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I slipped into the dark alley, looking around before pulling my mask off of my mouth. The previously muffled city smells became more vivid, that of car exhaust and the garbage in a nearby dumpster. Along with it the smell of acrid smoke, a cigarette. It was from a man standing in the alley, his gray jacket pulled to cast shadows from the city lights over his face. He had what looked like a black satchel by his waist, strapped over his shoulder.

"Hey, David," I said, getting his attention.

The man, David, jumped slightly, surprised by my sudden entrance. He saw me, and breathed a sigh. Translucent gray smoke puffed near his mouth. "Geez, Ana, you need a bell or something. I wouldn't be surprised if you followed me all day and I didn't notice."

"Well, stealth is usually what I go for. Kind of my job to stay under the radar," I retorted, ignoring the nickname he had used for me. "You got it?"

David nodded, sticking the cigarette in his mouth as he opened the satchel by his side. Out of it he retrieved two orange bottles, prescription bottles, both with a white cap. The contents jostled around as he shook them, making a sound almost like maracas.

I stuck my hand in my pocket, fishing out some money, a twenty and a ten. Stuff doesn't come cheap, but it's worth it for me. I handed him the money and David gave me the bottles in return. I stuck one in my pocket, and popped the cap on the other, taking out a small round pill and swallowing it dry. I then took the bottle and stuck it in my pocket as well.

I heard David sigh.

"What?" I said, "Did I miscount?"

"N-no, it's not that," David said, "It's just... well, Ana-"

This time I interrupted him. "Don't call me Ana. My name is Anatox. If I wanted my name to be Ana, that's what I would've changed it to."

David simply rolled his eyes. "Okay, then, Anatox. I'm just saying... as much as I like getting paid, I just... I don't think this is helping you at all. Like, it looks like you haven't slept in years."

"And that's entirely true," I muttered under my breath before continuing, "Just... you do your job, I'll do mine. I don't need your sympathy."

I tasted something bitter rising in the back of my throat. I needed to get moving.

I pulled my mask over my face. "I gotta go. I'll call you if I need you, as usual."

Before David could reply, I was around the corner and down the sidewalk.


*starts another story out of impulse*

454 words

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