the meeting (inukag)

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•♥️•               •♥️•             •♥️•

In modern Japan, the sun beamed down in a certain young girls bedroom. She smiled in delight as she felt the warmth consume her.

"Ahh.. this is so nice."


Her brow twitched in annoyance. "Well, nice while it lasted..", she mumbled under her breath.

Kagome turned to her younger brother who had just bursted into her room. He hopped on the bed next to her, and dumped out his backpack over the bed spread. She shrieked at the sight of dusty books and pencil shavings all over her clean covers.

"Sota, what are you trying to do?! I just cleaned these covers!"

"Oops.. sorry sis. Anyways, I need help with my homework."

Kagome huffed as she swept the dirt off her covers. "That's what you barged in here for? Why can't you ask gramps or mom?"

"Because they're not here, remember. And Kikyo is the last person I wanna ask."

"Oh yeah.. silly me, I keep forgetting."

It seemed like just yesterday they were all sitting down eating together. But it was far from yesterday. Gramps and their mother have been dead for a year now, and everyday it got harder. Kagome and Sota's mother said that if her and gramps ever die, they are to be left in the care of their first cousin– Kikyo.

Kikyo and Kagome weren't on very good terms. They argued whenever they saw each other at family reunions, so the last thing Kagome wanted to do was live with her. But, she didn't have much of a choice.

Kagome shook her head, snapping herself back in reality. A sad aura lingered over the siblings now, as it always did when they thought of their deceased parents.

"Anyways.. what are you having trouble with?", Kagome asked.


"Oh Sota, this is easy. You just–"

Suddenly, the door flew open. Kikyo. She looked around at her little cousins room in shame. Mainly the bed. Then, she went to Kagome's closet and started swooshing through clothes.

"Hey, what are you–"

Kikyo interrupted her by tossing a dress at her. "Put this on."

"But why?"

"We're going somewhere. Enough questions. When your done, get Sota ready."

The siblings shared a curious look, and before they would look back at Kikyo, she was gone.

"I'll be waiting for you in the car.", she called back.

•♥️•              •♥️•              •♥️•

Kagome and Sota sat quietly while sitting in the backseat. Soon, Kikyo came to a stop in front of a very large building. Kagome didn't bother asking– she figured this was her job.

Kikyo put the car in park and pulled out her keys. She then turned around and gave her cousins her cold, icy  glare.

"I'm afraid I'm going to be busy for a couple of days and don't have time to look for a babysitter. So, you'll stay here until I'm done with work. This is a very prestigious place so don't cause any trouble. Don't wander where your not supposed to, and whatever you do, do not go into the bosses office."

Sota raised his eyebrows. "What's in the bosses office–"

"I said don't go in!"

He nodded timidly. Then, they followed her inside. Kikyo worked at the headquarters for a brand of clothing. Kagome and Sota held hands as they walked behind their cousin, looking at all the fashions in awe.

The young woman picked up the pace, as if trying to get to her destination as soon as possible. But why?—


That voice

She stopped dead in her tracks, and put on a plastic smile. Then, she faced him and batted her eyelashes.

"Yes, Inuyasha?"

This Inuyasha approached them while bouncing a red ball in his hand. He looked at Kagome and Sota in distaste.

"Who are the kids?"

Kikyo placed her hands on her cousins back gently. "Their not kids."

Inuyasha raised a mocking brow. "Their not kids?"

"W-well, what I meant to say is that Kagome is almost sixteen and perfectly capable of taking care of herself and Sota. They are well behaved and won't cause any trouble, I promise–"

"That's not what I asked. Who are they?"

"... My cousins."

"Huh. I see." Inuyasha went up to Kagome. She blushed madly and hung her head, while he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger.

"That would make sense. The resemblance is uncanny. Beauty must run in the family."

Kikyo sighed and slapped his hand away. "That's enough Inuyasha, leave her alone. Besides, she's way too young for you."

"I could make it work. Oh, wait.. are you jealous?!"

"Psh, don't make me laugh. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way to take them to my office."

"Okay but once my old man finds out you brought some little kids in here he'll–"

"Blah blah blah, stupid Inuyasha. Always talking when I'm never listening.."


Kikyo continued to ignore him. Once they got to her office, she gathered together her papers and went over a few rules.

"Okay, you can go anywhere on this floor and that's it. Just try to stay close in my range. Got it?"

"Uh huh."

"Good. Kagome, you're in charge."

"Okay. H-hey Kikyo?"


"Who was that guy? Inu.."

"Inuyasha. He's my bosses son, unfortunately. He's completely immature and I don't know how the poor man and his brother put up with him."

"Oh.. he seemed to like you."

"Yes well, trust me, the feeling will never be mutual. He's an idiot and not very attractive. I don't have much of a choice but to put up with him, but boy if I had things my way.."

Kikyo's brow twitched as she swiped up all of her folders. "Okay, I'll be back. Stay out of trouble."

They watched as Kikyo went walking down the hall and eventually out of their sight. Sota let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally. I thought she'd never leave."

•♥️•              •♥️•              •♥️•

Soon, night came and Sota was asleep. Kikyo hadn't come back yet, and Kagome was tired of being held up in that stuffy office. So, she left.

Whilst taking a stroll in the halls and corridors, she bumped into a hard chest.


"Oh, it's you."

The familiar voice pierced her ears and she looked up to see Inuyasha smiling down at her.

"Shouldn't you be in Kikyo's office?"

"U-um yes but I got h-hungry.."

"Oh she's not feeding you? What a shame."

"It's fine, really. She's busy. I'll just go back–"

Before Kagome could turn to leave, Inuyasha grabbed her wrist.

"Wait. Let me take you out to eat."

"But Kikyo said--"

"Kikyo isn't here."

"What about Sota?"

"Your little brother? He'll be fine, there's cameras and security guards surrounding the place. Now let's go."

Kagome wasn't so sure about going out to eat with a guy she didn't even know, but her stomach said otherwise. Inuyasha swung his keys around while casually walking out to the parking lot. Kagome noticed all the security guards and poked his side.

"Um Inuyasha, aren't you worried about them?"

"No. I'm the boss mans son, they let me get away with everything. I could have all of them fired if I really wanted."


•♥️•               •♥️•           •♥️•

He took her to a nice, small cafe. "One buttercream pie please, and a large latte."

Kagome stared at him with wide eyes. "Wow, it's a wonder your not as fat as a cow."

He shooed her away and they took their meals and sat down.

"So, why did you bring me here?", she asked.

"Long story short, you caught my eye and I had to talk to you. When I see something I like I usually get it."

She cringed while stuffing her face. "Your really full of yourself. What makes you think you can have me when we just met?"

"Hm. You may not believe me now Kagome but just watch. You'll be my girl someday."

"Probably the same load of shit you gave to Kikyo..", she mumbled. He raised a brow and lowered his pie

"What was that?"

"O-oh nothing."

"Kikyo is just fun to mess with."

"I see. And me?"

"Your my soulmate."

Kagome rolled her eyes and slapped her half eaten pie down on her tray.

"Whatever, I'm outta here."

Inuyasha watched as she threw her food away and left him sitting there like an idiot. He smiled whilst watching her walk further into the distance.

'Just you wait Kagome.'

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