Father's Day

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(Happy father's day!)

Kagome's POV

Its been six years since I came back to Feudal era. Me and Inuyasha had a pup about five years ago. Anyways, Inuyasha was with Totosai, talking to him about something and he has been gone for a few weeks, while me and Akiko were at Miroku's. I was talking to Sango while Miroku was playing with the kids. "So...tell me about this...father's day Kagome" I smile at Sango. "Well...its a day to honor our fathers. We can give them gifts or a big dinner" "Gifts? Like what kind of gifts?" I put a hand on my chin. "In my time we usually gave them cards or take them out to dinner but cards haven't been invented yet." She blinks. "Cards? Anyways, what should we do?" "Hm~" Then I bring my fist down onto my hand. "Ah! We could....No that won't work." "What?" "Nothing" Then the screen flap to the house opens and the kids run in and Miroku simply walks in. "What are you ladies talking about?" Akiko, me and Inuyasha's son, sits in my lap while panting. "yeah....mom....what were you...talking about?" I look down at him. Long white hair with dog ears and brown eyes. "Hm? Oh we were talking about father's day" "What's that?" The twins and Sango's son voice out their questions too. I sigh.

After telling them what father's day was, Miroku's eyes widen and Akiko blinks. "What would we give dad anyways?" Miroku's kids look up at Miroku and start bombing him with questions. I look back down at Akiko. "That's a good question." Miroku calms the kids down and grins, getting that look in his eyes. "I know what I want" He smirks at Sango, making her blush and smack him, then he looks at me. "You could take the subjection necklace off him." I shake my head. "He wants it on." "Why?" I shrug. "In case he loses control again." "Lose control? Mom what are you talking about?" I rub Akiko's ears, making him rub his head against my hand. "We'll tell you later. Anyways, he wants it on. I don't know what to give him. Ramen doesn't exist yet and he has a perfect sword and he doesn't want any other clothes so I'm out of ideas." Sango tilts her head. "You could cook for him" I shrug. "I guess. I'll ask him when he gets back. As for Akiko..." He looks up at me. "I guess you could train with him and just I don't know, hug him?" Akiko crosses his arms. "Feh, I ain't hugging the old man" I giggle. Sango looks at the twins. "You girls could make your father a flower crown and hug him. And for you, Taito, (Their son) you could hug him" Taito pouts. "I don't wanna hug him" Akiko looks at the screen flap and tilts his head. "Akiko?" He sniffs the air. "Its grandma Kaede and Rin."

The screen flap opens and they walk in. "evening Lady Kaede." Miroku bows. "Evening Miroku. Kids, Ladies." Rin, who is seventeen, sits next to me. "Guess what Lady Kagome?" She practically squeals. "What Rin?" She tackles me and Akiko yelps in surprise. "Lord Sessomaru is coming for this Rin when she is 19! She will travel with Lord Sessomaru and Master Jaken once again!" I hug her back and laugh with her, as do the others. "That's good Rin!" "Mom, Aunt Rin, you're squishing me" Akiko growls out. Rin gets off me while blushing. "Sorry Akiko-chan." "Why 19?" Kaede says, asking everyone's question. Rin blushes. "Lord Sessomaru said something about this Rin maturing and something about mating" I giggle and raise a finger to my lips to Sango, Miroku, and Kaede. They all chuckle. "Whats mating Kagome?" I giggle. "Ask Sessomaru yourself when he visits again."

After Rin and Kaede leave, we get back to the topic about father's. Sango sighs looks up. "I miss my father" I tilt my head. "We can go visit his grave soon if you want" Sango shakes her head. "I much as I want to, I shouldn't. Not now at least." I shrug. "If that's what you want." Miroku looks down at his right hand, where the wind tunnel used to be. "My father was sucked into his wind tunnel but I remember him training me and then he would run after women" Me and Sango sweat drop. Miroku and Sango's kids were asleep on their futons in the corner. Akiko was curled up on Sango and Miroku's futon. "I'm not surprised." I giggle. Then Miroku lifts an eyebrow. "What about you Lady Kagome?" I blink then tilt my head. "About my father?" Sango and Miroku nod. I shrug. "My father died in a car accident before my brother was born. I don't remember him though." "That's...a shame. Do you know his name?" I shake my head. "No." Sango and Miroku share a look.

I walk to me and Inuyasha's cabin with a sleeping Akiko curled up in my arms. I hear a rustle from the forest and look over towards the sound. Then a few men come out from the trees. I slowly set Akiko down and grab my bow and an arrow. I load the bow and aim at the men. "Who are you?" The men laugh and I wrinkle my nose at the strong scent. Sake, they were drunk. "Oh sweetheart. We just want to play. No need to be mad." I pull the string back further. "Answer my question! Who are you!" The leader, the one in front laughs. "Just a couple of bandits passing by. Now lets have some fun sweetie." "What's that stench mom?" Akiko sits up while rubbing his eyes. "Akiko, get behind me, now" "Oh? So a bitch with experience huh? Even better" The one in back chuckles. Akiko growls and lifts his hands, showing off his sharp claws. "Don't touch my mom!" "What are you going to do about it kid!" He touches Akiko on the shoulder before getting swiped with sharp claws, making the man scream. "LITTLE RUNT!" He pulls out a katana and I release the string. The arrow hits the man's hand, making him scream and grab his hand while dropping to his knees. I get another arrow and aim it at the other two in back. "You want some to?" Akiko walks to my side and growls. I see a flash of white and red in the dark forest. Akiko smirks and tugs on my hakama. I nod slowly. "Now move if you want to live!" They narrow their eyes and charge towards me and Akiko.

Then all of a sudden, they get cut in their backs and collapse with their blood flying in the air. Inuyasha steps over the bandits. "Who gave you permission to come near my mate and pup?" He licks the blood off his claws. Akiko runs over the bandits and towards Inuyasha as I put my bow and arrow back on my back. "Hi Dad! What did you want with Grandpa Totosai?" Inuyasha rubs his hands over his fire rat hakama and picks Akiko up. "We'll talk in the morning pup. Its time for you to go to bed." "But Dad~!" "Pup, don't argue with me!" Akiko pouts. "Fine" I grab Inuyasha's open hand as we walk home. "Have a fun trip?" He chuckles at my question. "Yeah." I smile. " Anyways, happy father's day" Inuyasha blinks and looks at me. "Oh that holiday from the future? Anyways where did this come from?" I shrug. "Sango brought it up earlier. So, what do you want? I couldn't think of anything?" We walk in the house and Inuyasha sets Akiko on his futon. Inuyasha smirks and looks at me. "I want another pup, a girl this time"

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