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Ayato Will have a POV in this chapter, Itai will in his own chapters like all my OC's will have a POV.

Please enjoy this chapter, also this tragic chapter in the future will bring Rebekah and Ayato closer together and love each other and for Rebekah to heal with Ayato's help.

I do POV reminders due to my memory issues I have so don't mind them unless you want to know who is narrating.
It reminds me who is narrating in whatever chapter.


I held a night walking vamp, that was the same species as Rebekah, suspended in the air, by one hand, choking the male vampire in my band's tight grip showing my non-retractable fangs at him. "Now answer me, where is Marcus, or I will end you." I snarl out to this vampire who struggled in my grip.
I came to New Orleans in a flash to look for Marcus, and I found a vampire, who knew where he was, so a bit of torture should do in getting him to talkn to me.

"I'm older than you how can you overpower me?!" The vampire bit out.

"I'm younger, but I'm special. Now tell me, where is Marcus?!" I slam the guy into the concrete making him cry out in pain, and  the concrete cracked, some debris flew upward. I heard his ribs crack. I sneer at him,  enjoying his pain on his face. "Cooperate!" I snarl out louder. "Or be eliminated by my powers."

"Okay! He's at the bunker in the French Quarter!" The vampire coughed out.

I then shove my hand through his chest, ripping his heart out,  and threw it aside. Slowly I stood up, cocking my head to the side,  and look over my shoulder smirking, to entice fear into the other nightwalkers watching this go, on like an insane anime character.

I walk off down the streets, slowly taking my time, and finally I got to the bunker area,  and I was in front of steel doors.
I pull back my fisted hand and punch the doors, they flew off their hinges flying into a water fountain, making chunks of concrete fly into bystanders, who were vampires, who were also as well knocked out cold.
I easily step inside of the bunker and shout. "Marcus I challenge thee to a fight to the death!"

Once I said that, Marcus shoved me into the wall shouting in my face his hand around my slim throat, I'm a twig compared to him. "You dare challenge an elder like me?!"

"You violated what I deem as mine for a week, and I have permission to kill you." I say, and I easily pry his fingers away, and held his wrist away from my neck, and swerve my body to slam him, chest first into the concrete wall cracking it.

"Rebekah, I knew you loved her at such a young age. You think you will be happy with her, don't make me laugh, I've tried, Klaus always keeps her from loving another person." Marcus laughed at me, mocking me.

"Unlike you, we will feel the bond, since I'm half immortal Atlantian dumbass.
I am unlike you, a heartless woman violating bastard. I will take pleasure in killing you, and put your head on a stake for all to see of your vampire followers Marcus." I snarl out angrily, and shove his face hard, into the concrete, and dragged it along the wall, as I slowly walk forward enjoying torturing him, I'm like my father Eric, who enjoys torturing his enemies, that in which I did inherit from him, which is a side to me I tend to hide from my mother.

Flesh tore off his face, smearing flesh and blood onto the wall, as his followers watched in pure horror that I was torturing him like this. I then grew bored of that, and threw him to the ground onto his back with a loud cracking noise, indenting and cracking the concrete, and he yowled in pain at the landing.
I walk over to his body laying in agonizing pain into the cracked concreted ground, and I stomp my gothic booted right foot on his chest, to keep him in place. "Any last words?" I ask bending over, resting my elbow onto my knee, and formed Chidori into my right arm, blue static electricity surrounded my arm,  and formed into a lightning shaped katana.

"I hope you rot in hell." Marcus says rudely hissing that out.

I smirk saying. "You too, because in hell if you rape or molest someone, you get raped by demons for eternity, enjoy that in hell. Cause I know what hell looks like.
I dreamed if it. A fitting punishment for you an inbred bastard who rapes women." I say and slice his body to a million pieces, and the lightning fried the pieces to ash. "Anyone who seeks revenge will die the same way know this impudent dogs of his followers." I snsrl out looking ariund with a serious look to the  other vampires, who followed Marcus' rule here, swiping the blade aside and it disappeared.

I put two fingers to my forehead and I disappeared.
I reappeared in front of Elijah and Klaus. "It has been done, she is forever safe from his hold on her." I say to them both, and walk up to Rebekah's room and I stop at the door.

"Thank you for doing what we could not Ayato Northman. May she be happy with you." Klaus replied and I nod in reply.

I quietly walk into Rebekah's  room, seeing Rebekah was up and atom, yet on her bed, still looking weak, but she had strength enough to sit up and read it oooks like it.
Rebekah was reading a romance novel, one of my favorites of Lyndsay Sands' works, the once where Lucian finds his lifemate, which I am bad with names, since she has so many works I like, it's hard to name them all actually.

I walk over to her bedside and pull up a chair, smiling a kindred, heart warming, smile at her. "Hey Rebekah long time no see, it is me Ayato, remember me?"

Rebekah flicked her blue gaze up towards me from her book closing it, and when our eyes met, I knew by how her cheeks flushed, she felt the bond immediately, of us being soulmates to each other. "Ayato? You have grown to a handsome man." Rebekah was breathless by his beauty, never has she felt need to any man such as this before, her nether region's were frothing at seeing him, and her chest warmed and ached. He smiled a heart melting smile,  showing his fangs, that show all the time they don't retract.

"You feel it don't you?" I ask her putting my left hand on hers on top of the book. "The bond?" Rebekah nods, and I sigh in relief. "Elijah I bet explained how Atlantian genes work right? I can give you children, when you are ready, but it has to be done a certain way, if we mate you will not be impregnated at all, until I do it a certain way in steps like my mother did so to have me, so do you accept me?" I tell her and Rebekah avoids my gaze, she was not hesitating she was thinking, and I could see she had trauma issues from what Marcus did to her, my mother has those problems, my fathers had to help her in public once by calming her down, when she saw a man that looked exactly like her biological father and she freaked out, so I know how trauma episodes work.

"I've known you were bonded to me, when me and you were inseparable, when you were a child, so I figured you were mated to me.
I wanted to wait until you were old enough like you are now. I accept you, but give me time to heal from how Marcus did such disgusting things to me." Rebekah says honestly to me, I could tell, and she cried tears down her cheeks, and I nod accepting her answer, putting my right hand on her right cheek,  and gently wipe the tear away.

"I will wait as long as it takes, until you are ready for me to love you, the way you waited for one to love you for over 1,000 years of waiting for me." I say and vow to her, making her lean into my slim flat chest, in my shirt.
I hug her tighter to my chest in a loving way, my nose buried into her long blond flowing locks, and let her cry into my chest all she wanted, or desired to do. I rub her back the whole time, doing shushing noises like my mother  used to do to me when I cried as a child.

"Thank you Ayato." Rebekah whines, as I let her cry into my slim chest in my dark shirt, until she fell asleep.
I lay her back onto the bed and tuck her back into bed, under the covers, and put the book up on a shelf, and stayed by her bedside, until my mother texted me to come home, and that she was worried over me leaving without telling her.

I left a note for Rebekah by her bedside table, that I had to leave, but would come back tomorrow,  and left out if her room, shutting the door a crack, for Elijah to check on her health later. I nod to Elijah, then to her room. "I'm leaving mother grows worried over me, so I will see you guys tomorrow. Call me if she gets worse at any time." I say and run outside the double front doors, and flew off into the air to go home, and receive a scolding from my worry wort mother Kitrainyokai.


To be continued......

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