Kitrainyokai Captured!!

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If there are mistakes in spelling I will fix it later I do not catch some of the mistakes on time I am having issues with sight in one if my eyes since I had an accident as a child with a glitter ball squishy toy when young that got in my eye when it popped and doctors say I might lose sight in it when I get older and now I can't wear my glasses at all I have tunnel vision in it and see quadruple things as well when my device it up to my face!
I'm glad this story got almost over 300  reads thank you guys!

Only Kitrainyokai will have a POV.
Also certain Chapters in the future also her future child will have his own POV!

Yep this is a rewritten chapter of Enter Warlow I Rewrote it to make it better you will see the difference just read as you go guys!

Warlow watched as a young vampire who lost his memories through a dream catcher mounting a human woman, the human woman Warlow foresaw many centuries ago would come to the world of theirs, and he would have a chance to taste her body soon, have her writhing under him.

Sookie died, she cannot be his bride now, he wants this human who he has watched over in secret as his bride since she walked in Sookie's home unconcious and Sookie and a vampire cleaned her up, to the girl meeting those two male vampires, to them mating many times, and planning to have her conceive their kin.

Kidnapping her, and forcing her to comply to be his bride will be his goal, her body has experienced much pleasure, so it will not be able to resist any pleasure he attempts on her body, those two males who mated with her conditioned her just right to not resist sex from a vampire at all.

"Soon I will have you beneath me as well." Warlow chuckled as he watched her sleep until she finally woke up the late in the noon hour in her dimension, and his dimension well he cannot be harmed by the sun.

I get up and immediately went to shower, but I groan seeing the broken shower, right Eric broke it, and I wanted to shower after sweating during Eric making me sweat from sending my body into two hard  orgasms.

I walk naked back into the bedroom and check the digital clock by the bed seeing it was a little after one in the afternoon. I guess I should call Alcide to replace the shower head, but I should dress first, even though I got dried you know what on my butt, and my hooha or couchie.

I dress in my dirty panties and my shirt from yesterday and grab my phone and walk downstairs and mark the calendar that I was taking my birth control pill and I take a water from the fridge and take my pill gulping it down.

I dial Alcide's number and it went to voice mail. "Hey Alcide can you come fix the shower I accidentally broke the hose off last night, I will owe you for it, bye." I hung up and set my phone aside on the counter and open a cabinet pulling out Oreo Flavored Pop Tarts and pop them in a toaster and I grab the Lactose Free milk from the fridge and pour it in a cup.

I can eat cheese and ice cream, but pure milk straight up I do get the runs from it, I grew out of cheese and ice cream doing the same to me, I know weird.

As I pull out the pop tarts from over cooking I hear the TV flip on, on its own, and perk up hearing the signature sound of the PlayStation 4 of mine kicking on, weird maybe we do have a ghost?

I wanted to investigate, so I put my pop tarts on the counter on a dish, and walk into the living room looking around seeing nobody here. I scratch my neck feeling itchy there and look around unnerved and confused. I check the lock on the doors and they were secure. "Hmmm. Curious. Maybe a ghost is here?"  I mutter shrugging. "I ain't afraid of ghosts I've seen worse."

I walk back into the kitchen and grab my pop tarts and glass of milk and sit on the brown long couch and take a bite of the pop tart and take a sip of milk making the pop tart melt in my mouth.

A knock at the door sounded and I swallow my food down setting my things I was eating and drinking on the coffee table and walk to the front door, and I open it seeing a man there, he had brown-ginger hair, wearing a white tank top, and blue jeans  hugging  his hips with a black leather belt, and black boots.

His eyes were silver with flecks of green in them, I've never seen eyes that color before on a man nor woman. "H...hello?" I ask nervously unsure if I should trust this man at my door step.
"Are you a co-worker of Alcide's who fixes stuff he told me about?" I ask, and point upstairs. "I guess Alcide got my message and sent you. The shower needs a new shower head, don't mind the blood in the tub the last guy cut himself and said fuck it I'm not doing this shit." I say very sarcastically lying to this poor bastard before me, I can't tell him a vampire bit me, due to those Church Fanatics are still after me, since I was their main target.

The man merely stares down at me then inside the home beyond me, then flicked his gaze back at me. "Yes, I am the plumber." He had I think maybe an Aussie accent, or some kind of accent, but it seemed to be fading I guess?

