Chapter 2

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Elsa stood on one of the balconies of the castle, looking over her kingdom. Everything was so peaceful, and she's happy about it.

"Your Majesty," a butler said from behind her, making Elsa start in surprise and freeze her hands to the railing.

"They're ready," he continued, unfazed by the sudden display of powers.

Elsa chuckled awkwardly. "Excuse me."

She forcefully snatched her hands away, breaking the ice, and faced the servant. "I'm coming."

As they both made their way to the door, a voice sounded from nowhere.


Elsa gasped and whirled around, frowning. "Do you hear that?"

"What?" the butler asked in confusion.

Elsa took one last look outside and deduced the sound as a fragment of her imagination. "Nevermind," she smiled before turning around and walking towards the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the other side of Arendelle, Anna was walking towards the direction of the forest. She gasped happily when she saw her friend lying on a picnic mat beyond a small fence.

"Enjoying your new permafrost, Olaf?" Anna chuckled as she sat down beside him.

"I'm just leaving the dream, Anna," Olaf said. "Oh, how I wish this could last forever."

The princess hummed in agreement.

"And yet change mocks us with her beauty," the snowman continued in a poetic voice, sitting up and examining a fallen maple leaf.

Anna chuckled once more. "What's that?"

"Forgive me," Olaf smiled at her. "Maturity is making me poetic."

"Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing, do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent?" he asked, frowning a bit.

Anna looked weirded out by the question. "Uhh, no."

"Really?" Olaf looked amazed. " Wow, I can't wait until I'm aged like you so I don't have to worry about important things."

Anna laid down on the mat, followed by Olaf.

"That's not what I mean," she clarified. "I don't worry because... well, I have you! And Elsa and Kristoff and Sven and the gates are open wide and," Anna smiled. "I'm not alone anymore."

She turned to Olaf and started to sing.

"Yes the wind blows a little bit colder

And we're all getting older"

Anna reached up as if trying to touch the sky.

"And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze"

She then turned to gesture at the pumpkin a few ways beside them, and Olaf gaped in horror.

"Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer"

"And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser," Olaf sang sadly, watching as the maple leaf sagged in his hand.

Anna just smiled and gently turned the snowman's head towards her. 

"That's why I rely on certain certainties," she sang, pinching Olaf's carrot nose.

Olaf chuckled and together, they left the forest.

"Yes some things never  change

Like the feel of your hand in mine"

Anna and Olaf walked hand in hand on the streets of Arendelle, passing by many of the citizens.

"Some things stay the same

Like how we get along just fine"

As they passed, they saw that the tree that the painter was painting was cut down by a tree cutter. Chuckling, the princess dragged her friend away from the squabbling painter and tree cutter. 

"Like an old stone wall

That will never fall

Some things are always true"

Olaf jumped over a stone wall and skipped on it. It turned out that the last stone was loose and he fell onto a handcar, which moved forward.

Anna pulled the lever, making the rails shift. The handcar hit a wooden block and she caught Olaf who flew into the air. 

"Some things never change

Like I'm holding on tight to you"

Anna hugged Olaf close, who chuckled and let go of the leaf that he was holding.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the busy streets of Arendelle, Kristoff was seen walking with his ever-loyal reindeer, Sven.

"The leaves are already falling

Sven, it feels like the future is calling"

Kristoff pulled Sven's head towards him, stopping the reindeer from eating the displayed carrots.

"Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee?"

The former ice deliverer knelt down in from of Sven, mimicking a proposal. The citizens who witnessed the 'proposal' turned their heads away from the scene, revolted.

Kristoff saw his audience and blushed in embarrassment. Sven took the opportunity to whisk away his owner from the middle of the street.

"But I'm really bad at planning these things out

Like candlelight and pulling of rings out"

The two were now sitting glumly on boxes on the side of the street. Kristoff had pulled the engagement ring when he was singing, but it slipped from his hand from his clumsiness.

His reindeer caught the ring with his teeth and gave it to him. "Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me"

Kristoff looked stressed so Sven dragged him over towards Oaken's shop. The owner then proceeded to usher him to a chair and started to manicure his hands, with Sven massaging his shoulders.

