Chp.15 Enter Anissa

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Some couple of days have passed, during College, Mary has a meeting with the Dean at his office, and talking about her attendance, and grades too, and alongside joined (YN) with her too.

(YN): Are you this nervous before a big fight?

Mary: No, but I feel horrible the fact I made you cover my classes and make excuses for me, and here I am. I'm so sorry (YN)...

(YN): Babe, calm down. And besides, we're together in this. Relax. All you got to say is it was a family emergency.

Mary: But, what if it doesn't work?

(YN): We'll figure it out, together. Oh, and just a heads up, the Dean is someone we know.

Mary: Really? Who-

Female Teacher: Ms.Grayson, the Dean will see you.

(YN) carees her hand, for good luck, and Mary to smile at him and to walk over to the Dean's office. Once She entered and shuts the door....

Mary: Um, Sir, I had family emergency. But, I'm back now, and it will never-

Winslow: I know all about your family emergency, Mary Grayson.

Turns out, the Dean was Mary and (YN)'s principal from High School...

Mary: Principal Winslow??

Winslow: It's Dean Winslow now, Mary.

Mary: I...didn't expect you moving schools is all.

Winslow: Not a big reader of University News Monthly, I see.

Mary: I...uh...

Winslow: Sit, please.

Mary and Winslow takes a seat as Winslow looks at Mary's attendance and grades...

Winslow: ....I can't decide which is worst. Your grades, or your attendance. You missed almost the semester this year.

Mary: I..didn't want to sir-

Winslow: If I were something else than being Dean, I'd suspend you for good. But, I know about your father. And I know it has been difficult for you to move on from the pass.

Mary: Sir...

Winslow: But, (YN) too had his difficulties of his own as well. He's told me, and I already know about him dropping out, and I support his decision...But, having him take over of some of your classes and making excuse for you, is unacceptable. You need to make a choice, Mary. If it's college, commit to it, if not...commit to something else, but make a decision, now.

Mary: ....I want to stay at Upstate, sir.

Winslow: Not even sure I want to believe you...but, I I'll give you a month to prove me wrong.

Mary: Okay! Thank you, sir.

Later on that day, it was now noon, at Debbie's house. We see her having time with Oliver, as her doorbell rings. She goes and opens the door to see it was (YN).

Debbie: (YN). What a surprise.

(YN): Hi, Ms.Grayson.

Oliver: *Cooing*

(YN): Hey there little buddy.

Debbie: What brings you here??

(YN): Oh, I thought Mary have told you??

Debbie: Oh??

Mary: (YN)!

Mary comes rushing downstairs as she was ready up...

Mary: Sorry Mom, forgot to tell you, me and (YN) are going out to eat.

Debbie: Oh, you don't say?

Mary: Again, sorry for not telling you mom.

Debbie: It's alright hon.

Mary: Cool. So, I'll be back home before 11.

Debbie: Very well then, you two be careful.

Mary: We will.

Mary walks up to (YN) and the two started walking away as Debbie picks up Oliver...

Debbie: Say bye to your sister and your brother in law Oliver.

Oliver: bye-bye.

Mary: Bye little bro.

(YN): Bye little buddy.

Debbie closes the door, Mary and (YN) started walking together as Mary was holding onto (YN)'s arm...

(YN): You know, I'm surprised that you were the one to plan this night out. Which I usually always do the planning.

Mary: I know, but I wanted to plan this one, wanted to make it up to you.

(YN): What do you mean??

Mary: ...I felt horrible the fact I had to leave you to take care of my classes and make excuses for me when I was gone, and yet when you told me what happen in space against the Viltrumites you fought...I could imagine what you have to go through, and here I thought I had it worst, but...I'm not the only one. I'm so sorry (YN), really. I know it was hard, and I feel so shitty for it.

(YN) knew this would happen, but wasn't upset about it at all, nor doesn't want to talk about it, so he carees Mary's hair and lands a kiss on her forehead...

(YN): It's alright babe. Just be grateful that Cecil lets us have two days off just for us to spend time together...and helping you get your grades up, even though I dropped out.

Mary: *chuckles* You're too much, and I appreciate every single bit of it.

They stopped for a moment, face each other while holding each other, and got close to each other's lips and started kissing each other. They both slowly backed away from their make out...

(YN): So, where we going?

Mary slowly floats up, holding onto (YN)'s hand...

Mary: Let me lead you the way~

(YN) pictures Mary with the full Moon glowing from behind, laying eyes to her, fluster and gently smiles as he floats to her level, as the two flew through the sky together.
The two flew through clouds and having a fun time flying, they even held each other close and gliding through, feeling the fresh air, and flying close near the ocean, feeling the water. Afterwards, they visit several cities to explore shops and arcades, having their best times of their lives, together.
They arrive to a restaurant to eat, already have their table and began ordering their meals and began having fun conversations and planning some ideas to where to visit.

Mary: Spring Break in Hawaii? Huh, how do we afford the Hotel?

