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As we left off, Anissa attacks Mary, for disobeying the Viltrumite pride and took her to a beating. (YN) was able to stop Anissa from doing more damage and takes over to stop her for good.
Anissa dashes straight to (YN) clench her hand and lands a punch to (YN)'s face, causing a big impact and the waves around them going crazy from that impact...but, her punch wasn't even enough to even hurt (YN) this time. He stood there and took it, yet did not move a slight inch, stared down at Anissa, grab her hand off his face...

SuperBoy: Big mistake.

Anissa: !!!

(YN) swings an lands a punch straight to Anissa's gut, sending her flying away again, but farther from the island. Anissa stops herself from flying away and recovers and looks no sight of (YN). Until he suddenly out of nowhere appear dashing straight from Anissa's left side, landing a punch to her face and sends her again flying snd (YN) goes after her still. Anissa try going for a punch, only for (YN) to tank that punch, and lands a vicious uppercut towards her, sending her flying up to the sky and goes flying up after her. Anissa passed through the clouds and recovers and notice her bleeding from her nose already...

Anissa: D-Damn it! *Pull it together! No way you loose to a mere half Kryptonian!*

(YN) merged out from the clouds and spots Anissa and goes after her. Anissa goes flying down and resets herself up for a punch he's about to give. Once he's close up, she throws her punch, yet again misses as (YN) moves tilt his head a bit, swings his whole arm and lands a brutal clothesline to her throat, and to toss her away. (YN) flies over to Anissa and lands a punch to her face, he continually punches Anissa and sending her flying further and further through the sky. WTH one final punch, sending her flying off, (YN) dashes and passes by Anissa, stops and floats and catches Annisa's face, and to dash straight down, gaining full speed and to five straight to the ocean and creating one big wave around...
Someone bursts out from the water and floats in the air and gasps for air...

Anissa: Damn that bastard! Was he holding back?! ...That can't be!

Anissa started looking around, looking for (YN), and was no where sight of seeing him somehow....

Anissa: Where are you! Come out!! Show yourself!!

Anissa grew irritated and angry the fact she's being humiliate by (YN) during her fight, she keeps looking for him....until, she bumps into something, or to say she bumped into someone from behind, and did not move a muscle, and knew she bumped into (YN). As he was spawn out of nowhere behind her, leaving her in shock...she quickly turns and backs away, snd (YN) crossing his arms, and looking annoying and over himself...

SuperBoy: Had enough yet?

Anissa: Tch! Don't you mock me.

SuperBoy: Hmph, and here I thought you'd be difficult than Nolan, I was're slight weaker than him-

Anissa: Shut up!! Don't you look down on me!

Anissa dashes straight over to (YN) and land another brutal punch, this time it shoved him away a bit, but wasn't still enough to even affect him, (YN) looks at Anissa, moving his Jaw and clenching both his hands..

SuperBoy: Meh.

(YN) goes straight after Anissa, having his arm raised up already, and gives Anissa and vicious over hand punch above, sending her straight falling to the island, and crashing through a huge mountain.
Afterwards, Anissa slowly gets up, and felt her body in pain, struggling to keep her strength the fact she never thought how strong (YN) is compare to Mary. Anissa heard several trees crashing behind, turns around and (YN) to tackle Anissa, and taking her flying with her, putting her through trees and boulders. Anissa was grabs into SuperBoy, and manage to shove him off away. They both clash against each other throwing punches. Even though Anissa manage landing some blows, her punches wasn't still enough, (YN) on the other hand was beating Anissa up, he gives her a back punch, sending her crashing through more trees and exits out the forest...her body falls on the sand as Anissa couldn't take it more anymore. She hears footsteps and sees (YN) slowly walking up to her...

SuperBoy: What's the matter? Ever been into an actual fight before? Cause to me, you're not even putting up an actual fight.

Anissa: Nrrgh!! Do you ever SHUT UP-

(YN) speed blitz straight to her, slams her to the ground, and to land and stomp his foot on top of Anissa's chest...

SuperBoy: Come again? I couldn't quite hear you.

Anissa: N-Nrgh! Ngh!

