Chp.5 Don't Test me

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One day, Mary and (YN) spent time together now not to worry about school anymore, now that they're graduates, and planning to head college in any day. Before they do, they have business to work together. They both flew across cities and head over to a specific one Cecil needed them to go...

Cecil: Alright you two, here's what's going on: We've had multiple corroborated sightings of Darkwing. Which is perturbing to me, considering that I personally ID'd what was left of his rib cage last year.

SuperBoy: Cecil, come on now...

Cecil: Oh, Shit, sorry.

Invincible: It's fine. So, observe and report?

Cecil: That's right.

SuperBoy: Up ahead.

Cecil: Yup, Midnight City.

Cecil: Been a virtual no-man's-land since the Midnight Magician cursed it back on '02.

Invincible: So, when you say "cursed", is that like a metaphor or...

Suddenly, both Mary and (YN) arrive the city, and only to realize once they step into the city, it instantly turn night...

Invincible: What..the hell??

SuperBoy: So I guess it's not metaphorically?

Cecil: I mean it's cursed, permanently midnight, perpetually darkness, summer on the dark side of the moon.

They both flew out the night, and arrive back at normal daylight, and the two flying In and out of the city to see day and night at the same time even though it's a sunny day in Chicago...

Invincible: So weird.

SuperBoy: No kidding. Anyways, let's go. Find anything suspicious around the city.

The two flew across the city, and they spot something going on on top of a building...suddenly, they spot someone on top of a roof building, running away from his life...

Invincible: There! On top of that building.

(YN): Seems like he's running away from someone. Let's go.

At the top of the building, a person was in trouble, and beaten up half to death as well. And the one who's beating this person, happens to be Darkwing's sidekick, Night Boy, who happens to be brutal against his enemies, beating up to near death.

Stranger: N-No please! I give!

Night Boy: You should have thought of that before hurting innocent people, no going back!

Just in time, Invincible arrives and punches Night Boy off the stranger and to run away safely as she and SuperBoy deal with Night Boy...

Invincible: Come on man, Darkwing was at my twelve birthday party, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't kill people.

NightBoy: Yeah, and get killed by your father, Invincible, and I now carry his work. I was Night Boy, his assistant.

SuperBoy: You mean sidekick?

NightBoy: We don't use that word. It's...degrading.

Cecil: Okay bring him in, he's lost it.

Invincible: You think?

NightBoy: You hear them too?

Invincible: Huh?

SuperBoy: Hear what?

NightBoy: The voices.

SuperBoy: Oh man-he's...not okay.

Invincible: No kidding. So uh hey, you're coming with us, okay?

SuperBoy: Just don't do anything dumb.

NightBoy: ...Why?

SuperBoy: Why, what??

NightBoy: Why, are you siding with the daughter of a psychopath.

Invincible: Excuse you? Listen here, we're being nice. so watch it!

Invincible steps up, suddenly NightBoy uses his reflex skills, doing backflip and leaps backwards up to the air and falling straight down off the building, Invincible flies over and to realize he is no where to be seen all of the sudden...

Invincible: He's gone?! But where, we just...

Suddenly, she turns around over to (YN), and behind him, in the shadows, NightBoy appears out from the shadows.

Invincible: (YN) behind!

(YN) turns and to see Night throw a kick as (YN) blocks it with one arm but didn't saw the punch Night Boy swing and manage to land a hit towards his face, and backs up. His punch didn't do much, but yet suddenly left (YN) a bit shock...

Invincible: (YN)?? Did he...actually hurt you?? If so, that's insane.

SuperBoy: N-No, No, it's not the punch hurt, it's the fact...I kinda barely felt that punch.

NightBoy: As figured, my predecessor developed this exoskeleton to help even the field against the likes of you Invincible, especially you too, SuperBoy. But, you two shouldn't worry about that though.

SuperBoy: Okay don't get cocky now, I said I barely felt it, not hurt.

SuperBoy flies over straight to NightBoy, and he again vanishes through the dark shadows, and to appear behind (YN), and to tackle him towards the shadows, and the two suddenly gone.

Invincible: (YN)!? (YN)! Oh shit, oh shit!

Cecil: What's going on?

