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"Wait, wait, wait." Hoseok stuck up a hand to silence Jimin, who had been telling the story of what had happened last night."Rewind this whole story. You saw what?"

Yoongi let out a sigh as he stopped eating his scrambled eggs that Jimin had prepared."We saw aliens. Legit aliens."

Taehyung reached over to Yoongi's bowl and pulled a piece of egg out with his fingers."Are you sure? Are aliens even real?" He ate the piece of egg then tried to reach for more, only to have his hand simply grabbed by his boyfriend.

"Yeah, what Hyung said." Jimin had eaten his own eggs while Yoongi had been in the shower, so he didn't have any now."There was this huge orb thing in the sky. I thought it was a shooting star at first, but then, it turned."

"It went right to the mall lot and touched down." Knowing that Taehyung was staring at his eggs, Yoongi scooped some up onto his fork and held it out to his friend, not even looking at him as the bite of food was eaten."The craziest thing is that no one else saw it. Jimin called authorities to report it, but they treated it like a joke."

Hoseok casually laced his fingers with Taehyung's and frowned."That's pretty crazy. But you two are certain of what you saw, right?"

Nodding vigorously, Jimin scooted forward to be on the edge of his seat as they were all seated around Yoongi's kitchen table."Yeah, a hundred percent. You guys didn't see anything weird last night?"

At the question of last night, Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up."Well, no. We went straight to my place last night and, uh..."

Hoseok chuckled at Taehyung's clear embarrassment."We were busy until late. You know, it was a good night to eat ramen and go."

"Oh." Yoongi definitely understood what was meant. He knew Jimin understood too."That makes sense why you two didn't see anything then." He scooped up more scrambled egg onto his fork and fed it to Taehyung."But do you guys have any ideas?"

"Nope." Taehyung was completely confused by the whole story he and Hoseok had just been told, but he was also more interested in Yoongi's scrambled eggs than anything else at the moment. After all, he and Hoseok had come straight here, not even taking the time to eat breakfast. It amazed him how Hoseok wasn't showing any sort of hints at being hungry.

Rolling his eyes and giving up on eating his breakfast, Yoongi stuck his fork into the bowl then held it out to Taehyung."How the fuck did Jimin and I see something last night that no one else saw? If I had been alone, I'd be swearing now that it wasn't real, but it had to be real because Jimin saw it too. We can't have imagined the exact same thing."

Hoseok's frown turned into a cute pout when Taehyung's hand left his own as his boyfriend accepted the bowl of scrambled eggs from Yoongi and immediately began to eat."Maybe you should just try to forget about it." he suggested."I know it won't be easy to forget, but have you seen the stories of previous people who claimed to see UFOs? The UFO they supposedly saw never showed up again. You'll just drive yourself crazy trying to find something that may never be seen again."

"But what if it is seen again?" Jimin really wanted to see the orb again. He wanted to get a look at the people who had come out of it. He was just so curious.

"Jimin, for all you know, it could have already left our planet." Hoseok was trying to be the voice of reason for his friends. He knew it may not end well if they went looking for aliens.

With a sigh, Jimin gave in."Okay, you have a point. Besides, it's not like I can go alien-hunting. I have work this afternoon."

Knowing that Jimin often got bored at his job, Taehyung perked up."I'll visit you during your meal break, Jiminie."

"Thanks, Tae." Jimin just hoped he would be able to focus on his shift at the deli later while the events of last night would be on his mind.

"Anyway, I'm sorry to leave so soon, but I have some things to do, and I really need to get going." Hoseok said as he stood from his seat.

Taehyung quickly ate a couple more bites of the scrambled eggs before standing as well."I should get going too. We'll see you guys later." He set the bowl down onto the table and wished he could eat the rest. He would just need to get something else to eat soon.

"Yeah, yeah, see ya." Yoongi watched Taehyung and Hoseok make their way out before he turned his gaze to Jimin."How long do you plan on sticking around today, freeloader?"

"Until I have to go to work."

"Good. Let's watch that stupid cop show."


Hoseok nibbled on his lower lip as he exited Yoongi's home with Taehyung at his side."Taetae, you should head on home and do whatever else you need to do. I have to do some things, so I can meet up with you again later."

"Things?" Taehyung hadn't been aware that Hoseok had any plans today. His boyfriend usually told him whenever he had plans."What things?"

"Just stuff." Not wanting to explain himself, Hoseok leaned over and gave Taehyung's lips a soft peck, knowing that always flustered him."I'll see you later. Okay, babe?" Not giving Taehyung a chance to respond, Hoseok walked away, going a different direction than usual.

Taehyung's mind was racing. Was Hoseok hiding something from him? He didn't want to think that his boyfriend would hide anything bad because he trusted him, but why else would Hoseok be acting this way? Despite all the love and trust he had for Hoseok, Taehyung needed to know what he wasn't being told. After a moment, he started walking in the same direction as Hoseok, staying a good distance behind him to not be noticed.

Hoseok had no idea he was being followed, his mind being occupied by too many thoughts. As he walked, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and frowned. However, he didn't get far. Hoseok was startled by the quick sounds of footsteps coming toward him. Before he could respond, he was grabbed and pushed against the side of a building. A hand roughly covered his mouth to keep him quiet. Looking at his aggressor with wide eyes, Hoseok recognized him.

"It's been a long time." Namjoon spoke lowly as he held Hoseok still against the wall."Everywhere I've gone, I've looked for you." He uncovered Hoseok's mouth and seemed pleased to not hear any rebellion."Come home. You have a job to do."

"Namjoon, I can't." Hoseok sighed softly as he thought of his job."This is my home now. I want to stay here." He peered directly into Namjoon's eyes."I have a mate here."

"I know." Namjoon remembered what he had seen last night when he had tracked down Hoseok."You know Emperor Minseok's orders. You're supposed to become the next collector."

Hoseok shook his head in refusal."And be like you? I won't."

"Hoseokie!" Taehyung couldn't just stay hidden as someone was holding Hoseok against the building."Let go of him!"

Concern for his boyfriend filled Hoseok as he saw Taehyung rush over and tug on Namjoon's arm, but Namjoon didn't even budge, being far too strong to be bothered in the least by the tugging."Tae, run!"

With a sigh of boredom, Namjoon released Hoseok and grabbed Taehyung's hair, effectively placing a palm against the top of his head."Sleep." he commanded, relieved when the human went limp.

As quickly as possible, Hoseok tried to throw his arms around Taehyung, but his mate was lifted up faster into Namjoon's arms."Give him to me."

"I think not." Namjoon could use this to his advantage."Come with me." He smirked and walked away, knowing Hoseok would have no choice but to follow now.

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