Chapter 4

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The stairs seemed to go on forever. As you slowly climbed up, you wondered; would you ever leave this place? It did seem like Toriel was leading you to what would be your new room. Maybe this place would keep you safe, as they had magic like you when the rest of the world didn't.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Toriel speaking; "Here is your room child! Why don't you settle yourself in while the others go get your belongings from your old home?" Here tone was light but she sounded almost... exited?

You grabbed Toriel's arm in confusion.
"What if I don't want to live here? What even is this place?" She looked at you, almost pity in her eyes.

"My child, do not be afraid. We know of your powers, but bad people do too. They where hunting you down and you didn't even know. This is the only place you will be safe. You will find out where and what this place is in due time." She explained, features softening if they could any more. You relax, then exactly what she said hits you.

"There were people hunting me? What! How come I didn't know?" You almost shouted.

"They are extraordinary hunters and are incredible at their job. We were watching you anyway due to your magic and when Sans spotted the hunters watching you he reported it back almost immediately. We then set him out to get you and bring you here. Is that an ok explanation?" Toriel asked you. You briefly nodded your head to signal 'yes'.

"I'll leave you to settle in." Was all Toriel said before leaving and gently closing the door.

So it was Sans who basically saved you...

This was too much information. Suddenly, you collapsed onto your bed, letting sleep claim you.


All around you was darkness. You couldn't see a thing.
For what felt like hours, you were just stuck in pitch black.


'Who's there!' You thought
Suddenly two red eyes and a huge red smile appeared in front of you, taking you by suprise. It spoke in the voice of a young girl.

Oh, silly me I didn't introduce myself.
My name

~dream end~

Screaming, you woke up in a cold sweat. Who was that? They said their name was Chara, but you'd never heard of her before! You would ask Sans about the dream later, you were sure he would know something about it.

Suddenly, the cat you saw before walked into your room and jumped up on your bed. Stroking it's back, you decided today would be the day you got answers.

For everything.

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