4 - Conflict

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Anatox had to leave for whatever job she had, something about collecting a payment. Which meant I was alone in the apartment. I didn't mind it, welcomed it, even. I could tell she was immune to the dangers of simply being near me, but I still worried.

I crossed my legs beneath me, resting my hands on my knees as I took a deep breath and sighed.

"How do I get out of this?" I said to no one in particular, "Why must I live like this?"

This wasn't the first time I had wished for something different, longed to not have to suffer through this. I wanted death, to leave this place that has become my downfall. But still, something nagged at the back of my mind. Stopping me from clawing my own heart out, just to escape the pain.

I argued with myself in my mind, thoughts screaming at each other in my head.

I can't take this anymore, just let me go! Please.

You can't. You have purpose here, there's a reason you survived. No one else did or could have lived through what you did. It was no accident.

Anatox lived. Why am I important if someone else lived as well?

You're connected, you and her. You must realize that.

My claws unsheathed, tensed with agitation. So what?

So you need to find out how, and why.

My own thoughts were turned against me. Defeated, I stood up, pacing to keep active.

But my mind kept racing, thoughts pounding against my skull like angry beasts trapped in cages. I could barely control them, it's like they came from someone that wasn't me, like another person joined the conversation between myself.

You, along with her, might be the most powerful humans - if even that - on this planet. Why long for normality, to move on, when this can be your normal?

All you have to do is get her out of the way. Then, you're free.

No, I'm not, I argued to myself, I'm not killing Anatox. I barely know her, and she hasn't done anything to hurt me. She helped me, even. First person to do that for a while.

Don't let your emotions get in the way of your potential.


I snarled furiously, slamming my head against the wall to prevent any more of this conflict in my head. An explosion of pain shot through my skull, and I rebounded from the wall as I collapsed to my hands and knees. I coughed, grimacing as my blood burned in my throat, dripping from my mouth and splattering on the floor. I felt nauseated, my vision doubling and blurring as I struggled to breathe properly.

I blacked out a few seconds later.

But I knew I wouldn't be unconscious for long.



I skipped steps as I ran down the stairwell, the damp stone smell filling my lungs as I raced to the underground hideout. Random little groups scattered here and there looked up at me as I swiftly darted past them, only stopping when I got to Dagger's office door. Hastily, I knocked on the door.

Dagger opened the door, surprised by my sudden knock. "What- oh, hey, Anatox."

"I need to talk to you," I said, "Alone."

"O- okay, then," Dagger said hesitantly, opening the door wider to allow me inside. I slipped through the door, hearing the click as Dagger locked it behind him. His office was in the same shape of disarray as yesterday.

"What's the rush?" Dagger asked, sticking his hands in his pockets casually.

"I found him."

"Found who?"

"The guy from my visions."

Dagger tilted his head, his interest piqued. "Aaron? He exists?"

"Well, yes he exists," I said, "But it's like he doesn't know he's Aaron. He calls himself Tonix. And he's like me."

"Woah," Dagger remarked, surprised. "Definitely not what I thought I'd hear this morning. Why'd you come to me for this again?"

I rolled my eyes. "You are literally the only one that I told about my visions. Plus one of the only people I actually trust. And I don't know what to do about this, it's not like I could call the cops."

"Right, right."

"So what do I do about this?" I queried.

Dagger inhaled, grabbing a knife from the desk and twirling it as he thought. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you... I have no idea." He thought a moment more. "Okay. Just watch him, make sure he's not a danger to us or anyone else. As ironic as it is, considering we're assassins, we don't want anyone on the outside getting hurt from this. If you need it, I won't assign you any more targets until we figure out what the hell is going on."

He paused for a moment, grabbing an envelope with my name on it from his desk and handing it to me. "Your payment, before I forget."

I folded the envelope and stuck it in my pocket. "You want me to stay with that guy?" I questioned, unaccepting of the idea, "I don't know if you noticed, but his brain is probably melting in more places than I can count, judging by his actions."

"Look, I understand if you're concerned that he's gonna lose his mind or whatever," Dagger explained, "But I'd rather he be watched and in the company of someone I trust than running around loose in the city. Okay?"

I looked at the ground, frustrated.

Suddenly, my surroundings changed.


My hands were shaking, bleeding. I was trembling, shivering like I was cold, but burning heat pulsed throughout my body. I was screaming so loud I was surprised no burst through the door with a gun thinking I was some wild animal. My heart seemed to jerk around in my chest, throwing itself against my ribcage in some desperate attempt of escape. It felt like it was ready to burst through, free itself from the prison that was my body.

The blood that coated my hands, I realized, wasn't from my hands. Scars interlaced down my arms, bleeding heavily, pouring crimson as it pooled on the floor. It wasn't just my blood. It looked as if my skin was melting, peeling and melting off my bones like something being baked in an oven.

And the pain. The pain.

Like being pelted by billions of knives and daggers from above, raining from the sky and stabbing me, stabbing me, stabbing me...


I snapped back to reality, eyes wide and breathing heavy. Dagger was looking at me, alarmed.

"Anatox?" he said with a questioning tone.

"I have to go," I said.

And without hesitation, I turned and bolted out the door, racing through the open area and up the stairs.


Ehe... Tonix you good bro-

1134 words

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