"Yeah, some things never change

Like the love that I feel for her"

Afterward, Sven dragged him towards a shop where Kristoff looked at the silhouette of himself in formal clothes. He cringed at the sight.

"Some things stay the same

Like how reindeers are easier"

Sven grabbed the fancy scarf from the display and a book from the counter, paying for them and leading Kristoff out of the shop.

"But if I commit

And I go for it

I know what to say and do"

Kristoff turned to his reindeer, uncertain. "Right?"

Sven frowned at him, shaking his head. 

"Some things never change

Sven, the pressure is all on you"

Kristoff hid the book he was holding when he saw the love of his life on the corner of the street, looking at him. 

Anna chuckled and rushed towards him, but ducked under his arms. He ended up catching Olaf and twirling him around, much to the princess' amusement.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Elsa had made her way to a different balcony, making sure that there was no one behind her.

"The winds are restless

Could that be why I'm hearing this call?"

The queen looked out to her subjects, watching as the citizens went on with their normal day.

"Is something coming?

I'm not sure I want things to change at all"

Elsa spotted Anna laughing with his boyfriend, oblivious of her sister's turmoil.

"These days are precious

Can't let them slip away"

The queen smiled softly and slowly made her way back to the door.

"I can't freeze this moment

But I can still go out and seize this day!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Outside the castle, the citizens were preparing for a feast, with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven helping. 

Anna spotted her sister just outside the castle gate and rushed towards her. As the two sisters reunited, the people around them started to sing.

"Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder"

Olaf dropped from 'lifting' a wooden table and sang the next line. "And you all look a little bit older"

Anna and Kristoff worked together in putting the cloth on the tables.

"It's time to count our blessings

Beneath the autumn sky"

They were forced to separate when Oaken placed a large pumpkin in between them. They both chuckled and rushed to help the others in placing food on the long table.

"We'll always in the kingdom of plenty

That stands for the good of the many"

Anna dragged her sister in the middle of the kingdom, stopping just beside the official flag of Arendelle. Elsa gathered a bit of magic in her hands and threw it upwards, creating a bunch of fireworks.

"And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly

Our flag will always fly

Our flag will always fly"

The citizens all rushed to the table, helping themselves with the food that they had prepared. There was an amusing scene in which Anna passed a carrot to Olaf, who changed it with his nose. Sven, who happened to be sitting beside him, ate the carrot that he was holding and left saliva all over his hand.

"Some things never change

Turn around and the time has flown"

After the feast, Elsa was seen to be making snow and ice figures for the kids who come up to her. 

"Some things stay the same

Though the future remains unknown"

There was even dancing on the streets where the citizens all held hands and had fun.

After all the festivities, everyone cleared the mess and went back to their homes. The royal family was the last out, saying goodbye to everyone.

"May our good luck rest, may our past be past

Time's moving fast, it's true"

Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven all retired to the castle, with Anna jumping to remove her heels after a long day outside.

"Some things never change

And I'm holding on tight to you

Holding on tight to you"

Anna hugged her sister tightly before she went inside, then briefly held Olaf's had as he rode on Sven's back.

"Holding on tight to you

Holding on tight to you"

Kristoff twirled her around as he made his way inside, leaving Anna outside, singing the last line.

"I'm holding on tight to you"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was charades night, and Anna was trying to act out the word assigned to her. She growled and scrunched her face, but no one seemed to be getting it.

"Ahh, okay. Uhh... lion!"

"Grizzly bear!"


"Ug bear!"

"Angry face!"

"Ug bear!"

Kristoff and Olaf kept on trying to guess the word but to no avail.

"Haunt!" Olaf tried, to which Anna gestured for him to go on with his line of thought.

"Unredeemable monster!" Elsa said, laughing.

"Greatest mistake of your life!" Kristoff shouted amusedly.

"Who didn't even kiss you," Olaf continued on.

Sven rang the bell, signaling that the time's over.

"Villain," Anna said in exasperation. 

"Oh," three voices said in unison.

"We all kind of got it," Olaf commented.

Elsa shook her head and Kristoff told him that it's his turn.

Olaf got off the couch and into the middle, grabbing a paper from the basket on Sven's antlers as he went.

"So much easier now that I can read," he said as he read the contents of the paper.

