Chapter One

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Nichiya sighed heavily as his last bag was packed and ready. Strapping his guitar to his back, he turned to grab his black fedora and black fingerless gloves off of his side table. Placing the hat on his head, he adjusted his violet tie and checked his appearance. He wanted to make a good first impression on the band once he got to Virbank. He had a very long flight ahead of him.

"Nichi? Are you ready!?" Nichiya's mother called up to him.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a sec!" Nichiya responded.

The door to his room opened and in walked Haru.

"Nichi! I need help!" He pleaded.

Nichiya gave his brother a quizzical look, noticing he had a box in his hands.

"With what?" He asked curiously.

"I can't decide," he paused, placing the box down to open it, "which picture I want autographed!" Haru groaned.

"Uh...Haru? How long have you had that?" Nichiya gestured to the poster of Billy Jo in a black and red bikini with her base guitar.

"Don't judge me!" Haru growled.

Nichiya rolled his eyes and pointed to the other poster. It had Billy Jo and the other Toxics in the picture with their arms over each other's shoulders.

"You're more likely to get an autograph if you give me that one. She'll think it's less creepy if you do," Nichiya chuckled.

Haru sighed and rolled up the poster with Billy Jo in the bikini and handed his brother the other one. Nichiya took it and set it aside.


"Be right down, Mom!" Nichiya shouted.

Nichiya took one last look at his room. He wasn't going to be around anymore. He'd already closed the deal on the apartment in Virbank City and was moving all of his things into it. He glanced back at Haru, his younger brother who he always hung out with. He was going to have to communicate long distance now.

"Hey Nichi? You're going to be a Trainer right?" Haru inquired.

"Yep. It'll be an interesting experience. I'll get to meet all kinds of Pokémon. I'll show you the Pokémon I catch over our gear. How's that?" Nichiya replied.

Haru's eyes lit up with excitement at his brother's words.

"That sounds awesome! Oh, oh! Are you going to take the Unova League Challenge?" Haru queried.

Nichiya thought about it for a moment. The Unova League was said to be pretty intense, granted Sinnoh had Cynthia, a terrifyingly powerful Champion in her own right. Looking back at Haru, Nichiya grinned.

"I might do that. Tell you what. If I decide to, I'll message you about it. If I'm in a match, they'll televise it so you can watch," Nichiya stated.

"Really!? Awesome!" Haru exclaimed. "Oh! What Pokémon would you want?"

Nichiya paused and scratched his head. "Dunno yet," he said, "but hopefully they have a Poison-type for me. I really wanna try out as soon as possible."

"Nichi! You are going to miss your flight young man!"

Nichiya sighed heavily and shook his head. "We had better get going. I think if we stall any longer she'll march up here herself."

Haru laughed. "Probably pull our ears like she always did."

The two brothers stifled their laughter and filed out of the room. It was time for Nichiya to leave. The brothers made it downstairs to their mother, who was impatiently tapping her foot.

"About time! You were taking so long, I was about to come get you myself," she said with a grimace.

"Relax mom, I just wanted to take another look at the room before Haru fills it with pictures of Billy Jo in bikinis," Nichiya laughed.

"Excuse me!?" Their mother shouted.

"I'm kidding! Take it easy mom. It's Haru, he wouldn't do that," Nichiya said as he ruffled his little brother's hair.

Haru laughed nervously, remembering he had a poster of Billy Jo in a revealing bikini in the room.

"I certainly hope not. I did not raise a set of perverts, I raised two responsible gentlemen. And if I hear word, Nichiya, that you are being anything but that, not even Arceus will be able to save you," she warned.

Haru gulped and Nichiya sweat-dropped. "Sheesh mom, tone it down. It's not like I'm going to be out partying and getting drunk or something. I'm eighteen for Arceus sake."

"You had better not do any of that. No son of mine will be ingesting any stiff drinks," she said firmly.

"The day Nichiya touches alcohol is the day Cynthia gets dethroned," Haru joked.

Their mother frowned. "I mean it Nichiya. No shenanigans. If you meet a lady treat her-"

"With respect and kindness, but above all, like a person. She's not a possession, she's a treasure to be handled with care, not abuse. I know mom..." Nichiya smiled.

Tears welled up in her eyes as Nichiya's mother embraced him. Letting go was going to be hard, considering Nichiya was her eldest and had been there to share many laughs with her and Haru.

"Your father...would be so proud to hear you say that, sweetie..."

A knock came to the door. Haru answered it. "Hey Maylene!" Haru exclaimed.

The pinkette smiled faintly at Haru.

"Heya Haru," Maylene greeted him, ruffling his hair much like a sister would her younger brother.

Maylene made eye contact with Nichiya and narrowed her brows. The two had been friends for the longest time. Six years to be exact. The two fought a lot, but that was normal to them. Today however, there would be no fun fights. Just a simple goodbye.

"Oi, Nichiya. Going so soon? I have a feeling you would have left without saying goodbye had I not come," Maylene said sharply.

" live in Veilstone City. And if you spent half as much time checking your messages as you do working out your legs, you would have seen the notice," Nichiya replied with a blank stare.

Maylene blushed from embarrassment and rubbed her neck, looking away for a moment before turning back to face him.

"F-fair enough. But still! Call me at least. I was this close to-"

"Ahem!" Mrs. Hikari tapped her feet.

Maylene sweat-dropped.

"What I mean is...please call because you know I don't check messages that often," Maylene said in a nicer manner.

"That's better. Now, if you two are done, Nichi, you have a plane to catch. So let's get going," she stated firmly.

"Before you go Nichiya, I expect a shout out when you play with the Toxics. And if you battle, battle hard," Maylene finished, giving him a fist bump followed by a tight hug.

Nichiya returned the affection and stepped back.

"Keep in touch okay?" Maylene said with a faint smile.

"No worries Maylene. I will," he replied, turning to walk out the door with his mother.

You've asked for more, so here's more. A little short, but goodbyes aren't meant to have terribly long chapters. So now we have Nichiya heading off to Virbank. The starter will be a surprise. His is obviously going to be a Poison-type. But which one will it be?

Read on and find out! Remember to comment and vote! It helps a lot!


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