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So after having a little chat with Damien DarkBlood to not even get any close to Debbie and Mary, Nolan had to make sure that Damien doesn't say anything else to his family about the massacre of the guardians...even SuperMan's death, (YN)'s father, as soon he got home, he started to realize that Debbie is beginning to feel a bit curious and concern about why Nolan has been acting so weird and unsettled, even since the day Mary got her powers....Nolan told her that ever since she gotten her powers...he's been feeling that he doesn't want nothing bad happen to her, just like the guardians...and Debbie feels him, she too didn't want nothing bad happen to Mary, so the two apologies and yet to try to make it up each other, afterwards Mary and (YN) has arrive home from Paris, which they had fun after all, they plan to go somewhere else next time too....
But back with the whole "Massacre with the guardians" Nolan knew a way for to get rid of to ask Cecil about it, in other words, lie to him about Damien....after he did, Damien was in Nolan's house, and yet he knew deep down something was up, so he arrives at the house, and yet to leave some evidence for Debbie to know about Nolan being the he does, he then felt someone spying on him...

Damien: You can come out.


Cecil: I'm not hiding.

Cecil appeared as he was sitting on the chair...

Damien: Cecil.

Suddenly, Cecil's guards appeared as well, as they were invisible and yet aiming their weapons at Damien...

Cecil: Nolan warned us about you...

Damien: *growls*

And he was right, he knew that Nolan was gonna do something to get rid of him, and yet he was lucky enough to go to his home, hide some evidence for only Debbie to find and have her connect the answers of the murderer...
The next day, Cecil has brought Damien with him to GDA...

Cecil: You know what Donald has found back at your office?

Cecil: Disappointment?

Cecil: Dry blood, not much but enough to run for DNA.

Damien: ...The guardians.

Cecil: Yup.

Damien: Planted, didn't killed guardians. Didn't try to kill Nolan.

Cecil: I know, but I have to do this anyways.

As Cecil and Damien with guards behind him, they arrive in a room with Donald, sitting down with a book on his hands, and on top of that, he's standing on a summoning route for him to go back to hell...

Damien: Why??!

Cecil: Why?? Because you didn't listen to me when I told you to drop the god damn case!

Damien: Criticize me? Destroy the book you need for the ritual centuries ago.

Cecil: The demonias x mortal? Had few of my guys to reconstruct it, utilize the missing words as well. Technology, am I right?

Cecil hands over the ritual words to Donald as Donald stares saying the words repeatedly out loud...

Damien: Why are you protecting him?!

Cecil: See that's the problem with Demons like you, you always see good in evil black and white, I need to keep things gray, so I can find out why he killed the guardians and to stop him, and WHY he killed SuperMan.

The summoning route started to react and causing a wind around Damien...

Damien: Say I see you in hell, but there is much worse place waiting for you!

Cecil rings the bell, and yet for chains to summon from the ground, attaching them towards Damien, and to drag him back to where he came from, Hell.....afterwards, he is gone...

Donald: S-Sir...Uh...

Cecil: Oh what? Now you care about him? He's not dead, he's back in hell.

Donald: I-Isn't that worse?

Cecil: Not really, it's normal for him....but now we know...*sighs* Knew it was weird for him to be the only one living....don't know how Debbie and Mary are gonna react to that.

Donald: Sir...what about SuperMan's son, y-you know, (YN) Kent?

Cecil: ...That boy is not gonna like it at all, but we have to keep it a secret for him until I'm ready to tell him, but if he even somehow finds out before I tell him...then I could not imagine how pent up anger he'll let out against Nolan....

Later that day, Debbie was at home, Nolan as well as Debbie was cleaning the room, until she heads to the closet, and to drop something from the counter, it was a little book....and that book oddly seems like it belongs to someone that happens to be Damien's, the book contains all evidence and clues....Debbie in her mind thought what Damien told her about Nolan being the only survivor from the massacre, she might find something in here that may or may not be true about she quickly heads to the restroom, locks the door and to have a look on the book...she then got it a page where happens to have to do with Nolan, it was written...

"One suspect, blood on costume, no cameras, the costume contains blood dna, minor Injuries as well.."