(YN) suddenly became disgusted just by seeing Anissa, cause of the fact she's a Viltrumite...and started to realize how they can be. Her, Nolan, Conquest...every Viltrumite there is out there...are blood thirsty savages....he slowly started squeezing her to the ground as Anissa began fighting for her life to break herself free...and (YN)'s eyes slowly started glowing red...

SuperBoy: You Viltrumites don't deserve to live, AND breathe!

His eyes glow brighter...

Cecil: (YN), that's enough.

SuperBoy: You...Nolan...all of you Viltrumites, are nothing but cold hearted! Unsympathetic!!

More brighter...

Cecil: (YN) enough!! Stop it!!

SuperBoy: Heartless unkind people!!

And More brighter...

Cecil: (YN)!!!

(YN) wasn't himself, his eyes were glowing red, ready to lazer Anissa, and were showing exasperation and kept squishing Anissa with his foot towards the ground...Anissa couldn't breathe now and, and Cecil stressing over the fact SuperBoy is taking it too far and isn't himself lately...

Invincible: (YN)!

Suddenly, he heard Mary calling for him, and looks to his left and spot her on her foot, giving a worried look to him....(YN) snapped out of it, and realize what he was about to do, and didn't wanted to repeat it. He takes his for off Anissa and backs away. Mary jogs her way over to (YN)...

Invincible: (YN)...

SuperBoy: I-I didn't...

Invincible: It's fine, don't think of it no more.

SuperBoy: ....

They notice Anissa getting up and cleaning herself up...

Anissa: .... You know, I could've killed Mary if you didn't stand in my way, but it isn't my task either way. But, soon another one will come, and "He" has met you before, (YN).

SuperBoy: ....

Anissa: And Mary, if "He" finds you still resisting your destiny, he will demonstrate the error of your ways and this whole planet will pay the price.

Invincible: ....

SuperBoy: ...She won't be alone. She's got me. And, I can take a good guess who you're referring too. I can wait, I got unfinished business with him.

Anissa: ...I pray for both of your senses before then.

And with that said, Anissa tools off as she flies up to the sky, and leaves for good....
At the pentagon, Cecil and Donald scan her location through the computer of her location...

Donald: Sir, scanners are picking up her location leaving the atmosphere, heading deep space now.

Cecil: Well thank fucking god. Keep on watch, if she's gone longer than 10 minutes, tell everyone to stand down.

Cecil then gives a call to Mary and (YN) through their earpiece...

Cecil: Mary, (YN).

SuperBoy: We're okay.

Cecil: ....Im glad your back to your senses (YN).

SuperBoy: .....

Invincible: She's gone now.

Cecil: I know.

Invincible: She's strong. If it wasn't for (YN), who knows what would happen to me.

Cecil: We'll figure it out. And, those days off you both asked? I'm afraid it's in the past.

SuperBoy: ...yeah.

Invincible: We understand...

Later on that day, it was night time. Mary and (YN) both relaxed together on top of a building and think about what happen today...

Mary: How did she find us?

(YN): I don't know. But, I can assure you this won't stop.

Mary: No kidding...

(YN): ....

Mary: ....(YN).

(YN): Yeah?

Mary: ...Were you...going to kill her??

(YN) gave a an unsettling shock reaction from Mary's question...

(YN): Wh-Why say that??

Mary: ...Back there, when I saw looked...a different person. Your eyes weren't even the same...

(YN): I just...I don't even know. I didn't even know I reacted like that.

He looks both of his hands, slowly clenched them...and felt disgusted...

(YN): Why am I like this? I'm not suppose to even act like this! I, I save, I don't...I don't try, and kill.

Mary: ....

Suddenly, her phone rings, and gets a call from her mom, she answers...

Mary: Hey mom, can you call back in a bit? Me and (YN) are-

???: Hello, Mary.

Mary paused as her heart drop the fact she expected her mom on the phone, but instead it was someone else who called Mary and using her moms phone to call her...
At Debbie's house, we see her on the ground, holding Oliver to dear life, and being held hostage by someone, someone who is going after Mary, and hay Angstrom Levy.

Angstrom: When will you return home? Your mother misses you dearly.


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