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Jungkook was getting really frustrated as he was lying awake on an air mattress. It was late, really late, but he couldn't sleep. How could he possibly sleep while being so worried about Yoongi? He had barely seen the sick human all day. He only saw Yoongi when he ventured out of bed to use the bathroom. He didn't even need to be shooed back to bed at all. In his bed seemed like the only place Yoongi wanted to be.

As he laid awake and thought about Yoongi, Jungkook sat up and looked toward Jimin. Could he possibly sneak into Yoongi's room while Jimin was asleep? He was good at being sneaky, so it was definitely an option. He knew Seokjin was sleeping too soundly right now to be disturbed either. Would Yoongi want him in there though? While contemplating whether he should sneak in there or not, Jungkook paused when he heard something. Light footsteps were heard in the hallway.

Still having the leftover thought process from his home world, Jungkook became alert. What if there was someone unwanted in the house? What if this person posed a threat to the humans? Having another glance over at Jimin, Jungkook rose from his air mattress. As much as he didn't like the fact that Jimin had kept him away from Yoongi all day, he would still protect him from any danger. However, Jungkook quickly relaxed when he heard the unfortunately-familiar sound of Yoongi's cough.

Quietly, Jungkook made his way out of the living room and followed where Yoongi had gone, which was the bathroom. The toilet soon flushed, and Yoongi emerged."Yoongi." Jungkook spoke very softly, seeing how tired the human appeared.

Yoongi looked up at Jungkook for only a couple seconds before lowering his head and covering his mouth with the back of his hand, coughing. The coughs were worse than earlier. Each cough made his throat hurt. After coughing, Yoongi looked up at Jungkook again."Hey, Jungkook." His voice came out a little hoarse."Why are you awake? It's so late."

Happy to see Yoongi but also simultaneously upset that the human seemed to be getting sicker, Jungkook pulled Yoongi into an embrace. He just wanted to hold Yoongi and take care of him, but the human squirmed away."Yoongi..?"

"Sorry, Jungkook." Yoongi knew the incubus probably missed him after being separated all day."I want to be in your arms, but I feel too hot." Contact made Yoongi feel smothered while he was sick like this. Yoongi sniffled and rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his pajama shirt."I missed you all day." he admitted.

"Sweet little mate..." Jungkook didn't know what to do. He didn't know what Yoongi wanted or needed. Hearing more sniffles, he became even more concerned. Was Yoongi crying? Jungkook was worried that something more was wrong. Was Yoongi in pain? Was Yoongi upset?

Yoongi felt so ridiculous for crying, but he couldn't help it. Often when he was sick, he would just spontaneously cry, seemingly for no reason at all. He figured it was just because of how miserable he felt while being sick. This instance made him feel really guilty. The tears kept coming, and he knew sobs would follow soon. Yoongi didn't want to cry in front of Jungkook. He knew it would just make the incubus worry even more.

Indeed being worried, Jungkook chose to ignore the fact that Yoongi had wiggled out of his embrace. He picked Yoongi up, his hands gripping the backside of his thighs. He was relieved when Yoongi's arms wrapped around him. Yoongi even wrapped his legs around the incubus' waist. Turning around in the hallway, Jungkook went directly to Yoongi's bedroom.

As he was being carried to his room, the first sob slipped out from Yoongi. He clung to Jungkook and just cried, wishing it would just stop. He hated crying while he was sick because it always gave him a headache and made his throat hurt more than it already did. Still, it was something he couldn't control. Being taken toward the bed, he unwrapped his legs from Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook didn't lay Yoongi down yet though. He sat on the bed with Yoongi on his lap."I wish you could tell me what you need. I'll do anything for you."

Yoongi shifted only slightly on Jungkook's lap, digging his knees into the blanket beneath them. He helplessly cried, sobbing and coughing."Being held...makes me feel smothered...But please...hold me..."

Placing his hands onto Yoongi's hips, Jungkook just wanted to know what to do. He was tempted to just mate with Yoongi right now to be able to understand him, but he knew that would be wrong."I love you, Yoongi." he said as he slipped his hands around to the human's back.

"I hate this..." Yoongi whined as he cried."This wouldn't be so bad...if you could understand..." He wanted to be able to tell Jungkook what he needed and how he felt. He wanted to reassure Jungkook that he would be fine. He knew the incubus was very worried about him and most likely getting more and more concerned as he cried."I hate making you worry..." Yoongi coughed hoarsely, his throat hurting so much from sobbing."I love you..."

Despite how much it pained Jungkook to hear Yoongi cry, he wouldn't even think of leaving him alone right now. He just held Yoongi close until the sobbing died down. When Yoongi was reduced to soft sniffles, Jungkook laid backward to let Yoongi rest on top of him. He stroked Yoongi's hair with one hand and rubbed his back with the other. They remained this way for a while as Yoongi slowly calmed down."You need to rest, my precious mate." Jungkook held Yoongi and did his best to soothe him until the human dozed off.

Then, as carefully as possible, Jungkook shifted Yoongi to lay on the bed by himself. He got up and grabbed the blanket, making sure he tucked Yoongi in comfortably. Once he was pleased with how Yoongi was sleeping, Jungkook laid on the floor beside the bed. He made up his mind to sleep right here, just in case Yoongi needed him. It was a bit uncomfortable to sleep on the floor since he had become accustomed to sleeping on the bed or an air mattress, but he didn't care. This was fine to him.

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