After reading that...she doesn't know to believe Damien or not...cause deep down she won't believe even one thing that Nolan might be the killer.....or is he?
We stop there....and we then take a small look at someone else's life rather than Mary's and (YN)'s...we take a look at this particular's persons life, and a familiar one as well and seen him defeated by Invincible, and it's none other than Titan...

We don't know his real name, but he goes by the name of Titan, and you may be thinking, wby focus on him? Isn't he a criminal? Well, not really...Titan here is also a loving husband and father too, with a beautiful wife Vanessa and a daughter, Fiona. Titan has been doing dirty work for a criminal that runs the city, Machine Head...

He is a cyborg person that controls the protection racket of the city, involving drug trafficking, disguising as garbage disposals, and building insurance frauds...Titan works for him for the money, but not just for him, for her daughter and wife, knowing he needed money for her daughters health, and if he even stops or quits working for Machine Head...then he'll find his family and kill him, and Titan needs a way to get rid of him of his life and family....and he knows one person who can help him...
One day, Invincible was flying around with SuperBoy, enjoying some time together, until the two notice a writing on top of a building "Vinsible"...

SuperBoy: Uh, someone wrote your name wrong, heh.

Invincible: Huh, Wonder who, let's go check it.

The two flew over on the building, as they did, they notice Titan there as well...

Invincible: Heh, Miss some words don't you think?

Titan: Paint costed me money to write your long-ass name. And who are you?

SuperBoy: Does it matter to you? But the question here is who are YOU?

Invincible: O-Oh wait! Now remember you! You're that guy I stopped you robbing that bank months ago.

SuperBoy: So you know him?

Invincible: Heh, yeah, kicked his ass as well.

Titan: Names Titan, and you got lucky back there.

Invincible: Heh, sure I did, but hey, if you're here for revenge, I'm in, and he too as well.

SuperBoy: Heh, I don't mind.

Titan: I didn't call you to fight....I called you cause I need your help, your friend as well can help to, if he wants.

Invincible: Huh?? You're joking?

Titan: I'm not.

SuperBoy: Why do you want our help?

Invincible: Besides, you're a criminal.

Titan: You don't even know what that word means.

Invincible: Mmmmm, pretty sure I do.

Titan: No you don't, and I'm not a criminal, I work for money, and I can't get out.

Invincible: So?

Titan: So I need your help about it. What? Don't tell me you can't help me with that k wing you're a hero.

SuperBoy: I mean...even if you are or aren't a criminal, we can help you out.

Titan: Good, then you can help me take down my boss then.

Invincible: So who's your boss?

Titan: Machine Head...he runs this city, he makes lots and lots of money. When people die and want it to keep it that way, he's got muscle like me to take care of it.

Invincible: *sighs* Listen man, we would like to help, but we aren't that kind of people to help...

SuperBoy: Yea, we're more like hero's to save the planet, why don't you call fight force.

Titan: Tch, at least let me show you two what you see down here, what you can't see from up in the skies when you fly.

Invincible: What like...right now??

SuperBoy: I want us to take down your boss right now now??

Titan: Not now, but I wanna show you how he rolls this city...unless You two got somewhere to be?

SuperBoy and Invincible looks at each other, and yet they know Titan is serious about wanting some they help him, and see what he's dealing with. Titan tells them everything about Machine Head, he owns the trash company, uses the trash cans to fill drugs and relive them at the stash houses around the city, he owns the blocks, he pays off inspectors for them not to fix anything that's damage, and he burns them the buildings for insurance money....after knowing information about Machine Head, Invincible and SuperBoy agreed to help Titan out to take out his boss...not just for him, but for his family....which will be easy as pie, I mean come on...what's the worse that can happen? ....
Later on that day,  night hits as Mary was having dinner with her parents and talking about her and (YN) helping Titan...

Mary: I know me and (YN) can take our Machine Head. He's just a crimson with a robot head, but he does have this right hand man that teleport him away if we aren't careful enough. Anyways, mom
Pass me the potatoes yeah?

Debbie: ....

Mary: Mom??

