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Meanwhile, we take a look back again at Planet Thraxan, as both Nolan and Mary are teaming up fighting against Vidor and Thula, as Nolan goes for Vidor, and Thula against Mary. Mary was having major problems dealing with Thula of how she is stronger than Mary, yet more skilled in fighting as well, also having a killing pony tail, using it as a sharp blade weapon cutting Mary up. Meanwhile, Nolan and Vidor took their flight up on the sky and crashing through hills...

Vidor: Why so worried, Nolan? If your daughter dies, she never deserved to live.

Nolan: Talking won't keep you alive, Vidor.

Nolan tosses Vidor down and goes crashing towards Thula, breaking up her fight with Mary. Nolan spots her and goes over and notice her beaten up...

Nolan: Mary, what are you doing? She's tearing you apart.

Mary: Yeah, no shit.

Nolan: You fight like you're still on Earth. This is different. Stop holding back, or you'll get us both killed.

Mary: I'm not holding back!

Nolan: Yes you are! She's trying to kill you, Mary. If you're not trying to kill her, then she won't die. Don't think, act. Fight like the Viltrumite you are.

Mary: N-No! I..don't kill people.

Nolan out of frustration grabs Mary and pulls her forward...

Nolan: If you don't do this, we're all dead. You, me, your brother, and every single Thraxan on this Planet.

A loud noise was heard, as both Vidor and Thula both rise up from their crash...

Nolan: Remember what I told you hon.

Nolan dashes his way over to fight Vidor again as Thula comes flying again towards Mary, lands a punch and sending her flying and Thula kept throwing punches and kicks to Mary and using her pontybtail blade to cut her up still....suddenly, Mary spots the dead Thraxans around...reminder her and her the words her father told her earlier...not hold back. Mary blocks Thula's punch, and manage to land a punch to her face, and started to fight like she means it. She manage to land some blows to Thula, kicks and knee hits too, even grabs her hair and to toss her away crashing towards a boulder. Thula recovers, licking the blood off from her lips and smirks...

Thula: Finally.

She and Mary both went at it, and began throwing brutal hits, as well as Vidor and Nolan, all four of them beating each other to a bloody pulp.
Nolan clash his punches between Vidor's head, popping both his eyes out and head open as Vidor suffers a lot of damage from his brain too...Meanwhile, Mary had Thula in the grasp on her hand, holding her onto her hair as Mary wants to finish her off...but, she notice Thula seeing a bit scared and Mary felt almost bad for her...and get tricked at the same time by Thula, acting as she grabs her ponytail and stabbing Mary towards her ribs, and pulling it out as Mary began loosing blood and to trip back on the ground...

Mary: NGH!!

Thula: I say you fought well, but u wanna end this already.

Thula slowly approaches to Mary, ready to try to stab her to death, while Nolan was viciously stepping and squeezing Vidor's face to death with his foot...

Nolan: Do you regret messing with my family now?! Do ya!

Mary: Dad!

Nolan: Mary!

Nolan quickly rushes over and was luckily enough to save Mary from being nearly stabbed to death, punching Thula away, then grabbing her hair, pulling her back and to then land his elbow straight towards her jaw, and destroying bottom mouth and jaw wide open...and collapses and dies, and goes walking up to Mary...

Nolan: Mary, are you okay?

Mary: ..N-No.

Nolan: H-Heh, don't worry. It's over finally. Let me have a look, and have you fix-

Out of nowhere, Lucan was still alive, holding his guts to dear life, as he lands a brutal stomp behind Nolan, breaking his back and knocking him out cold....

Mary: D-Dad.!!

Lucan: Next kill somebody...make sure, they're dead.

Lucan suddenly contacts someone from his watch...

Lucan: It's...done.

And collapse on the floor, and Mary to looses consciousness already, and to say the one thing before she goes out...

Mary: (Y-YN).....

