Chapter 22

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Eva mechanically filled out the university admission forms, her block letters hastily filling up the page she was currently on.

"Maybe instead of Engineering school, you should try out Med' School," Louis quipped,"You'd fit right in with that handwriting."

She didn't look up as Louis leaned over her shoulder.

The heavy silence hanging over them. The well-intentioned questions met with pithy answers, said it all. It was obvious to him in the first 20 minutes  that she was in a mood.

"Hey so what exactly does triplicate mean, does it mean that the I'll have to photocopy this form once the a lawyer certifies it?"

"No, it means that he'll have to certify each copy."

And she dropped back to her silence, the only sound in the room, that of her scribbling on paper with a sharp pointed pen.

This was new to Louis. He'd seen her sad, he'd seen her deliriously happy, angry even but he had never seen her moody. This passive aggressive side of her was a novelty to him and he had no idea what he might have done to trigger it.

Finding out what was wrong was a start.


"Mhmm" she muttered, not even bothering to look up.

Ugh. This would go nowhere. And frankly, it was stupid. He'd done this before. He had a million things in his mind and a sulky girl was not going to be one of them.

I've got 99 problems but a ..... ain't one...

But for some unknown reason, he stayed rooted to where he was. Even though he had things to do and people to take care of.

"Eva, can you stop for a minute?" he found himself asking.

She exaggeratedly sighed and turned to face him. Her body language was already giving off bad vibes.

Irritated, he wanted to walk out the door but he saw much more than just a normal girl having her moods.

She was frustrated. The kind of frustration borne from having to make a major decision.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What do you want me to tell you? I'm filling all these forms but I don't. Like I seriously don't want to go to Uni, right now."

"Here I am, going to take up a course that's so demanding when I don't want to do it at all. "

"Then why don't you apply for something that you do want to do?"

" Gosh, that's just the problem Louis. I have no idea of what it is that I want."

" I mean it doesn't make sense, how are we supposed to know what we want to do with our lives when we've barely lived it. "

"Then why not wait a little longer until you figure out what you want. University isn't going anywhere you know," he suggested.

She threw her hands up in frustration. "I can't. As long as I technically live under my mom's roof. You know I can't."

" And yes, I've thought about breaking free form the nest but that wouldn't do at all. I've done the math, I don't think I'd afford an education for a long while."

" Maybe you should just try to sit her down...Surely if it's getting you this frustrated... " he helplessly suggested.

Her shoulders slumped."That would never work. You know how parents are, they think a formal education is the only way you can make it. Woe unto you if you decide to live off a skill. And don't forget only the Big Five count."

"The Big Five Careers?"

"Yes, exactly. My mom wants to live vicariously through me. She wanted to become an Engineer and since she didn't, as her only child, I have to live the dream for her."

"This seriously reminds me of that Indian movie, Three Idiots."

" It does actually. My life is a movie, " her thoughtfully quipped,"but I'm having an existential crisis here so bad timing."

" Exaggerate much?" he asked eyebrow raised.

She huffed in annoyance.

" Wow. You are one to talk. You who always knew what you wanted to do with your life. Things must be so easy for you. All you have to do is follow your Dad's footsteps."

The silence that followed was different in the way that it was painfully unpredictable.

Even Eva knew she had hit a raw nerve and poutingly  sat down, her body language apologetic even though she hadn't said the words.

Louis stood up, this time he would leave no doubt about that. But...

" Come Eva, let's go."

.... he wouldn't leave without her.

"No, I have to finish these up,so I can get them certified."

"Leave those stupid papers alone and come spend some time with your sexy boyfriend,"he said, hand reached out towards her.

She finally put the pen that was hovering over a form on the table and took his hand.

" Sexy huh? " she asked as he opened the door for her.

" You'll see." He winked and smiled.

He had no idea of how it affected he when he smiled like that.

Hi everyone,

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who gets a little frustrated with deciding what to do with your life.

It's normal. Not everyone has it figured out.(even I haven't) All I can say is make each minute in this life count. Follow whatever dream you have. It's valid.

Well enough of that. Haha.

Song up there is: Oya come make we go by Nigerian 2Baba and Kenyan Sauti Sol. Don't you just love these fusions!



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