"Come in then. I need a shower so can you fix it up? I'm not used to this southern humid climate and need a cool shower then. I'd appreciate it. I can get you a snack while you work too." I say with a kindred warm smile and walk into the home and back onto the couch and flip on Lilo and Stitch the series and began watching it as the man walks into the home and walks around looking at things in the home. He ran his hands along my suitcase that one had a few of my clothes inside.

"Um...the shower?" I reminded him nervously creeped out he did that to my suitcase.

"Of course." The man nods and walked up the steps into the bathroom, shutting the door.

"Well isn't that creepy stalker body language syndrome." I mutter sarcastically as a joke after eating the rest of my pop tarts down into my gullet and finish off the milk.

My stomach still was growling, so I got up and went to the kitchen rinsing off the cup and plate then got into the fridge taking out a pasta salad Alcide made me and I took the lid off and grabbed a fork sitting back onto the couch eating it.

After having sex like that last night with Eric I usually tend to get a big appetite even when Godric and I have that kind of rough sex. But it was worth it, I smile to myself, both of them I cherished since I got to this world, I was shocked that they were so accepting of me, they loved me for me, even though I'm a ticking end of the world timebomb.

Whilst in my thoughts the man came back down from the bathroom saying. "I forgot the shower head, I tend to be forgetful. I apologize for that."

He seemed sincere, so I will let him off for that since I'm forgetful as well, and this guy didn't seem all too bad.

"Its fine I have the same problem. So what should I call you?" I wave that off with my fork when I ask him this question.

"I am Warlow." When the man said that my blood ran cold, even I know who Warlow is! He is not a nice person I should of invited in this home!
He is the only vampire and fae hybrid in the world, that made me swallow hard unnerved why he was here? I thought Sookie was the person he would be after for a bride?! Why was he here?!

Fear consumed me, but I know Eric and Godric could not help me! They could not help me at all! Godric was in another state, and Eric was sleeping!

I stand up dropping my food onto the floor and held my fork as if it was my best weapon, my body trembling and I was fighting back tears, I was afraid even with my inhuman strength, it might not be enough for the ancient age of Warlow!

He stalked me his fangs clicking out, I bet due to he smelled my fear, and I back away from the couch, and Warlow backed me into a wall, making me gulp loudly up at him, and he slammed each of his hands by my head an inch away making me flinch and I stab his chest with the fork and heard the sound of blood dripping onto the floor, without me knowing I closed me eyes, I in fact did and I open one to see his chest was impaled by the stainless steel fork, and blood dripped down to the floor!

Shit! I could of pissed him off!
He could hurt me or worse! If he does, then I know Gordic or Eric might exact severe revenge on him!

I couldn't let Eric walk into this, and turn into a vampire brawl with Warlow killing Eric! Eric will be weaker than him due to how younger Eric is!

Nonsense killing, killing Eric who I just got his memories back with us doing what we did last night!

Warlow pulls the fork from his chest smirking at me and used one hand to slide down my cheek as if gently caressing a child's cheek making me shiver, and whimper avoiding his eyes entirely. "Skittish you are, yet  after having my blood inside you, which is more potent, you will not be able to handle that libido of yours frothing for a male let alone myself to satisfy you love." Warlow mused out his smirk growing wider and showing his fangs more, making me swallow hard.

I needed to get him out of here, since I invited him in here I needed to resend his invitation, so I open my mouth to try to cast out his invitation
"Ah, ah, ah; love not polite resending my invitation so soon." Warlow mused out grabbing my chin with inhuman speed, making me side-glance at him as he clamped my mouth shut and with a flick of his wrist sideways a wicked snapping sound occured, and I knew he broke my neck, and knew, he knew I had super powers!
"Sleep, you are now mine." Warlow chuckled darkly as my vision blurred and I then knew I was his prisoner, at his mercy when I would wake up soon from my body healing quickly.

She went limp out cold as Warlow broke her neck, but to make sure she stayed out cold so when her healing powers kick in, he injected her arm with a sedative, and slowly when he injected it fully into her system, he took the needle out of her neck and he picked her up into his arms and summoned his dimension with a wave of his hand to open, and walked through it with the new bride he obtained, and shuts the dimension behind him with a simple wave of his hand.

This specially gifted human was now his, his to mate with for awhile until those two young vampires try to save her.

"Until then I shall enjoy you for awhile." Warlow says setting her against a tree covered in vines and flowers, waving his hand his fae magic made the vines tie her wrists and legs to the tree spreading them widely. "That should hold her if she gets too violent."

Warlow leans against a tree awaiting for her to wake up.


To be continued......

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