg." Astrid said, speaking up for the first time since Hiccup passed out.

The paramedic that was working on Hiccup's leg gasped as she removed the sweater, revealing the wound.

The bones were sticking out still, and there was a lot of blood. The skin and veins around the wound were black and dark blue, and the entire lower portion of his leg was a shocking white.

"Oh gods." The paramedic said, examining the wound better. She looked up at the four sitting across from her. "How long since the injury occurred?" She asked.

Astrid let out a shaky breath. "Um, about four, maybe five, hours ago?" She said. It was more of a question than a statement.

The paramedic shook her head. "I don't think we can save it..."

Stock shot up and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"The infection is spreading. His entire lower leg is dying out and he had blood poisoning. There is nothing we can do now." She said.

Valka, Tommy and Astrid stared at her wide eyed. Stoick gasped. "You don't mean..."

The paramedic nodded. "I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do." She said.

"The leg has to go."

YAY! This story is now caught up with and I will update this when I update the one on there!

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