Meanwhile again, we again take back at space, near Earth, Conquest and the two Viltrumite soldiers were surrounding (YN), all together throwing punches at (YN), beaten up to a pulp, and is barely to see anything with being covered in tons of his blood all over. (YN) yet had the strength to still fight back, as he blocks the Male Viltrumite punch, grabbing his whole arm and to swing him and hitting the Female Viltrumite away, still holding the Male Viltrumite onto his hand, and to throw a brutal punch straight to his face, sending him flying away, he then goes over to Conquest, yet Conquest wasted no time going after (YN), grabs his whole face with one hand, and to go flying straight towards the moon, landing on the surface and slamming (YN) down to the ground. After, Conquest slowly gets up, looking down at (YN), as (YN) was still breathing and alive...and annoying Conquest.

Conquest: Tch. Why won't you die! No wonder Nolan had trouble dealing with you, you're one hell of a problem, just like your father. And that, is pissing me off!

Conquest brutally stomps (YN)'s chest, and (YN) coughs and spits out blood...Conquest then picks him up by his head, holding him and clench his golden glove... and strikes a punch with it, straight to his ribs, and hearing its bones cracking, and to drop (YN) down and him groaning in pain...

Conquest: I don't need no damn crystal to end you for good either way. I can finish you off myself!

The two Viltrumite soldiers arrive, as the two stand between (YN), grabbing onto each his arm, holding him up and Conquest walking towards him...

Conquest: Any last words?

(YN): I-I...I'm...I'm not...I-Im n-not...letting y-you...get...away, with this..!!

Conquest: Hmph, charming. Don't worry, I'll make this slow and painfully for the fun of it. And, once I'm done here, I'm going after Nolan's precious daughter of hers.

Conquest throws a punch to (YN), and then another and another, another, another, and other, and another, whole being held by the two Viltrumite soldiers....
(YN) suddenly began thinking what Conquest said, going to kill him...and then going after Mary. The fact he hasn't seen her back in a week, yet worries him way more now...and wouldn't let that happen at all. As Conquest was going for another punch, (YN) dodges it, and to leap straight and landing a Headbutt towards Conquest's jaw, and again throws another Headbutt straight to his face.


(YN) was loosing it, he grabs onto both Viltrumite soldiers, and began using them as boxing gloves, and started throwing heavy hits to Conquest, jumps and to land a bicycle kick straight to Conquest's chin, sending him flying up in the air, and to toss the soldiers off his arms, goes flying straight after Conquest, arrives above him and to axehand Conquest straight back down to the moon, crashing and his body to bounce, (YN) arrives and throws a vicious kick behind Conquest, sending him crashing t straight through some craters, then appearing behind Conquest, as Conquest recovers and to throw a punch, only for (YN) to dodge and grab onto it, and started slamming Conquest on the ground and through walls and not letting him go, he the got him in an arm lock submission, and to slowly starting to try breaking Conquests arm as he started throwing punches at (YN) to let him go, (YN) wouldn't let him go at all...the two Viltrumite soldiers come rushing down as together they tackle him away from Conquest, flying into the sky and to drop down on the floor and started beating (YN) up, (YN) inahales and exhales, blowing the soldiers off from him to the air, he jumps, grabs both of the soldiers at the same time, dropping them on the floor and to absolute starting to beat the holy hell out of them one by one, one at a time, pumping their faces and braking each bone at their faces and not even stopping...Conquest was getting up, and yet gets a called through his watch...

Conquest: What is it! I'm busy! .......Oh? Did you? .....Tch, very well then, I guess.

Conquest looks over and sees both his soldiers being beaten up to death by (YN), yet isn't in his mind yet...Conquest scoffs and says...

Conquest: They're dead either way. No use helping them...we'll meet again, SuperBoy.

Conquest makes his leave and (YN) noticing him already gone as he floats around trying to look for him...

(YN): HEY!! Where are you! Get back here!!

(YN)'s eyes were full of anger and was out of control....until he slowly started brining back his sense, he looks at both to his arms, covered in blood from the soldiers he was beating up, and to look over...and realize he killed them both, and started feeling scared out of his life the fact he "killed"....and he has never done that, ever.

(YN): O-Oh god...! What...What have I done!? I...I...I killed them...

He looks around....

(YN): I..I gotta get out of here...


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