"Lightning round, boys against girls," Olaf announced, throwing the paper away.

Sven sounded the bell, signaling the start of another round, and flipped the hourglass.

Olaf started to rearrange himself in different shapes while the others guessed the word.

"Unicorn. Ice cream. Castle. Oaken. Teapot. Mouse. Ooh, Elsa!" Kristoff laughed as Sven rang the bell, signaling that he guessed right.

Elsa looked amused at Olaf's impersonation of herself while Anna frowned in irritation.

"I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange," she muttered grumpily as Elsa stood up for her turn. "Doesn't matter. This is gonna be a cinch. Two sisters, one mind."

Sven grabbed the pillow out of Elsa's hands and offered her the basket. 

"Thank you," she said after grabbing a paper. Sven mooed in acknowledgment and went back to his position beside the couch and ringing the bell.

"Okay, here we go," Anna said, cracking her fingers. "You got this, Elsa. Any time. Just do it with your body."

Elsa started moving awkwardly, trying to act out the word given to her.

"Uh, nothing. Air. Trees. People. Treeple! Oh wait, that's not a word," Anna muttered as she continued guessing. "Shovel boy. Teeth?! Oh, doing the dishes!"

"Polar bear!" Olaf shouted suddenly, to which Anna glared at him. "Sorry."

"You gotta give me something," Anna muttered, watching her sister intently.

Elsa humphed in distress. Just as she was about to start again, she heard the voice again.


Oblivious to this, Anna continued guessing. "Uhm, alarmed. Distracted? Worried? Panicking?! Disturbed! Oh come on, you definitely looked disturbed."

Elsa paid no attention to her sister's words as she tried to point out what the voice was.

Sven rang the bell signaling that the round was over. Anna groaned.

"We won," Kristoff said smugly, and Olaf chuckled.

"Rematch?" Anna asked, walking towards her sister.

"Oh you know what? I'll turn in," Elsa said suddenly.

Anna looked at her sister worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Elsa avoided her sister's gaze and opened the door to the corridor. "Just... just tired. Good night." She then left the room.

Olaf yawned widely and stretched. "Yeah, I'm tired too, and Sven promised to read me a bedtime story. Didn't you, Sven?"

"Did I?" Kristoff said in Sven's voice.

"Oh, you do the best voices! Like when you pretend to be Kristoff and you're like 'I'll just need to go talk to some rocks about my childhood and stuff.'"

"Uhm," Kristoff trailed off, keeping his eyes trailed on to his girlfriend. "How about you guys start without me?"

Anna was cleaning up the room. She stopped walking for a moment and Kristoff took his chance to prepare. He put a plank of wood in the fire and ate a mint leaf and stood behind his soon-to-be-fiance, holding the engagement ring.

"Did Elsa seemed weird to you?" Anna asked him, oblivious to his anxiety.

"She... she seemed like Elsa?" Kristoff stuttered out before clearing his throat and going down on one knee. Anna still hasn't turned around.

"That last word really seemed to throw her. What was it?" She knelt down and looked at each paper on the floor, trying to find Elsa's.

"I don't know, um, I don't, I don't know. But, um..."

"Ah!" Anna exclaimed as she found the right paper. "Ice?! Oh come on! She couldn't act out ice?!"

In her exclamation, she hit Kristoff's hand which caused the ring to jump out from his hand. He rushed to grab it under the table.

"I better go check on her," Anna said, leaning to Kristoff and capturing his lips in hers. "Thanks honey. Love you."

Anna walked towards the door where Elsa went and left as well, closing the door behind her. Kristoff was left kneeling on the floor, ring in his palm and gaping at nowhere.

"Love you too." Kristoff said into the air.

"It's fine."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I just wanna share what I found on Instagram.

Make a paragraph every time that any of these things change:

Time, Place, Topic, Person (Tip Top)

Hope this helps you guys.

This long was longer than the last one and is a pain to write because of the goddamn song. This is different than writing a songfic because I'm not making my own meaning of the song. I'm describing the movie

Movie: 00:15:00

Book: 3,768 words (not including the Author's Notes)

I'm gonna die :'D

Anyway, hope you like this chapter (even though there's no BBB. They're gonna appear again in the next chap)


Glace, the Queen of Angst

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