Welcome and Dedications

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by Silmarilz1701

"Is anybody out there?
Can you lead me to the light
Is anybody out there?
Tell me it’ll all be alright

"You are not alone
I’ve been here the whole time
Singing you a song
I will carry you, I will carry you"

- Carry You -

Dearest Reader,

Thank you, from the deepest depths of my heart and soul. Just by clicking on this story, you have given me a chance to do what I love most, and that is share my writing with you. To share a word on a page is like revealing a small part of my soul to you, a part of my mind that gave life to these plotlines and characters.

Though the canon characters belong to Professor Tolkien, several others belong to me and they are precious. While you read this and the main stories, please vote and comment, let me know how you're enjoying - or not enjoying - the world and scenarios I am creating. Your support means the world.

So once again I invite you to dive in, starting at the beginning. Immerse yourself in the world of Tolkien. Let me show you a new tale. Let me guide you by the hand in this sandbox I play in. Take the first step.

To my supporters across all platforms: Wattpad, Fanfiction, and Archive of Our Own. You encourage me every day. Specifically ThatOneWriter2001 who fell head over heels at the same moments I did when writing.

To Professor Tolkien, whose world of Arda has inspired nearly 350,000 words of fanfiction by my hand. God bless you. Cannot wait to meet you in Heaven someday, good sir.

To the unknown user whose tag #FingonIsATrekkie inspired this entire story, and to qarlgrimes on FFn for her wonderful Kili/OC story "The Inconvenient and Unexpected Journey of Millie Fournier," the other inspiration for this fic.

And now... Let us begin.

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