(YN): I hear they have the best camping in Hawaii.

Mary: Hehe, so I guess some problems even a superhero like you doesn't solve.

(YN): Oh please, I know what to do. But, I did say I will be working part time for more money, but knowing I still work for Cecil. Is it okay to ask him for a Salary?

Mary: Wouldn't that affect your part time job??

(YN): I mean, if it's part time job, then it should mean I'll be working for like 3-4 days only. Which I'm fine with that.

Mary: You know, to make it easier, Amber did say there's a job board at the student union. I can take you there whenever you visit.

(YN): Sounds good.

Mary: Aaand....I could use your help to get my grades back.

Mary goes for (YN)'s hand and gently carees it...

(YN): Well, I do have this secret technique Amber showed me once when I needed her help with my grades. It's called "Studying".

Mary: Mmm, I heard of that. But, isn't there someone I can punch instead?

(YN): Shockingly, there isn't a lot of things you can punch your way out of.

Mary: Oh? You think I can-

???: Mary Grayson. Invincible.

Suddenly, a voice was heard, and came behind (YN), and it was out of was a Viltrumite, a female one.

???: Come with me now, or this man dies.

Mary: .........

(YN): .........

???: Did you hear me?

The female Viltrumite place her hands behind (YN)'s neck, and he can feel her hands squeezing, he quickly turns around, and grab onto the Viltrumites hand and not letting go, and not make a scene in a restaurant with people in it...

???: !!!

(YN): Don't.move. And don't even think about making a scene here.

???: Well, and to think it wouldn't get any better....You must be, SuperBoy. Quite the reflex-

(YN): Enough talk.

Mary: Who...Who the hell are you?

???: My name is Anissa. I'm an agent of the Viltrum Empire.

Mary: What..What do you want?

Anissa: To talk. Alone. Just us.

(YN): Like hell.

Mary: (YN).

(YN): ....

Mary: ...We can talk, but please...don't hurt these people, we will talk, I promise you. I'll meet you in the sky.

Anissa: ...Be quick.

(YN) let's go of Anissa's hand as she flies away to the sky...leaving Mary and (YN) sick worried, the fact this was out of nowhere, and couldn't figure what is a Viltrumite doing here on Earth.
Mary and (YN) wasted no time to return to and get suited and warning Cecil about it. In the sky, we see Anissa observing the whole city of Chicago, and can see more cities from up there, Mary and (YN) arrive to her location....

Anissa: *sighs* Guess you didn't heard me back there, "(YN)"?? That I wish to speak with Mary, alone??

SuperBoy: How can I know you don't got anything up on your sleeve? Maybe you didn't came alone.

Anissa: ..Smart. I'll give you that.

Invincible: Besides, That hasn't been my experience with Viltrumites so far.

Anissa: Hm, little you know do your own people.

Invincible: They're NOT my people.

At the Pentagon, Cecil's agents were panicking and starting up every attacks they have knowing they trouble their dealing with...

Cecil: We cannot let this become another Chicago, people. Get me everything that you can on her.

Back to the situation...

Anissa: Oh, we are your people. You simply do not accept it yet.

Invincible: What do you want?

Anissa: We've studied this planet.

Mary: Good for you.

Anissa: Human civilization has less than an 18% chance of surviving the next two centuries without the loss of billions of lives.

SuperBoy: Is that a threat?

Anissa: That is the truth. The powerful of this world destroy their own home. Strip resources for themselves. Large areas of this planet will soon be uninhabitable due to human greed.

Mary: Yeah, we know.

Anissa: And yet, here you are, hands in fists, worried about stopping me instead of stopping them.

SuperBoy: It's not even that complicated.

Anissa: You don't understand, SuperBoy, we have the technology to repair their climate. Feed their hungry, punish their criminals, we will save more of their lives in a single year than you could in a hundred. You are failing this planet and its people, do you not see that, Mary? Not to're with SuperBoy somewhat, a half Kryptonian, our enemies. And is still breathing alive. You just keep making it worse for yourself Mary and resist Viltrumite rule everyday.

Back at the pentagon...

Agent: Sir.

Cecil: What is it?

Agent: Satellites are picking up a Behemoth-class Kaiju, South Pacific. Closing fast on a passenger cruise liner.

Cecil: Shit. Just fucking...

Suddenly, Cecil hears Anissa through the screen recording...

Anissa: Viltrumites do not kill for pleasure, even if they sometimes take pleasure in killing. Dead humans on the other hand do no benefit us in any way.

Cecil: Let's see if she means that.

He speaks Mary and (YN) through their earpieces...

Cecil: You two. There's a cruise ship about to get eaten a few thousand miles southwest from you. Tell her you two need to go save those humans, is she cares about them according to her.

Mary: Look, there's a ship in danger. We need to go help. So if you mean everything you said, you not try stopping us.

(YN): That is, if you are speaking the truth?

Anissa: ...Hm, I will accompany you. *I wish to see just how strong SuperBoy really is.*


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