Invincible: I-I don't know! He just took (YN)...and are gone like that!

Cecil: Stay calm, I'm sure (YN) would find a way out to where ever the hell he is right now.

Meanwhile, in a pit of dark abyss, and nothingness, (YN) was floating around, and yet literate is nothing but dark, and hears Night Boy's voice echoing...

NightBoy: Welcome to the shadow verse. There are dark things here, hungry things too, even I don't dare to stay that long, but I hope you like it, and should make you understand not to side with the likes of the daughter of Omni-Man.

SuperBoy: ...Not gonna lie, I like the old Darkwing better.

NightBoy: I'm the hero here damn it!

Night boy pops out from the shadows...

NightBoy: Are you blind?! I'm saving the world from Omni-Man's daughter! Like, why can't you understand that too?! And not to mention, you're teaming up with her!

SuperBoy: Hey knock it off, alright? Whatever Nolan did, has NOTHING to do with Mary, okay? She has nothing to do with all the chaos he's done.

NightBoy: You don't know that! Come on man, you're suppose to agree with me on this, you're SuperBoy! The son of the Man of Steal! An actual hero, unlike her!

SuperBoy: ...Just take me back, and we can talk about this later, okay?

NightBoy: Tch, so naive, and stubborn.

SuperBoy: Excuse me?

NightBoy: You heard me, I never expected you to be like that, but also to side with the daughter of a psycho who not only murder my mentor, but his whole friends too, and your father as well! And yet the fact you even had a higher chance to end Omni-Man for good, but you miss it...and let him go

SuperBoy: ....

NightBoy: Just as I thought. Your father would be so disappointed-

And from right there, (YN) heard enough, he quickly flies straight towards NightBoy, and was fast enough to grab him by the wrist and not letting him escape into the shadows and pulling him out.

SuperBoy: You better watch that tone of yours for how you mention my father.

NightBoy: Let go!

NightBoy began throwing punches, yet isn't effecting (YN) at all, as he blocks them with his other hand and slowly began squeezing him the fact he's already annoyed by NightBoy with his attitude...

NightBoy: H-Hey! You're going to break my hand you bastard-

SuperBoy: No! I'm trying to be nice, and yet you're the ONE who's acting stubborn and naive! So I am going to ask you this ONCE, and ONCE only: get me out of here.

Suddenly, a loud growl was heard, and was mentioned before and stated by NightBoy that whatever lies in the darkness is always hungry...

SuperBoy: So, you said whatever is in this dark of abyss, is always hungry? Well, looks like I got its perfect meal, right here.

NightBoy: N-No, you wouldn't...!

SuperBoy: I don't want to, but you're pushing my limits here for not cooperating. And trust me...

He pulls NightBoy towards, looks dead into his eyes, and says with a scary tone...

SuperBoy: The two of us won't like it how ends.

NightBoy felt fear out of his life, the fact how intimidated (YN) was and how he's sounding.
Ousted the real world, Mary was still looking for (YN), and yet to spot NightBoy and (YN) coming out from the shadows. NightBoy even tried to still fight, only for (YN) to knock him out with a karate chop to his shoulder...

Invincible: (YN)!

She flies over and hugs (YN)...

Invincible: You're okay.

SuperBoy: Of course I am.

Cecil: (YN), what happen, we lost you for a sec. Where were you?

SuperBoy: You'll have to ask Darkwing's sidekick...when he regains unconscious though.

Cecil: Heh, okay. Bring him in then.

SuperBoy: Yeah...on it.

Mary notice (YN) looking a bit down...

Invincible: Hey, what's wrong?

SuperBoy: ...It's, well...the way I was interrogating him, or to say I was...threatening him, but didn't mean to say it what I told him...

Mary felt how (YN) was feeling, she walks up to him, and lands a kiss to his cheek...

Invincible: I'm sure you tried not to sound like it, besides, he's was being a straight-A douche anyways.

SuperBoy: Heh, can't argue with that...thanks.

Invincible: Anytime babe, now let go take him to Cecil.

SuperBoy: Sure, then after, wanna fly over to Paris?

Invincible: I would love too, let's bring Eve and the rest.

SuperBoy: Cool.


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