Debbie: O-Oh, sorry.

Debbie passes Mary the bowl mashed potatoes...

Mary: I don't know, what you think dad?

Nolan: ...You'll be making a huge mistake.

Mary: What why??

Nolan: Cause he's using the two of you.

Mary: I'm not an idiot dad, I can tell someone's lying. Titan never wanted to be a criminal at the very first start, he has a family...even his daughter is sick.

Nolan: Even if that's true, you're a viltrumite sweetie, you should at least let (YN) help that person, he can handle it. As for your you fought off an alien invasion, saved the country from an asteroid. This is BENEATH you.

Mary: ...What you think mom?

Debbie: ...Well, you know there's sometimes people aren't who they appear to be.

Nolan: Exactly, listen to your mother, help this guy out, and you'll learn a playful lesson.

Debbie: ...But I also know that belong someone is never beneath you.

Mary: ...I'm gonna sleep on this.

Nolan: Fine.

After dinner, Mary heads to her room and started texting (YN) about helping Titan tomorrow afternoon....while that, Debbie and Nolan were at the kitchen...and Debbie saying to Nolan...

Debbie: Why would you say to Mary that saving lives is under beneath her?!

Nolan: Other people save lives, Mary saves millions, she needs to think big, you aren't just helping much.

Debbie: I'm not helping!??!

Nolan: You don't understand the choices we have to make here, you aren't a superhero-

Debbie: When you first came here, you didn't knew anything about humans, or our society or what was important to us!

Nolan: And?

Debbie: I taught you all that! I showed you how to be a hero here! And suddenly you think I can't do the same to Mary?!

Nolan: ...That's not what I meant, it's just....I just think Mary is putting on trust on someone she shouldn't. Instead of listening to us...even when we disagree. She's only been a hero for months and thinks everything is okay...I just don't want her to make a choice that makes her regret it.

Debbie: ...Neither do I.

The two hug it out...

Nolan: This is happening so fast...I didn't think it would been this difficult....

....Debbie is still unsure about the whole massacre thing that has to do with Nolan...she needs more information but also need to look more deep into it....


The next day, it was noon, and yet school ended as student were leaving home, Mary and (YN) were both walking to their houses and to change into their super suits for their help with Titan...

(YN): It's weird.

Mary: What's weird?

(YN): That we've never heard about this Machine Head guy before, and yet we've been gliding around his building without noticing him.

Mary: Oh, well yeah, it is weird, and we have to help Titan to take Machine Head, should be easy.

(YN): Heh, yeah, I mean I don't know why he needs our help to defeats him, he's just a cyborg dude that doesn't even seem threatening at all.

Mary: Heh yeah, even if he has someone to teleport him, we can still take him down.

(YN): Heh, yeah, simple enough. So...have you talked to Eve?

Mary: *sighs* No good, she's been awful lately, Rex cheating on her, trouble with signing up on colleges and now she's got family problems.

(YN): Damn, ever since what Rex did to her, it's been bad for her...wonder how she's handling all that.

Suddenly, (YN) gets a unknown emergency phone call and answers it either way...

(YN): Hello? ....Yes, This is (YN) Kent.

From what Mary can see on his face expression, it didn't look good, whoever is calling him seems like it's giving him some awful news...

(YN): I-I'll be there! Please do whatever you can!

He hangs up the phone, and yet to seem interest worries and scared...

Mary: What's wrong?!

(YN): M-My grandma...she's at the hospital!

Mary: What?!

(YN): One of the nurses came over to my house and to nurse her at home, but when they got there, they found her on the floor unconscious!

Mary: O-Oh shit!

(YN): Fuck! Mary...I-I'm sorry, but I have to go, I have to see if grandma is okay-

Mary: Y-Yea it's fine! Don't worry, go! I'll help Titan myself, you just go and check your grandma now!

(YN): Okay! Thanks Mary! I owe you one!

(YN) then starts running and to run towards the trees and to fly off over to the hospital....Mary then started to get worried for (YN)'s grandmother...and she hopes that everything turns out okay...

Mary: ...Hope nothing goes wrong...but for now, I gotta go help Titan.


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