~My Hero~ (Pt. 2)

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*fast forward one night later*

*poppy's eyes slowly opened as she heard the sound of a pencil writing on paper but couldn't raise her head, due to her head feeling heavy*

Poppy (murmuring weakly): *groans sleepily and in pain* oh my head...

???: well, look who's finally awake...

*the mysterious troll said as he got up from his desk seeing the pink beauty finally awake and kneeled to her, stroking her head*

Poppy (murmuring): who ar-

???: *puts his finger on poppy's lips and shushed her comfortingly as he continued to stroke her head*

???: It's okay you don't need to ask


Branch: oh where are my manners? I'm branch, and you?

Poppy (weakly): I'm poppy...where am I?

Branch: oh I found you at the bottom of a waterfall and when I found you, you were unconscious so I brought you here until you can get back on your feet again...

Poppy (weakly): wh- what?

Branch: you twisted your leg when you fell from that waterfall so you need to stay in your bed until your leg is healed

Poppy (weakly): oh okay, ugh I feel so light-headed right now...

*poppy said groggily while putting her hand on her head*

Branch: it's okay you just have vertigo so just lie down and rest...

Poppy (weakly): I can't branch I can't sleep and I feel so achy and I have insomnia...

Branch: hmm maybe this'll make you feel better

*branch then sat next to her, pulled out a guitar and started to play it to her*


*at one point poppy started to sing along with him*

*branch felt his heartbeat increase, hearing poppy's beautiful harmonious voice with his own*

*poppy felt very sleepy while they sang and she soon fell asleep, resting on his chest after the song ended*

*branch smiled and fell asleep with her on her bed with his arm wrapped around her*

Poppy (sleep-murmuring): mmm~ you're My Hero branchie

*poppy murmured in her sleep, hugging branch*

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