Chapter 4

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Had he whispered that before he had passed out?Eva wasn't sure.Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her considering her nerves were on end.But a part of her was convinced she had heard an utterly exhausted voice whisper that,right before the boy had passed out.

As Eva considered the boy's appearance she felt that perhaps her musings weren't too far-fetched.The boy was out like a dead log,one could truly believe he was dead if his temperature was just a bit lower.It wasn't just the sedatives,he looked like he had missed sleep for weeks.Large eyebags lay underneath his eyes.Eva felt tempted to place teabags on them every time she looked at them.They were really that bad.

She watched his chest move slowly up and down.Such a small action but one that brought her so much relief.When he had collapsed on the ground,her heart had frozen and fear;pure unbridled fear had made its way through her bloodstream,causing her whole body to freeze.

For a split second,she had only stared at his umoving body lying on the ground before the panic had set in.She still couldn't tell how she had found the strengh to somehow pick him up and haul him into her car.Yes, haul him.What she had done was dangerous considering he was injured and she could have caused some serious damage by roughly manhandling him like that.Really,it was downright foolish.

But the doctor had assured her that he had only suffered a mild concussion and a sprained ankle.But looking at the unconscious boy before her,her heart rate spiked up as panic threatened to grip her heart again.

Yet she couldn't help but wonder.Why had he been running with his eyes closed?Not running,no, he had been sprinting and in the middle if the road.Strange.No,she did not fault him for causing the accident.She herself should not have been driving at that speed on a private road in a residential area.Not that she had hit 180 km/h but she was at a speed a little too high for such a road.

He had been clad in black from head to toe like some burglar.But he wasn't one.She just knew he wasn't one.Her curiosity gnawed at her and that combined with her worry made her feel restless.The doctor had said that he needed to be woken up after every three hours so that the doctor could so that he could be exmined as  standard procedure.He needed to be monitored to make sure that there was no serious damage to his brain.Eva found herself wishing that the three hours would pass by quickly,if only to quash her worries as well as her curiousity.

So she distracted herself wuth studying his features.Eva could tell that he was good-looking.He had a strong square chin highlighted by a slightly imperceptible dimple.She remembered reading somewhere that dimples were a sign of weakness in one's facial muscles.And as she glanced at his dimple,she thought there was never a more beautiful form of weakness.She found the fact that he had beautiful eyebrows interesting.He had perfectly shaped eyebrows that gave a feminine touch to his wholly masculine face and she found herself looking forward to getting a glimpse of the eyes that were crowned by such beauties.And as if he had heard her thoughts, his eyes slowly opened revealing a pair of beutiful eyes.Her breath hitched,the mystery guy had finally woken up.

Hello,lovely readers.I know I've changed Chapter 3 a few times now. Bear with me.There's just something about it that was disturbing me.hope u enjoy the final draft and please comment.I hope you also enjoy this chapter.

Thank you lulukoech for the support and I encourage you all to read Poetic Reigns by lulukoech.She just has a way with words.

Vote,comment,whatever tickles your fancy.Is it suits your fancy or tickle your fancy???

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