Chapter 6

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Eventually the hug ended and Sans stepped back with blue dusted on his cheeks. You had no doubt you were as red as a tomato.
"Sorry. It's just... that name brings back bad memories." Sans said, an apologetic look on his face.
You rubbed the back of your neck, still embarrassed by the hug you just shared. An awkward silence followed.

"Hey," Sans said breaking the silence, "Do you want to meet my brother?"
You nodded your head, exited too meet more people who had magic. Sans smiled... more than his usual smile, that is.
"Let's go then!" He said, taking both your hands in his.
You looked at him quizzically, and he just smirked. Suddenly you became extremely dizzy and the world began to spin around you. Sans didn't seem concerned; he seemed like he was used to this. In a flash you were no longer where you were before, but in what seemed to be a wooden log cabin. Letting go of Sans's hands as soon as you regained your balance, you looked around the house. There were stairs leading to two doors, a door to what you presumed was a kitchen and various pieces of old-looking furniture scattered around. Sans began to walk up the stairs and beckoned for you to follow him, so you did. You could see the doors in more detail now- one seemed to have smoke and coloured light pouring out the bottom and the other had a bunch of warning signs on it. Sans walked to the closest one- the one decorated with signs and knocked on it before winking at you as you turned your head to him. You blushed a little before turning to look at the door again.

"WHO IS IT?" You heard a loud voice shout. You took a step back from the volume.

"It's me bro," Sans replied. "Someone else too, and they want to meet you." Sans smiled at you, causing you to feel butterflies in your stomach. You wondered what his brother was like. Well, he was loud for sure.

Suddenly the door was pulled open and there stood a boy a lot taller than you and Sans. You could tell he was Sans' brother. He seemed younger, though. His skin and hair were pale white like Sans'. He wore some form of fancy dress outfit with a strange symbol on his chest. His eyes were like Sans' when he was calm, black with a white pupil. A red scarf was wrapped around his neck and he looked down at you, excited.

"HELLO! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS BUT YOU CAN JUST CALL ME PAPYRUS. IGNORE MY ANNOYING BROTHER. WHO ARE YOU? ARE YOU A HUMAN OR MONSTER!" He said. You cringed slightly due to how load his voice was, but smiled back.

"Hey Papyrus! My name is y/n and I am part monster and part human. Look!" You said as you showed him your ears and tail. "And Sans hasn't been that annoying, he's actually been very helpful." You continued, just to fluster Sans. You knew it worked when he looked away with blue dusted on his cheeks once again. Who smirked to yourself before returning your attension to Papyrus.

"THAT'S SO COOL!" He, once again, shouted. "DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS?" He clapped his hands together in excitement.

"Sure thing Papyrus. Can I call you Papy?" You asked, happy to already be making friends in this place you only arrived at recently.

"YES YOU MAY Y/N. DO YOU WANT TO COME IN?" He asked. Sans shot Papyrus an angry look for a second and hoped you didn't notice. You did, however. You didn't know why he was annoyed with this though. Maybe he was being protective. You were crying just a little while ago, so maybe he was still concerned.

"Sure Papy. We can get to know each other better." You began to walk in after Papyrus. "Coming Sans?" You asked to the boy still behind you.

"Nah." He replied. "Tori has a job she needs me to do for her. See ya later kiddo." He waved at you and you waved back before he teleported away. You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact he could teleport.

You closed the door to Papyrus' room and smiled at him.

A/N: hey guys! I updated finally. I'm working on another book too that isn't published and is my own original book, not a fanfic, so that's why there were no updates. I also had writers block for ages and am lazy so... yeah. I'm currently away on holiday with my dad (sigh... I hate my dad) (my parents are divorced) and am trying to spend as much time as possible in my room.

(P.s for Sans' and Papyrus' I'm writing that instead of Sans's or Papyrus's because that's what I was taught (in England))

Thanks for reading!


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