Captured Loveless

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Only Loveless will have a POV now.

I will fix misspellings later...

I groan as I open my ruby red eyes, finding myself chained by my wrists to a wall in a storage room, sweat dripping down my forehead, and I was only in my black bra and black panties.
I look around the dark room, seeing nobody around, but the storage room the entrance was halfway opened, to I guess give me air.

But soon a human form walked underneath the opening and walked up to me, he was shirtless, skinny, and had long chest length black hair and deep brown eyes, wearing only blue jeans and brown sandals.
He smirked up at me.
"Ah sister it's been awhile more than a year you disappeared making mom, and our step dad go on a search for you, that ended in me coming to this odd place."
The man says and I look at him confused since I'm an only child and do not know him.

"I'm an only child and I do not know you."
I tell the man and he laughed at me.

"Kit, Kit you are truly annoying with lying to me."
The man grabbed me by my throat and squeezed my airway, making me flinch and gag.
"Do not lie to me!"
The man snarled at me.

"I'm not lyin to you my name is Loveless!"
I shout back.

"Loveless? That's bullshit you lying sack of shit!"
The man then slugged me in my right cheek and let's my throat go and I cough blood on the pavement inside the damn storage room.

"My name is Loveless. Me and Kit just look alike!"
I glare at the man.
"You're too stupid to know that and the other dude!"
I grit out to the man.

"Then we got the wrong girl then?"
The man grabbed me by my chin in his hand.
"Tell me where she is."
He growled into my face.

"Never so go fuck yourself."
I snarl back.

The man then grabbed me by my throat again, that is until another man walked into the storage shed and walked up to the other man.
The man grabbed the dark haired guy's wrist and tugged it from my throat which hurt.
"Do not harm her, I knew she was not Kitrainyokai, I kidnapped her to lure Kitrainyokai here including the bastard who killed me, the dark haired and red eyed one."
The ginger haired man says and the dark haired one got timid and obeyed the ginger haired one.
"She is bait, most likely all the ones we want here will be at play, so until then harming her is not allowed. Especially since she's with child."
The ginger haired one says and I go wide eyed he knew I was pregnant again and I never told Elijah I found out a week ago.
Tears filled my lashes as I knew I should of told him, told him I'm pregnant again before this happened to me, being kidnapped when pregnant.

Elijah and I have been having sex alot, quite alot when Niklaus takes Elizabeth out to parks and other places like the Zoo.
Our love for each other was what brought on this pregnancy, and I don't want to lose this baby.
Neither would he want me to lose the baby.

"Her mate would kill us for letting her misscarry before I could get my revenge so do not harm her, no punching her at all anywhere."
The ginger haired man says harshly to the dark haired man.
"Understand Bojack?"
The ginger haired one grabbed Bojack by the throat gently though.

"Yes Warlow I understand."
Bojack says and Warlow let's Bojack go.

Bojack leaves the storage room and leaves me alone with Warlow who's supposed to be dead, so how did he come back from the dead?
Could that energy from Bojack coming here have revived Warlow?

Warlow looked to me and smirked.
"I will kill the bastard who killed me with your help as being bait, whether you like it or not Loveless."


Now it is Ayato's POV......

I land on the ground in front of the ranch I grew up in, to find my mom petting some sheep, with gloves on and feeding them their treats that fathers bought for her to give them.
I walk up and stop at the fence leaning forward and dangle my arms over the fence.
"Hey mom, how is your day?"
I ask my mom who perked up and walks over to me, smiling at me.

She jumps over the fence and engulfs me in a hug, a bear hug.
"Ayato, where did you go?"
My mom asked me.

"To see Rebekah. She is ill."
I tell my mother and she nods.

"I know about your feelings for her Godric your father told me. Next time tell me where you are going I was worried okay."
My mother scolds me and I nod patting her back.

I pull away from the hug sensing my father's returning from their meeting by flying back her and landing behind me and mom, so I turned around and Godric my father looked between me and mom with a sorrowful look.
"Loveless has been kidnapped. Elijah found a pregnancy test and it's positive she's pregnant. Elijah is pretty upset she was kidnapped."

My mom had a grief stricken look on her face, and I turn my head away with a painful look on my face.
Eric my father looked at me, and walked up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Aya no do not think about it, going to the fight on your own."

"But Dad I think Warlow has her even Bojack! We should take immediate action!"
I turn my face back to Eric my Dad's face, red bloody tears going down my cheeks.
"I know what Elijah is going through! I want to help dammit! We should go now!"
I show my fangs at my father Eric.

"Listen to me we have to plan carefully, Warlow could use her being pregnant as a means to threaten us to comply in what he wants which is killing your mother. We will not let him do so, kill you or your mother. He will try to kill you both and if he do not get what he desires he will kill her anyways. So we must think and come up with a plan and not just barge into battle. I would know I was a soldier in World War Two. A soldier on the bad side, but it was only a cover, a cover to help the allies. We had to be on our feet and think up strategic ways to help the allies and to kill wolves who in fact were drunk of vampire blood. We need to think of a strategy before facing Warlow."
Eric my father places his hands on my cheeks and put his forehead to my own.
"Don't throw your life away and go out into battle half-cocked on my account, your mother needs you, we need you, and so does Rebekah, we don't want our only child dying for being reckless you hear me Aya. Promise me you won't be reckless and fight them two alone, not without your mother by your side. You two are a team we can't lose, hell we can't lose you or your mother we love you both so just listen and do not be reckless am I clear?!"
Eric my father scolds me in a big speech.

I avoid his gaze and walk off the property and then jump in the air flying off in my upset state.
I gotta make sure Rebekah is okay.
I thought to myself as I fly forward but soon enough my mother caught up and floated in front of me high in the sky, folding her arms to her chest, giving me a scolding look.

"Ayato listen, your father is right. Do not do this on your own. Promise me if you encounter my brother Bojack to send me an energy signal if you get overwhelmed by him."
My mother says to me and I nod.

"Mom I will, I just want to check on Rebekah. I'm worried about her."
I tell my mother wiping my face of my bloody tears smearing red on my face.
"I'm going to check on her and you cannot stop me mom."

"I know I can't, you are like your father Eric, you will like he did me protect the one you love, even do stupid shit in the process. Just promise me you won't do stupid shit.
My mother begged of me.

"I won't do stupid shit I swear, but if they try to harm her I have the right to obliterate them mother."
I tell her and she nods in understanding.

I fly around her and go to Shreveport to make sure the love and mate of my life was safe, and I will make sure to help Elijah get his mate back, for I understand how it feels to feel helpless when something like this affects my mate, even her sickness upset me in which I hope I healed.
I want what's best for my mate and I know Elijah does too, even to protect her.


To be continued...

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